PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 0938 83 31 83 or 0906 79 11 55 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 30 March 2014 LONG HAI - Minh Dam Secret Zone Some 20 or so Hashers set off on Sunday for a "great new trail" set by KFC and SamSon in the Long Hai mountains - Minh Dam Secret Zone. Co-Hare SamSon briefed the troops on arrival, sending everyone to the bottom of the hill for the second part of the briefing - and then it was "On On" and "Up Up" hundreds of steps (very familiar to anyone who's enjoyed a Hash with VTH3!). It was a warm day, which contributed to a lot of heavy breathing and a rest stop to take in the stunning vistas from a conveniently located viewing point from a cluster of large boulders on the side of the mountain. Then it was back to the climb again - until the breathless crew finally reached a temple at the top of the mountain (Q: Why do monks always build their pagodas so high up the mountainsides? A: No idea, but it always adds to the Hash experience...). And then we did the whole thing in reverse with an amazingly long journey down the mountainside, which quickly replaced the shaky breathing with a lot of shaky legs! Everyone made it safely down to the Ngoc Xuong resort - another first for VTH3 in the Long Hai's (the resort, that is - not the fact that we all made it safely down; that's usually a given!). Ring Master Ronald Reagan called the Circle after a break for refreshments - including chopped coconut hand-prepared by co-Hare SamSon (see photos). The trail was awarded a high score of 7.5/10 by Kojak; no fewer than six VTH3 Virgins from four different countries were welcomed; and everyone experienced "icing" VTH3-style (being doused in cold water). We finally boarded the Hashmobile for return to base camp (Offshore Bar 1), which was reached at around 6.30 pm, with KFC as choirmaster - marking the end of yet another very pleasant day in Ba Ria-Vung Tau! Next Sunday will be another "away" run - this time on "everyone's favourite mountain": Nui Dinh (about 5 km west of Ba Ria). The trail will again be set by Hares KFC and SamSon, so we're sure to see some places of local interest as we ramble around the countryside! We'll meet as usual: Offshore Bar 1 beer garden at 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. Be early - only the first 29 will get a seat! PS The stock of VTH3 600th run t-shirts is now almost depleted, so if anyone still wants one, be sure to join us soon! On On! ![]() Reporting: Ronald Reagan, Uncle Hares: KFC, SamSon Hash Flash: KFC - with additional photos by Tiny Tim VTH3 #622 PHOTO GALLERY>>>>> KFC's photos first, then Tiny Tim's... ...and now Tiny Tim's photos>>>>>>>>>
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 23 March 2014 BIG MOUNTAIN - "Bon Voyage" Pekka & Irene As we reported last week, the Flying Finns (Pekka and Irene) and SamSon (Mr Son) "stepped up to the plate" in Falcon's absence through injury and set a trail on Big Mountain - with a few subtle route changes at the beginning. We left Offshore Bar 1 onto Truong Vinh Ky then took a right onto Hoang Dieu (instead of the more usual beginning down to the SOS clinic and then turning right). Then we took a left on Thu Khoa Huan and right onto Hem 5. It was some 600 metres along Hem 5 before we turned left over Than Thai to the familiar Hem 89 and concrete steps through the houses to Vi Ba (the sealed road up Big Mountain used by so many locals for their daily exercise). Flying Finn (Pekka) assembled the troops for a Chalk Talk and then it was "On On" up the mountain road. About 150 metres later, at the arrow conveniently painted on the road many years ago by "a person or persons unknown" (wouldn't have been a Hasher because we don't do graffiti!), we took a sharp right turn onto the trail that goes up the side of Big Mountain. We enjoyed(?) a vertical climb up the boulder-strewn dirt track until we reached the "crossroads" in the open grassy area near the top. Then it was a left turn and trek around the hillside and under the chairlift that takes tourists to the theme park on top of Big Mountain. The track eventually meets the sealed road again (except it's not very sealed at all, anymore!) and we turned left and headed down to the local "mountain bar" near the military camp gates, where hot and sweaty Hashers were able to quench their thirsts with nước mía (sugar cane drink) and enjoy the views over Vung Tau Bay after spending most of the climb in +35°C heat! Now fully rested, we headed further down the mountain road, bypassing the local "zoo" to check the little piglets were feeding well and try and take "selfies" with the monkey tribe, before continuing on down the mountain and through the western side of Front Beach to a shady corner of the park at Ba Cu and Quang Trung. Down at ground level, the shiny red eskies were neatly lined in a row and looked "too good to open" - but the temptation was too strong and the thirsty group dived in for some welcome refreshment courtesy of our major sponsor San Miguel (and new head of merchandising in Vung Tau, Mr Cuong - see promo at top of this report). It was at this point that "off duty medic" Andy was spotted ministering "second aid" to a sore (female) ankle. Full points for effort, "Dr" Andy, but your original first aid on the mountainside had obviously done the trick! Duty Ring Master Ronald Reagan called the Circle: the trail was awarded 7/10 by Dr Andy, and Hash virgins and visiting Tasmania/Hobart Hashers were welcomed. Poledancer and Banger endeared themselves to VTH3 by presenting v.nice and distinctive Tassie/Hobart Hash t-shirts to the VTH3 ladies (see photos) - not to mention the green and red shoestring necklace proudly worn by Irene! It's about here that we should mention that, although no-one's sure exactly how it happened, something very mysterious took place today - a virgin Hasher who shall remain anonymous managed to lose the white hat in his hand whilst "Down Downing" his beer. Was it the wind, or was it the "legend of Big Mountain"? (which decrees that spooky things will happen when the bugle calls...). Whatever it was, there's a reward of at least one beer for anyone who can find a solution! The last word goes to visiting Tassie Hasher Poledancer: "Banger and I had a great time. It was a good trail that showed us the natural terrain. Your Hashers showed us great hospitality and the Circle was well run. If you're ever in Hobart /Tassie send us an email. On! On!" Thanks to the "Flying Finns" Pekka & Irene, Mr "SamSon" Son and Leon "Ronald Reagan" Hofman for combining to produce an exceptionally pleasant run for everyone. If anyone else would like to volunteer their services for next week and/or beyond, please let us know via "Contact VTH3" In the meantime, we'd like to take this opportunity of thanking the Flying Finns for their magnificent contribution to VTH3 over the past several months. Without ever being asked, they've voluntarily stepped in whenever needed to keep things humming along with their good humour and expertise in taking photos, setting trails and "shepherding the lost sheep". "Turvallista matkaa!", Pekka & Irene - thanks for everything, and we look forward to your return in November! Details of next Sunday's run will be posted in the NEXT RUN box as soon as the trail and Hare/s have been confirmed. "On On"! ![]() Reporting: Flying Finn, Uncle Hares: Flying Finns, SamSon Hash Flash: Flying Finns (Pekka & Irene) VTH3 #621 PHOTO GALLERY>>> Pekka's photos first: Now Irene's: ...and "the stayers":
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 16 March 2014 NUI DINH - beyond the lake The good news this week was that Ronald Reagan and Flying Finn welcomed our new San Miguel representative in Vung Tau: Mr Cuong. We're delighted to have him with us, and look forward to a harmonious working relationship. Please see Mr Cuong's contact details above if you'd like to order San Miguel products for home or workplace functions - he'd be delighted to hear from you! But there's some bad news to balance the good news: Hareraiser and VTH3 stalwart Falcon has an injured knee and expects to be "out of action" for some time - so let's hope we get plenty of volunteer Hares and organisers for at least the next month or so. Please let us know your availability via the "Contact VTH3" page on this website if you're able to help with anything from loading the eskies, to registration, to setting trails. If not, we could be restricted to local runs until someone "steps up to the plate" to take over Falcon's duties. In the meantime, Sunday's small but hardy band of Hashers boarded the bus at Offshore Bar 1 and headed off to our favourite mountain: Nui Dinh, some 5 km west of Ba Ria on the highway to Ho Chi Minh City. We eventually parked the bus at the end of the bitumen road before the lake (near the pagoda turn-off), almost at the top of the mountain. Falcon gave his usual Chalk Talk (run info) and then we hiked down the rough dirt road for 1-2 km to the coffee shop and turned left onto a narrow sandy track about 200 metres past the lake. It was here that Falcon left us and hobbled back to the bus to guard the "goodies"; co-hare KFC led the group onwards. After 300 metres, the track narrowed into a small trail through the forest, winding its way along a dry creek bed before ascending through thick bamboo. The next stage was a very long, steep climb up through the forest until finally emerging onto a dirt road just when we thought we'd be tramping through the undergrowth forever! We turned left and headed down a very long and slippery dirt road until we were able to make a right turn to go back past the lake and continue on to the bus. After a few very welcome beers and chips, the Circle was called: Hares KFC ,SamSon and Falcon were awarded 10/10 by The Quiet Viking (aka Danish Paul); Hash virgins Cuong and Linh were welcomed; sinners Flying Finn, Livewire (Victor) and Private Business were given the usual penalties for being FRB/BRBs respectively - with Private Business also featuring alongside Purple Fox for their spectacular Hash Crashes. We're not sure at this stage what's going to happen next Sunday - so let's say for the time being that it will be a local trail, with details to be advised later this week in the NEXT RUN box. In the meantime, if you'd like to step forward and help (see comments at beginning of this run report re Falcon's injury), you'll be more than welcome! STOP PRESS: The Flying Finns (Pekka & Irene) and SamSon have "stepped up to the plate" to cover for Falcon's injury and will set a trail on Big Mountain this week. Ronald Reagan will officiate before and after. Meet at Offshore Bar 1 beer garden, as usual: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. Circle will be called at the corner of Ba Cu and Quang Trung (beach road, Front Beach area). ![]() Reporting: Falcon, Uncle Hares: Falcon, KFC, SamSon Hash Flash: Flying Finn - with apres-run support from Quiet Viking VTH3 #610 PHOTO GALLERY>>>
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Tien for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 0168 385 1068 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 09 March 2014 SMALL MOUNTAIN - International Women's Day: "Chaos Trail" The 2014 International Women's Day "Chaos Trail" got underway with a fleet of taxi's ferrying our happy band of Hashers around Vung Tau Bay to the foot of the iconic "Jesus" peak on Small Mountain. Hares Flying Finn and SamSon tried their best to ensure everyone understood the significance of the red and yellow markers - which would help nearly everyone (but not exactly everyone!) to survive the "Chaos" element of the trail. And then it was "On On" up the 847 steps to the base of the Jesus statue. A "Hash Halt" was called at the top for everyone to catch their breath - and to also allow several masochists to climb the additional 133 steps to the lookout area on top of Jesus' outstretched arms. We waited until everyone was ready for the descent then off we went, looking for the correct trail which was eventually found on the righthand side of the Jesus statue, Back Beach side. About 50 steps down to the trees and a second cannon appeared, so we were finally on the right track! There was another "photo stop" part of the way down on the clifftop overlooking Back Beach and the East Sea, then down again through what's become affectionately known as "pig village" (for fairly obvious reasons - see photo gallery below), and on to Phan Chu Trinh via Hem 220. It was somewhere around here that two Hashers (who shall remain nameless - ed.) managed to completely miss the trail - the general assessment being that they were running too fast and didn't see the yellow ("Wrong way, go back") markers! But that small oversight almost went unnoticed amongst the "chaos" that ensued, with 15+ Hashers following at least 10 false trails along Phan Chu Trinh - one after the other, after the other, after the other..... Many left and right turns were guessed wrongly and the only way through it all was to follow the original Chalk Talk instructions, ie "Follow the red markers but don't follow the yellow". Perhaps "...and keep your eyes open" should have been included! The correct trail was eventually realised and everyone managed to find their way to the corner of Phan Chu Trinh and Luong Van Can. From there, it was "a piece of cake" to head through town for 15 minutes to the Bach Dang end-point. Many spring rolls and lubricants later, Leading Hare, duty Ring Master cum Hash Flash Flying Finn called on Maria to rate the trail - which she did with a more than acceptable 8/10. However, Mother Theresa and Kojak wanted to give 11 points because they were so impressed by the trail marking that effected the chaotic zigzagging along Phan Chu Trinh - so an "average" final score of 10/10 was agreed by the assembly! More springs rolls and lubricants later, the Flying Finn produced his "piece de resistance" (it's French!) and welcomed all the ladies with a pink rose (each) - including the lovely Diana who, at just 11 years of age, was excused from giving him a "Pekka on the cheek" (sorry, couldn't resist that one - ed!). And it didn't go unnoticed that the local cafe owner was also given a rose. Nice bit of "pre-emptive marketing", FF!!! And so ended an extremely pleasant afternoon of Hashing, thanks to everyone involved but especially the Flying Finns for their preparatory labours during the week. Days like that just don't happen unless someone makes a major effort beforehand! Hares Falcon, KFC and SamSon have marked a trail above Nui Dinh Lake - so be early for registration on Sunday (2 pm) because there are only 29 seats on the bus! On On! ![]() Info, reporting: Flying Finn, Uncle Hares: Flying Finns (Pekka & Irene), SamSon Hash Flash: Flying Finn VTH3 #619 PHOTO GALLERY>>>
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025