PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 26 February 2017 NUI DINH - another new trail! Hares: Faulty Brakes, SamSon Hash Flash: Mr Tu Anh Ringmaster: SamSon Report: Basil Today is again perfect weather, feeling cool breeze and no sun as we welcome many Hash Virgins at Hon Ru Ri joining today’s run with interesting stories to tell, as well as some familiar faces of Returnees. Our Hash Mobile had some problems but still managed to arrive on time. We picked up Terminator, Mother Teresa and Family on the way to Dinh Mountain and our Hash Flash, Mr Tu Anh (Anthony) was also waiting for us there. When we arrived, last week’s hares Flying Finn and Skipper took the chance to mark another trail for next week, so it will be three consecutive weeks on Nui Dinh after several local runs over the Tet holiday period. Hare SamSon went ahead first to check the red tape, and co-Hare Faulty Brakes gave the Chalk-Talk: We shall go to the dirt road, pass the lake coffee shop and follow red tape that SamSon already check ahead; he will stay at the end of the trail to let everyone know when we shall turn back to the bus for the Down Down. “On-On” we go with Terminator and new Hash K9 dash up ahead with Grozny II following; Hash Virgins walk at the back with support from Basil and Faulty Brakes. They really surprised to find many nature trails that the Hash has been and seen, and they wish they could have joined the Hash sooner! As we followed the trail left by SamSon, we finally reached the end with mark on a tree and turned back to the bus. On the way back, Hash Virgins from Canada, Daryl and wife Cindy, noticed a covered statue near the coffee shop; on closer look, we noticed that is a finished statue ready for delivery to the pagoda up the mountain. We finally reach the bus with Hash Virgins exhausted from their first run, but they recovered with some help from our sponsor San Miguel’s products in ice cold eskies. After some delicious fruit and Mother Teresa’s Russian home cooking, we start our Hash team photo, but no camera from Radio Wave and he will explain in the Circle. A welcome message from Ringmaster SamSon and we invited the Hares, SamSon and Faulty Brakes to the Circle for a well done week with Grozny II as the nominator. Because he run faster and passed Terminator and reached SamSon first before SamSon could finish checking the trail. Grozny II gave the trail 9/10 plus today is perfect weather, so a 10/10. We welcomed Hash Virgins Mr Nhat Linh, a third year student; Mr Lam a Vung Tau local who followed the red tape on Big Mountain to join his way to the Hash; Daryl and Cindy, a couple from Canada were told about the Hash by The Gardener when they met him in Nha Trang; Ms Ngan, a second-year accounting student in Ba Ria-Vung Tau University; and Ms Mai Ly introduced by Ms “Sweet”. A Hash virgin song was performed by SamSon and Basil. Returnees UFO for “Lazy Bones”, Radio Wave “Still in Tet mode”, Michael for “Busy”, Ms Hien “Working” and Ms Quyen “In Ha Noi”. With “Lazy Bones” judged the worst excuse, UFO earned himself a Sinner’s Cup! Radio Wave avoided a Sinner’s Cup with his second excuse: “I present a camera lens as the Hash Flash cup from now on”, and Hash Flash Mr Tu Anh received his exclusive Hash Flash cup for our future Hash Flash! (see photos). For some reason, Daryl and Cindy were called into the Circle; it seems as Visitors from Nha Trang Hash, although they told everyone before the Circle that they didn’t know what Hashing is - but still they got free beer! And Sinners: of course Skipper who likes to wear slippers and drink beer; Cindy because her husband allowed her to have only one (non-Hash) pair of footwear; Grozny II because he managed to catch up with the Hare. And Ms “Sweet” charged the new Hash K9 for “no shoes” and Mother Teresa counter-charged Ms Sweet “There are no stores that sell Hash shoes for dogs”! Down Downs for all! Next, we welcomed Tania into the Circle for her 6th run; Radio Wave said our Russian team has discussed that Tania’s hometown can see the Arctic lights so we got 2 options “Aurora” and “Arctic Circle”, with Flying Finn adding “We call them Northern Lights in Finland, so 3 options”. Tania chose “Aurora”, so “Here’s to “Aurora” she’s true blue…”. Announcement for next week that the Hares shall be Flying Finn and Skipper on Dinh Mountain again, but with yet another different trail. We all thanked Foodies Mother Teresa and Tiny Tim. And before we ended the Circle, Faulty Brakes announced that we’re looking for a t-shirt sponsor and any design or production factory that anyone knows, please let Basil or Uncle know (email [email protected] or use “Contact VTH3” page on website). We’ll meet again next Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #774 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 19 February 2017 NUI DINH - two trails, mountain bikes and pigs! Hares: Flying Finn, Skipper Hash Flash: Mr Tu Anh. Additional photos: Nhan, Tiger, Ms Kieu Anh Ringmaster: SamSon Report: Basil The weather was perfect as we gathered at Hon Ru Ri: cool breeze and no sun. We welcomed 41 Hashers, plus another 5 we picked up on the way to Nui Dinh including Mr Tu Anh, who waited for us at the base of the mountain, making a total of 46. While we were driving up the mountain, there were still some devotees who came to the Temple even though Lunar New Year is over. We reached our destination at the end of the sealed road, and Hare Flying Finn told Hashers to follow the dirt road and stop at the lake coffee shop for the Chalk-Talk. Faulty Brakes and SamSon also took this chance to mark next week’s trail. Once Hashers had all arrived at the coffee shop, Flying Finn started his chalk-talk: We shall follow the road, until we see red tape that tells us to turn right. Follow the red tape until you see a white barrier tape set by another group. Once there we had two options: turn right for a short cut, or for the longer trail continue up ahead and then turn right. Then it was “On-On” with Flying Finn as the lead hare and Skipper as “Ailing Hash” (backmarker) Hare with Basil supporting. We walked until we reached the turning point, but Tiger and Mr Smiley confused the trail with next week’s Hares, deciding to follow them despite Skipper trying to warn them. When we reached the white barrier tape, some people decided for short cut, others followed the longer trail. At this time, the last group met Terminator and Grozny II, with no idea they had already run and finished the long trail, Basil thought they’d gone the wrong way so he pointed to the long trail and Grozny II ran the long trail a second time! During Hashing, we finally met the group who had put up the white barrier tape: a mountain bike club from Ho Chi Minh city. We avoided their oncoming bikes and also said “Hi” to the riders. Once we finished the long trail, we came back to the short trail and followed it to the lake coffee shop, where some decided to take photos of the lake and little mountain pigs. Then we walked back to our bus for the Circle and Down Down. At this time, our Hashers were visited by a local pig farmer, very popular with the Hashers, so time for more photos! Then we took our Hash team photo, and Junior Hasher Ice Man donned the chain of office as Ringmaster SamSon started the Circle. A welcoming message, and we brought in today’s Hares, Flying Finn and Skipper. So many good points from the Circle towards today’s run, so our Junior RM gave them 10/10. We welcomed today’s Hash Virgins, Michael from Ireland and friend of Faulty Brakes; Mr Aki whom Basil forgot his nationality; Ms Terhy, her son Rhino and his wife, Ms Van, all introduced by Skipper; and Mr Hoang and Ms Van Anh who are staff of Hon Ru Ri and decided to join us today. We welcomed them all with our Hash Virgin song. Next our Returnees: Tina with her excuse: “Working and vacation in Russia”, Ronald Reagan “My son was sick, and I was working”, Mr Smiley “Still in Tet mode” and finally, Tiger and son Oggy with “Working and Lazy”; Down Downs for them all! Sinners were Skipper, Tina and Mr Aki for wearing sandals, with Tina’s excuse that she forgot, Skipper feels comfortable wearing sandals, so the sinners’ cups went to Skipper and Mr Aki, and the tube of shame to Tina! We now officially gave Ms Kieu Anh a Hash name since she has joined us more than six times; suggestions from the Circle were “Fruits”, “Petit”, and “Sweet” because she brought us fruit. She decided to settle with “Sweet”, so welcome “Sweet” to our Hash Family! Finally, announcements about the unfortunately cancelled joint run, and Basil will sell t-shirts and caps after the Circle. Next week’s trail is Dinh Mountain again, but different than today’s trail, with Hares SamSon and Faulty Brakes. We’ll meet again next Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #773 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 12 February 2017 BIG MOUNTAIN - Big Guns, and a new Down Down spot! Hares: Flying Finn, Faulty Brakes Hash Flash: Mr Tu Anh; Additional Circle photos: Terminator Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil This week, we were not able to book the bus for our scheduled away run since it was fully booked by devotees for the First Full Moon of the New Lunar Year. So today’s “Plan B” trail was set by Flying Finn and Faulty Brakes on Big Mountain (not Small Mountain as shown in the NEXT RUN box - sorry about that!). When it was the time to leave Hon Ru Ri, co-Hare Faulty Brakes hopped on the “Hash Taxi” first with the eskies to carry them to Hem 542 near the Temple close to the Army Base, for the Circle and Down Down. Then all Hashers were to go to Tran Phu 364, but somehow one taxi made it all the way to Hem 444 instead! Luckily they came back in plenty of time to join us. We listened to the Chalk-talk and then it was “On-On” up the steps and all the way to the former Artillery Station while avoiding oncoming motor bikes. We then continued on to the village above the Artillery Station, and along the concrete road. The magnificent view of Vung Tau City from up there is unique, and many photos were taken before we continued on our way. Half way around, we spotted Hasher Viking taking some friends around the mountain; we said "Hi" to them and then continued on until we met Faulty Brakes who was waiting to direct everyone down the mountain. Once we reached the temple, the eskies were there at the newly built parking lot, which is now our new off-road Down Down area for that trail! After some delicious Russian food and tropical fruit, we started the team photo and then it was time to "Circle up". After a welcome message and explanation from Ringmaster Basil why today wasn’t an away trail, we welcomed our Hares and a lot of Russians rated the trail: “Very good trail and beautiful scenery; a million dollar view”, was the vote. But there were some confusing markings in places (probably from other hiking groups, students, etc), so 9/10. Hash Virgins introduced themselves: Mr Hieu, told about the Hash by Mr Tu Anh, and Mr Hieu’s shy young son, Harry, was also a Hash Virgin today. We welcomed a Visitor from Saigon Hash, Overdrive, who is happy to be in Vung Tau. Then two returnees: Deanamo with excuse “Enjoying Tet” and Tiny Tim, “Holiday in Russia”. Sinners: Skipper for inappropriate footwear and still unbuttoning his shirt despite Uncle presenting him with new buttons a few weeks ago(!), Mr Kim for his new shoes, and Overdrive because "free beer for all Sinners"! We thanked today’s Foodies: Mother Teresa, Black Hawk and Tiny Tim for delicious Russian snacks and Ms Kieu Anh for lovely Vietnamese fruits. Finally, confirmation that next week’s trail on Nui Dinh has already been set by Hares Flying Finn and Skipper. Also Basil will bring t-shirts and caps next week for anyone who would like to purchase them while there are still a few left in stock. The "700 runs" shirts are top quality, moisture repellant and 120k VND each; white, embroidered caps are 30k each - bargain prices! We’ll meet again next Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #772 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 05 February 2017 BIG MOUNTAIN - Waterfall "end of Tet 2017" Hare: Basil Hash Flash: Mr Kim Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil Today marked the last day of Tet 2017, and 19 Hashers met at Hon Ru Ri. Basil led the group to Vi Ba street and started his chalk-talk. Last week’s trail led down to “M90” but today, we go the opposite direction on Vi Ba: up the road and turn right onto the mountain trail that leads up to the plateau crossroads. Then we turn left to go on the Waterfall trail. When coming out of the trail, head down past the sugar cane shop until you reach the short cut that goes through White Villa to Hon Ru Ri. When we reach the trail, new Hashers Owen and Eve decided to take the "scenic route" up the road instead of the track, so we will meet again at the sugar cane shop. Once we reached the plateau, we followed the Waterfall trail which today has some local exercisers following Hasher trail. After we reached the road at the top, we came down to the sugar cane shop and followed the sealed road down to the Pagoda that has lot of monkeys waiting for passers-by to give them food. We finally reached the short cut to the White Villa and we all go down until we reach Hon Ru Ri. We welcomed Hash run #771 and finally said goodbye to Tet 2017. Today’s trail is same as last week but shorter and Basil is the Hare. Returnee Faulty Brakes rated the trail 9/10. We now welcome 2 new Hash Virgins from Australia, Owen and his wife Eve. They know the Hash from online which they decided to have an exercise day during their stay in Vung Tau and are surprised that the Hash are such a welcoming group. Welcome back Returnees, and we expected good excuses from them. Faulty Brakes excuse is “Anh di ve 3 thang”, Christian “Joined the Hash in 2014 but away 2 years”, Grozny II “Vacation in Russia” and finally Alex “Lazy”. We have no Sinners today but anyone volunteering to be a Sinner will get a free beer. Christian volunteered that his Sin is he normally doesn’t drink beer, but today he does. Next week, everything is back to normal. And we have volunteers Faulty Brakes and Flying Finn to help set a trail. They’re not sure which trail yet, but will contact Basil and let Uncle know to update the NEXT RUN box on our website, so please check later in the week for run details. We’ll meet again next Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #771 PHOTO GALLERY
September 2024
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2023