We do our best to alternate between "local" (Vung Tau City) and "away" (out of town) runs each week.
"Local" runs include various trails on all four peaks of Big Mountain, and both peaks of Small Mountain, as well as the "city centre/lake" trail.
"Away" runs cover much of the wider Ba Ria-Vung Tau province area, specifically the Fishing village/beach area north of Vung Tau City - as well as Go Gang, Long Son island, Ba Ria, Nui Dinh, Long Hai and the Minh Dam Base. Run sites outside those boundaries are unlikely to be viable because they will invariably require an earlier than usual start (we have "2 pm for 2.30 pm departure" every week, so there's no confusion), or additional bus-hire fees which could, in turn, require a hike in run fees - which is never advisable if it can be avoided!
The bus trips for "away" runs average 30-45 minutes - just enough time for a chat on the outward leg, and our regular international song festival on the way home! Longer trips are not encouraged unless "once-offs" for a special occasion, eg joint run with another Hash, etc.
The following is a summary of trails laid and/or followed for about a year after the first "Re-Hash the Hash" run on 9 July 2011 (VTH3 run 482), to give the uninitiated an idea of the variety of trail options we follow. Many more trails have been laid and followed since then, and will hopefully be added to this page in due course by the relevant Hares. Each of the main trail areas is also summarised in the drop-down menus bearing the relevant name. Run numbers are shown to assist cross-referencing against run reports and photos.
A more comprehensive listing of these trails appears on the "Trails archive" page.
Big Mountain
a) Vi Ba - the bitumen road used by locals for exercising every day (VTH3 runs 483, 484, 491, 492).
b) The "steep but not too steep" climb from that road where there's a white curved arrow sign, then take the left track at the "crossroads" near the top (499, 502). Subsequently named the "Waterfall trail".
c) The "very steep" climb from that same road alongside the pagoda opposite Venus Nightclub (508). Now fenced off.
d) Via 600+ steps (485, 490, 495, 504).
e) Via 600+ steps in reverse (506, 519).
f) Cable Car Theme Park (521).
g) Cross behind large Virgin Mary statue: "Rowdy's Ridge" (523).
h) "Hem 36" (525).
Small mountain - Jesus Hill
a) Along Phan Chu Trinh to Hem 195 then up track to statue. Descend down tourist steps (482, 489, 511).
b) Ditto above but walk all the way back around Ha Long and then Phan Chu Trinh to Watering Hole (503). WH now relocated a bit closer, but plenty of other potential "watering holes" in the area.
c) Ditto a) above but descend same trail in reverse (501).
d) Long way around to Hem 195 via Ha Long (507).
Small mountain - Lighthouse Hill
a) Normal Hai Dong access road off Ha Long just before Bayview Café and Lucy's, then hairpin left-hand bend and follow to cul de sac on right as road goes left to the top (486).
b) As above but climb out of cul de sac and descend other side via Rod/CSJ's "slippery slope" (513).
c) Ditto above but ignore cul de sac and go straight (veer to left) up to Lighthouse - see arrows showing left fork (505).
d) Via pagoda steps at 40 Ha Long (497, 509).
e) Via pagoda steps opposite house 2/2 on Hai Dong road behind Bayview Café, Lucy's (516).
Typhoon Pakhar city trail
a) Local run for major downpours only - between drinks! (517).
Flying Finn & Irene's lake run (City Centre, Vo Thi Sau)
a) Virtually right across Vung Tau "foreigners' quarter" and CBD towards Back Beach. Shortcut back across the lake (515).
Fishing village/beach
a) About 5 km past Sea View apartments north of the city, combining beach and off-road trails including the fishing village (488, 514).
Go Gang Bridges
a) Short-cut to Long Son island, with plenty of trail options through oyster farms and small communes on either side of the new road (494).
Long Son island
a) Pagoda/Bang Lang restaurant trail (510).
b) "Uncle's favourite" combining mountain and oyster farms (512).
c) "Uncle & Anti's farewell", including boat trip to floating restaurant (520).
Nui Dinh
a) Angel Stream (487).
b) Twin pipes to or from swimming pool café (493, 524).
c) Coffee shop to old house in woods, via access track to the right before the bridge (498).
d) Upwards to swimming pool café from cemetery area opposite school (500). Three trails plus one supplementary.
e) Nui Dinh Lake (522). Two main trails plus several possible alternatives and combinations.
Long Hai Mountains and Minh Dam Base (Secret Zone)
a) Follow road through Long Hai and then past resorts and turn left at Minh Dam Base to car park (496). Three trails from car park.
b) "New pagoda route" starting at new (monkey) pagoda about 2 km before Minh Dam Base and ending at the car park (518).
We do our best to alternate between "local" (Vung Tau City) and "away" (out of town) runs each week.
"Local" runs include various trails on all four peaks of Big Mountain, and both peaks of Small Mountain, as well as the "city centre/lake" trail.
"Away" runs cover much of the wider Ba Ria-Vung Tau province area, specifically the Fishing village/beach area north of Vung Tau City - as well as Go Gang, Long Son island, Ba Ria, Nui Dinh, Long Hai and the Minh Dam Base. Run sites outside those boundaries are unlikely to be viable because they will invariably require an earlier than usual start (we have "2 pm for 2.30 pm departure" every week, so there's no confusion), or additional bus-hire fees which could, in turn, require a hike in run fees - which is never advisable if it can be avoided!
The bus trips for "away" runs average 30-45 minutes - just enough time for a chat on the outward leg, and our regular international song festival on the way home! Longer trips are not encouraged unless "once-offs" for a special occasion, eg joint run with another Hash, etc.
The following is a summary of trails laid and/or followed for about a year after the first "Re-Hash the Hash" run on 9 July 2011 (VTH3 run 482), to give the uninitiated an idea of the variety of trail options we follow. Many more trails have been laid and followed since then, and will hopefully be added to this page in due course by the relevant Hares. Each of the main trail areas is also summarised in the drop-down menus bearing the relevant name. Run numbers are shown to assist cross-referencing against run reports and photos.
A more comprehensive listing of these trails appears on the "Trails archive" page.
Big Mountain
a) Vi Ba - the bitumen road used by locals for exercising every day (VTH3 runs 483, 484, 491, 492).
b) The "steep but not too steep" climb from that road where there's a white curved arrow sign, then take the left track at the "crossroads" near the top (499, 502). Subsequently named the "Waterfall trail".
c) The "very steep" climb from that same road alongside the pagoda opposite Venus Nightclub (508). Now fenced off.
d) Via 600+ steps (485, 490, 495, 504).
e) Via 600+ steps in reverse (506, 519).
f) Cable Car Theme Park (521).
g) Cross behind large Virgin Mary statue: "Rowdy's Ridge" (523).
h) "Hem 36" (525).
Small mountain - Jesus Hill
a) Along Phan Chu Trinh to Hem 195 then up track to statue. Descend down tourist steps (482, 489, 511).
b) Ditto above but walk all the way back around Ha Long and then Phan Chu Trinh to Watering Hole (503). WH now relocated a bit closer, but plenty of other potential "watering holes" in the area.
c) Ditto a) above but descend same trail in reverse (501).
d) Long way around to Hem 195 via Ha Long (507).
Small mountain - Lighthouse Hill
a) Normal Hai Dong access road off Ha Long just before Bayview Café and Lucy's, then hairpin left-hand bend and follow to cul de sac on right as road goes left to the top (486).
b) As above but climb out of cul de sac and descend other side via Rod/CSJ's "slippery slope" (513).
c) Ditto above but ignore cul de sac and go straight (veer to left) up to Lighthouse - see arrows showing left fork (505).
d) Via pagoda steps at 40 Ha Long (497, 509).
e) Via pagoda steps opposite house 2/2 on Hai Dong road behind Bayview Café, Lucy's (516).
Typhoon Pakhar city trail
a) Local run for major downpours only - between drinks! (517).
Flying Finn & Irene's lake run (City Centre, Vo Thi Sau)
a) Virtually right across Vung Tau "foreigners' quarter" and CBD towards Back Beach. Shortcut back across the lake (515).
Fishing village/beach
a) About 5 km past Sea View apartments north of the city, combining beach and off-road trails including the fishing village (488, 514).
Go Gang Bridges
a) Short-cut to Long Son island, with plenty of trail options through oyster farms and small communes on either side of the new road (494).
Long Son island
a) Pagoda/Bang Lang restaurant trail (510).
b) "Uncle's favourite" combining mountain and oyster farms (512).
c) "Uncle & Anti's farewell", including boat trip to floating restaurant (520).
Nui Dinh
a) Angel Stream (487).
b) Twin pipes to or from swimming pool café (493, 524).
c) Coffee shop to old house in woods, via access track to the right before the bridge (498).
d) Upwards to swimming pool café from cemetery area opposite school (500). Three trails plus one supplementary.
e) Nui Dinh Lake (522). Two main trails plus several possible alternatives and combinations.
Long Hai Mountains and Minh Dam Base (Secret Zone)
a) Follow road through Long Hai and then past resorts and turn left at Minh Dam Base to car park (496). Three trails from car park.
b) "New pagoda route" starting at new (monkey) pagoda about 2 km before Minh Dam Base and ending at the car park (518).