PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 26 March 2017 LONG SON ISLAND - "Up, up and over..." Hares: Flying Finn, Skipper Hash Flash: Paddy. Team photo: Fot tret Ringmaster: SamSon Report: Basil We all met again at Hon Ru Ri and Ms Hien and Junior Hasher Ben arrived just on time before our Hashmobile started to go to today’s trail in Long Son. Weather forecast is sunny, and we picked up Terminator’s family and Aurora, and our Hash Flash Paddy was already waiting at Long Son. Total 41 Hashers today. We disembarked at one of Long Son’s historical monuments, the Big House. Then we all walked to the base of the mountain and listened to co-Hare Flying Finn’s chalk-talk, while avoiding the goodwill of the locals who wanted to point out many ways to the mountain! Once we listened to the Hare, then it is “On-On” to the mountain, with two Junior Hashers in the leading group. With the trail both sunny and challenging, especially for first time Hashers, everyone helped and we took our time to reach the top. Then we keep going down the mountain on the other side and must pass through a thick forest. At this time, support Hares Basil and SamSon contacted the Hashmobile driver and directed him to pick up Hashers on the road. Once we got every Hasher, we all going to the restaurant that serve local signature dish for our Down Down, we wash it down together with our ice cold San Miguels, soft drinks and water, and Hash Flash took this chance for inside restaurant photo shoot. But for safer measure, Fot tret took another group photo outside the restaurant, then SamSon don the chain of office and started the Circle, but he’s been a long time offshore and forgot today’s run number! After the welcome message, Hares Flying Finn and Skipper were brought into the Circle and Junior Hashers Ben and Ice Man were nominated to rate the trail, which they gave 10/10. We welcomed Hash Virgins Andy from UK who learn about the Hash from Faulty Brakes; Ms Huyen, a friend of Viking, and daughter Khuyen; and Ms Nhan and Mr Hung, students of Ba Ria-Vung Tau university; so a Hash Virgin song is performed by Basil and SamSon. Then Returnees, Mr Dan for working, SamSon has no excuse, Mr Phuoc also “Working!”, “Double working!!” for Ruslan, Tiny Tim “Working!!!” and Rita was in Russia! Sinners: Faulty Brakes for the beer, our usual Skipper with his sandals and free beer, Basil for not handling the Hashmobile well, Flying Finn for not listening to Basil’s advice, and Mr Hung for wearing sandals. Basil is worst excuse so a tube of shame is presented to him, but 3 days ago was his birthday so a birthday song for him for always looking out for the Hash. We finally reach the end of today’s run and we have Long Hai trail already set by Flying Finn and Skipper, so next week is Long Hai, "A" to "A" trail from Duong 36. So we’ll meet again on Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #778 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 19 March 2017 BIG MOUNTAIN - A long hike for some! Hares: Flying Finn, Faulty Brakes Hash Flash: Mr Tu Anh Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil Today’s forecast is sunny weather, but we were unable to book the bus to Long Hai so welcomed 22 Hashers join us at Hon Ru Ri for today’s 'back-up' run on Big Mountain. We called our Hash taxis to take us to the start point at 750 Tran Phu; however, two taxis mistakenly went to Hem 241 Tran Phu, but we steered them all back to the correct starting point. Then we all walked to the alley of the temple and Flying Finn started his chalk-talk to say we will go through the alley of the temple and some small houses, then another temple, then go up the steps to follow the red tape and we reach the cement road. Then the trail is split: Flying Finn will show the short-cut to the Down Down, and the rest can follow Faulty Brakes to the Artillery Station and follow down the road and take the stairs down to Tran Phu and walk a long way around to 102 Tran Phu for the Down Down. So “On-On” we go through the small alley, past some small houses and turned at the second temple and next is the stairs, which some Hashers doesn’t like it very much, but we all managed to pass through that challenge. Then we passed the Cambodian Temple and up to the cement road, where we say good-bye to those who take the short-cut. We walk all the way through the village up top, while avoiding oncoming motor bikes and Ho May’s Park’s golf cart. After enjoying the breeze we took some happy photos and one Hash Virgin used his GoPro to record the moment. We all walk down to the Artillery Station and some more photos were taken, then we walked to the steps and headed down to Tran Phu and started our long walk to 102 Tran Phu. Then we received a call from our Hash Flash that some Hashers from the first group had walked all the way to Hem 444 Tran Phu and had no idea where to go next, so we managed to direct them to 102 Tran Phu. After quite some time walking, we finally reach 102 Tran Phu with the old lady owner waiting with our ice-cold San Miguel in the eskies. After some refreshment, it is time for the team photo and Basil together with Junior Grandmaster Ben started the Circle after that. After welcome message we welcomed Hares Flying Finn and Faulty Brakes who saved this week’s run when no bus available (so also a good thing that we didn’t do the proposed joint run with SH3 and PH3 because if no bus come to pick us up, it would have been a disaster)! With the Hares in the Circle, Blondie translated for Aurora to rate the trail. “A beautiful view with perfect weather and a good run together”: Aurora gave today’s run a 10/10. Our Hash Virgins next: Igor from Russia, whom Stubble met in Nha Trang and introduced to the Hash; and another Hash Virgin with his GoPro, Mr Hieu, who met Basil this morning and joined the Hash in the afternoon. A Hash Virgin song for them! Returnees, Ms Ly and this is her second time at the Hash which mean it is a long time she was absent, with her excuse “Busy”. And Returnee Junior Hasher Ben with excuse, ‘playing soccer with his father’. And Sinners Tiger, Ms Hien, Mr Hieu, Mr Tu Anh and Mr Hieu were nominated because they were seen taking a taxi to the Down Down and, as promised, Skipper with his beer and sandals! Our Hash Flash received his Hash name since he come to Hash more than 6th times: first name nominated is “Snowdon” because Anthony Snowdon was a well-known society photographer who married the Queen’s sister, Princess Margaret, and became Lord Snowdon. Second nomination is “Patrick (Lord) Lichfield” another English society photographer. Third nomination was “Snapshot”. Mr Tu Anh chose the second one but, because of a long name, we decided to call him “Paddy”! Finally, announcement that next Sunday’s trail is already set by Skipper and Flying Finn at Long Hai, but watch the NEXT RUN box on our website in case any changes. STOP PRESS (Tuesday): Trail changed to Long Son Island, up and over the mountain. Details in run 'reminder' email later this week. So we’ll meet again on Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #777 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 12 March 2017 BIG MOUNTAIN - another new trail for many! Hares: Terminator, Mother Teresa Hash Flash: Mr Tu Anh Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil Today, the weather is sunny but not at all very hot as we welcomed 30 Hashers at Hon Ru Ri for today's run. Hare Terminator ran up ahead to Vi Ba road, and co-Hare Mother Teresa stayed behind to start the chalk-talk with translator Super Teen. We all walked up the steps of Hem 89 to reach Vi Ba and continue the chalk-talk. One Hasher arrived late but managed to meet us at Vi Ba (total 31 Hashers today). Mother Teresa and Super Teen told us we would walk down a few kilometres to a temple, take the stairs up to another temple on the mountain, then follow red tape to a longer route under the electricity poles. Once at the top, we will walk around the side of the mountain and then down under the cable cars and take the White Villa shortcut to reach Hon Ru Ri. “On-On” we go to the temple familiar with Returnees but not Hash Virgins. We took some time admiring the view and taking photos while Mother Teresa trying to tell everyone to keep going! We walked to the second temple then followed the runners up to the mountain, then realised we were going the wrong way but Mother Teresa guided us back safely. The trail led to the 'monks trail' and there were ropes tied tree to tree to create a handrail that helped Hashers go up the mountain. Once at the top, we took lots of pictures and then headed down the mountain; then we had a choice to go under the cable cars or shortcut down to Vi Ba and White Villa. The last group chose the latter: we came down to Vi Ba, and walked to the White Villa trail to reach Hon Ru Ri where our ice cold San Miguels were waiting. After some time, we were visited by Hon Ru Ri’s general manager (our generous host), which was the second time he's met the Hash face to face; but he unfortunately couldn't stay too long. After the group photo taken by Mr Tu Anh, we started the Circle quickly because some people already had to go home. A welcome message and congratulations for the trail completed, then we invited Hares Terminator and Mother Teresa into the Circle, and Flying Finn wished to rate the trail. “The trail is wonderful, or is it awful - who knows?" but he enjoyed every minute of it so the trail was rated 10+/10. We welcomed new Junior Hasher, Nhan, and his cousin who invited him, Ms Kim Ngan. The other Hash Virgins had already gone home so a Hash Virgin song for Nhan was in order! Let‘s bring back the Returnees: Ki Ki and Astro Girl with excuses they've been in “Swimming practice”; next Astro Mom and Aqua follow them to “Swimming lessons”; finally Kojak with “Lam viec” (work) as his excuse. Of course Sinners: we welcomed Skipper with his inappropriate footwear and Tapio also from Finland. Gordon, a new Hasher, forgot to step in for the Circle earlier so he step in as a Sinner with his inappropriate footwear! Announcement that we're still looking for sponsors for the 25th year/800 runs t-shirts, and everyone is invited to submit a design for the shirts - but finished art only, please, not just pencil drawings on paper (or "ideas") or we'll have to pay someone to produce the artwork and we always try to keep the prices as low as possible! All information and/or finished artwork to Basil or Uncle via [email protected] or the "Contact VTH3" page on our website please. Also a recommendation from our exclusive beer sponsor, San Miguel, via Basil and Faulty Brakes to visit New Century bar (owner Michael Husbands) to sample any or all of four draft San Miguel beers: Pale Pilsen ("gold"), Light ("silver"), Cerveza Negra and Red Horse. San Miguel supports VTH3, so let's return their generosity by sampling their products at every opportunity! And before we closed the Circle, an announcement that next week's run #777 has been planned: Flying Finn and Skipper as the Hares and Minh Dam is the trail (now changed to Local trail with Hares FF and Faulty Brakes because no bus available this week - see NEXT RUN box for updates). So we’ll meet again next Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #776 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 05 March 2017 NUI DINH - and another new trail! Hares: Flying Finn, Skipper Hash Flash: Mr Tu Anh Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil We all met again at Hon Ru Ri as today we run at Dinh Mountain again, and we received a few Hash Virgins and many Returnees. We picked up Terminator family plus Aurora and a new Hash Virgin from Russia, and our Hash Flash Mr Tu Anh at the base of Dinh Mountain on his 5th run. Our Hashmobile gracefully traversed to the top of Dinh Mountain to reach our destination, then we all got off to listen to Hare Flying Finn’s Chalk-Talk while also avoiding oncoming motorbikes. Then “On-On” to the trail, and one Hash Virgin took this chance to take a photo with everyone and himself. We found the trail on the left of the road and then we realised the markers also have markings of the Mountain Bike club that we met last week. We go across a small river and then into the deep jungle where some part of the hot sun is covered by tall trees and provided shade for the Hashers. Then we came out of the forest and onto our familiar dirt road, and we followed the red tape to go up the hill and into the forest once again. About 20 minutes walk into a familiar trail and for Blondie, her first time in this part of Dinh Mountain; we eventually came out of the forest to reach the lake coffee shop and some more photos at the piggery. We finally came back to the bus where our ice cold San Miguels were waiting to reward Hashers for a good run, with snacks provided by Mother Teresa and Ice Water. We were also visited by the guard dog of a local farmer, curious of what Hashers are doing and what we are eating. After some time, Ringmaster Basil donned the chain of office and started the team photo and then the Circle. After the welcome message, we invited Flying Finn and Skipper into the Circle and surprise Returnee Lady D volunteered to rate the trail. She said she was tired after the trip from Australia but now felt energetic because she had been missing the Hashers and now she's back and on a new trail at Nui Dinh, so 10/10 to the Hares! We welcomed Hash Virgins Anne and husband Arhu, and Mr Tapio, from Finland. They gave their first impression that it was a good exercise group, lots of things to see during the trip, and friendly Hashers. Last but not least, Terminator’s friend whose name we can’t pronounce (or spell!), gave us his comment with Russian-English translation by Blondie: “It was 12 years since I had worked in Vung Tau and now retired, had never known a friendly fun group with outdoor activities such as VTH3". Sadly, he will soon leave to Russia but promised to return one day, so he will see us again. Basil suggested he could join a Russia Hash but he said nothing can compare to VTH3! We welcomed back our Returnees and we wanted to hear their excuses: Barry retired and went back to Australia but now here because “Holiday”; Lady D away only 2 months “to settle family business, but she missed us all so she return”; Tim gave a novel excuse that he has been depressed because of 2 words: “Donald Trump”; and lastly Ms Diep and her brother Mr Trinh because of “Working”. Sinners next: 3 men, all from Finland - Skipper, Arhu and Tapio with their slippers, so each a cup of beer, and our today’s Hash Flash with a lens cup donated last week by Radio Wave. Down Downs for them all! Announcement for next week that the Hares will be Terminator and Mother Teresa, with Blondie as Translator again. Big Mountain for next week's run, and thank you Mother Teresa (and Ice Water) for today's snacks. And before we closed the Circle, Basil announced that we are still looking for t-shirt sponsors, and any design that you can contribute or a production factory that anyone knows, let Basil or Uncle know. We’ll meet again next Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #775 PHOTO GALLERY
Apologies for image quality - they're unedited copies of copies because we experienced some camera resolution issues! |
January 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025