NOVEMBER 20 2022
Hares: Secs, Chippy, Mr. T, Have-A-Chat
Hash Flashers: Chippy, Chom Chom, Have-A-Chat Ringmaster: Have-A-Chat Report: Uncle
Light rain had been falling for several hours as Hashers began arriving at Nắng Vũng Tàu, (5 Le Ngoc Han, Ward 1) to register for run #1035 on Sunday – with attendance numbers down somewhat, most likely because of Teacher’s Day and the weather.
But, as is often the case, the rain eased off as we paid our run fees to Mr T, loaded the Hashmobile with all the good stuff(!), and headed north to our favourite mountain, Nui Dinh. Today’s venue would be the popular swimming pool café halfway up the mountainside to start and finish the trail. Secs gave the Chalk Talk: “Down the road for 1 km, then right into the jungle and follow the red ribbons around and then up (and up, and up, and up!) past some small shrines, abandoned shacks and former guerilla caves before reaching the main temple area with many golden buddhas and two massive lookout rocks. Then out to the mountain access road and back to the swimming pool for Down Down”. The rain had left the trail quite slippery in parts, as Uncle can testify. He had a near miss when YouTuber tried to help pull him up a tricky slope but his walking stick snapped and Uncle fell backwards, fortunately being ‘caught behind’ by Returnee Mike; but he had obviously decided to join the illustrious sect of “Nui Dinh face planters”, so performed a majestic(!) forward pike and half twist onto some small rocks a little further up the mountainside. The dive was rated by witnesses as ‘spectacular’, but the result was much less so: just a bruised lip and minor cuts – requiring only a handful of water, two band-aids and a few deep breaths to continue ‘on on’! By this time, the steep climb had splintered the pack into smaller groups, but everyone eventually made it to the main temple complex and lookout rocks to enjoy not just the golden artefacts and awesome views (clouds and well-watered trees permitting!) but also the cool breeze wafting up the mountainside – a welcome taste of really fresh country air! As each group moved on they were guided out by co-Hare Secs to the rocky mosaic track leading out of the jungle to the sealed access road. Then it was just a leisurely stroll down to the swimming pool café where ice cold Saigon Chill, softies and banh mi awaited (also Chippy making sure there was enough delicious watermelon for all!). Even the café owner’s six dogs stood by, ready to help make sure there were no leftovers! With everyone’s energy levels restored, Duty Ringmaster Have-A-Chat stage-managed the group photo then called the Circle, with the trail-setting efforts of Hares Secs, Chippy, Mr T and Have-A-Chat suitably recognized – the highest rating being an extremely creditworthy 167/10 (albeit from a Hasher who was obviously not destined to win any prizes in mathematics!). The Circle welcomed Hash Virgin Ms Nghia, introduced by fellow Ba Ria resident YouTuber (and surely destined to be Hash-named “Bubbly” if she returns as promised!). And three returnees: Darling (reason for absence: busy – otherwise engaged); Mike from USA (spent the ‘covid era’ in the relative safety of the Andes); and ‘old timer’ Sex Time O’clock, so named because he sells watches in his Thinh Phat shop (“only watches, no sex”, he smiled!). STO first joined VTH3 in 2001 and has now returned to try and regain some fitness. There were two or three sinners, depending on who you believe! Uncle volunteered himself for not being suitably grateful when young Alex offered to help on his second fall of the day (the defence argument is that most of us would also be a tad grumpy after two falls on the same day, n’est ce pas?). But all good things usually come to an end, albeit temporarily – so the Circle was closed, eskies de-iced and retired to the undercarriage, and we settled in for some casual socialising on the return drive to Vung Tau, accompanied by the usual (boom box) ‘sound of music’ and regular tramp of feet along the aisle as “grab one for me while you’re there” volunteers made sure the travel eskie was emptied! Safely back to Nắng Vũng Tàu, the assets were offloaded and stored as our Hash kennel hosts prepared to screen the opening game of World Cup 2022. And after “one last Saigon Chill for the road”, the usual hard-core disappeared next door for some of Randy’s wood-fired pizza and a planning session to help celebrate the imminent 30th anniversary of VTH3 (established 27 December 1992 by master mariner John ‘Anchor’ Murt) – stay tuned for the announcement! In the meantime, also watch this space and our facebook page: @VungTauHHH for details of next week’s trail. “On On”!
NOVEMBER 13 2022
Hares: Secs, Chippy, Mr. T, Have-A-Chat
Hash Flashers: Chippy, Chom Chom, Have-A-Chat Ringmaster: Have-A-Chat Report: Uncle
An overcast sky promised ideal Hashing weather as we registered for run 1034 with Hash Cash Mr T and apprentice bean counter Reardo at their al fresco “office”: Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Le Ngoc Han, Ward 1.
Other volunteers loaded the Hashmobile with iced drinks, and we headed north up the newly constructed extension of Truong Cong Dinh, stopping only at Ba Ria to collect seven “YouTubers” (they had found VTH3 on YouTube). Nearing the top of Nui Dinh, the former clay track from the end of the main access road to Swan Lake* is now a partly sealed extension with several restaurants along Fairy Stream as it runs down the mountainside. The road is overgrown as a result of all the rains this year, but our trusty driver Mr An’s skills were applauded as we arrived at our destination “Fairy Stream camping ground” (Moc-Quan) safe and sound! *Swan Lake named after the floating plastic version for tourists – not the real thing! We dismounted for the Chalk Talk by Secs: “Left turn just before the lake, up and circle around following red tapes through the jungle and over a couple of streams until back onto the access road, then turn right to complete a figure 8…” – so ‘On On’ we went! It was a fairly steep climb at first, but the track began to level out as we circled around and there were many opportunities to appreciate our surroundings, some of which were truly awe-inspiring: “nature at its finest”! We paddled and/or jumped our way across several rock-strewn tributaries until finally making it back to firmer ground, then a reasonably short hike to the Moc-Quan area and our Down Down restaurant cum camping grounds where the Hash Lighters and several FRBs had already unloaded the ice-cold drinks. Delicious chicken, veg and rice soup was served when everyone had returned. Then Chippy showed some inspirational self-promotion for her flourishing healthy food business by sharing plates of tasty Vietnamese apples, red Dragon fruit and granola (Hint hint – Chippy can be contacted any Sunday on the Hash runs; her food is not only delicious, but also healthy!). Darkness was slowly descending as the swimmers reluctantly emerged from the stream to change for the group photo; all except duty Hash Flasher cum Ringmaster Have-A-Chat, who had spotted a new angle: he stayed semi-submerged and treated his audience to some hilarious “crocodile takes photos” impressions! The Circle was called, with Hares Secs, Chippy, Mr T and Have-A-Chat receiving a well-deserved full marks (they had covered an impressive 18 km to set today’s trail, so “well-deserved” indeed!). Five Hash Virgins were introduced and welcomed, ditto four returnees (Ms Kim after 8 years in HCMC), and two visitors from Saigon Hash: Tootsie Robinson and Karma Sutra(!). Finally, three namings (“renamings”): Double Two became the more appropriate Road Runner, her partner Snail became Road Runner’s partner Wile E. Coyote (natch!), and Doyle’s penchant for sprinkling inductees was recognized with the suitably reverent ‘Bishop’! Group photo/Circle finale over, the boom box was fired up and it was back to Nắng Vũng Tàu to offload the assets. The hard-core partygoers disappeared next door to help owner Randy Cole celebrate the opening of “Mr C’s Speakeasy” (formerly Tommy’s), specialising in his widely acclaimed wood-fired pizza and lots of ice cold drinks – including several bucketloads “on the house”! So yet another memorable Sunday was had by all! Now watch this space and our facebook page: @VungTauHHH for details of next week’s trail. “On On”!
Hares: Secs, Chippy, Mr. T, Have-A-Chat
Hash Flashers: Chippy, Chom Chom, Have-A-Chat, Frenchy Ringmaster: Have-A-Chat Report: Chom Chom
Once again, Sunday comes. Whilst many are preparing to enjoy their traditional lunch of chicken, beef, lamb, pork or even a lentil roast in the comfort of home, others prefer the treat of a pork barbecue banh mi and a trekking adventure.
Oc Xanh at Nang Vung Tau was our usual registration point as Hashers started to arrive. Mr An, our Hashmobile driver was already waiting, enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee whilst waiting for the registration and loading of the bus chores to complete. A prompt departure at 1.30pm meant an arrival time at Long Hai mountains about 2.15pm. Rumer’s had it, today was going to be quite a long one. Our Head Hare, Secs, soon confirmed this in his regular chalk talk - so the Saigon Chill was up to 6 km away. Actually, this wasn't the case as we started at our final Down-Down spot at the Ngọc Xương Eco-resort. As we prepared for On On, a few of the group segmented to join Head Hash "Lite" Hare, Faulty Brakes, for the ever so slightly so-called easier option. I do wonder if it should be renamed "hangover hash". So, off we went, in opposite directions. The trail started well with a decent path heading towards the Long Hai Mountain. We headed into the dense jungle and started the climb up the mountain. For a change, whilst it was long and at times rather tedious, it was a gentler climb of late and much more of the “family friendly hash” that we claim to offer. Up and up over steps and rocks, along clearly marked paths, until we arrived at the small pagoda at the mountain peak. At this stage Hashers were able to take a long-awaited break, have some refreshments, or even relax in the hammocks. Others explored the pagoda area and in particular the stunning view over the Long Hai and Minh Dam Mountains whilst of course taking many great photos. Coming back down the mountain was, again, really not too bad. Of course, there were a couple of steeper, more slippery parts and together with navigating around and under the bamboo, the body got a good all-over workout. That’s what it’s all about! It was two or so kilometres before we reached the main mountain path where we continued our decline along the not so impressive power-lines trail and finally onto the steps to the main road. Before reaching the road, there was a beautiful waterfall and pool where some hashers took a quick dip and a shower. A very refreshing break to the almost completed trail. The last part of the week's trail was navigating through the village maze. We walked along the main road for about half a kilometre before being greeted by Secs at the junction where we had to turn. For many it’s a familiar turn, right opposite the crazy multi-coloured bird house. From here, red ribbon spotting was the key! It was a case of knowing where you needed to be and knowing how close you were – if only it was a straight path. Left turn, karaoke here, right turn, karaoke there, numerous invitations to drink Saigon Green with the locals, all very distracting. Then there was the five star piggery, which in the current season was home to many dozens of piglets, all very intrigued by our presence. After countless turns, and with the help of Google Maps, we could see the Eco-resort ahead marking the end of another Sunday afternoon trail. Our Hangover Hashers had already unloaded the treasures of super-cold soft drinks and the prized Saigon Chill from the bus and had made themselves comfortable by the lake. One by one, we all made it back without any difficulties. A few were rather late returning, deciding swimming by the waterfall would be much more fun than letting the others have some food! The team photo was taken by Have-a-Chat prior to his always entertaining Circle in which we welcomed some virgins, some virgins and of course introduced the Hares, as if we didn’t know! That was pretty much it for the Hashing adventure in Long Hai. We loaded up the bus once again and headed back to Nang Vung Tau, stopping only once for Reado so that he could consume yet more of that beer he claims not to like! After bidding farewells to our lovely Hashers, many stayed on for an extended Down-Down-Down at the almost-open Mr. C’s Speakeasy Pub right next door to Nang Vung Tau. We’d like to give a big shout-out and thank you to Randy and Tam for providing us with so much of their absolutely fabulous, legendary, wood-fired pizza. We’d also like to apologise for reducing their range of beers! See you again next Sunday when we do it all again. On On!
OCTOBER 30 2022
Hares: Secs, Chippy, Mr. T, Have-A-Chat
Hash Flashers: Chippy, Chom Chom, Have-A-Chat Ringmaster: Have-A-Chat Report: Secs
This week saw us back on the Hashmobile with a trail to Nui Dinh. We are blessed to be joined by a bunch of eight Hashers from Shah Alam Hash House Harriers in Malaysia. The eskies were already primed and iced and a bevy of helpful Hashers humped our provisions on to the Hashmobile. Mr.T and Reardo The Weirdo collected the Run Fees from more than 40 registered Hashers. The weather was looking promising as we boarded the bus and soon we'd left Vung Tau and sped towards Nui Dinh along QL51.
Arriving at the starting point we gather around co-Hare Secs who explained this week's run. It’s an approximately 4km trail that will start with a short but steep climb up a concrete (and potentially slippy) path that will bring us to a temple. Follow the red ribbon through the temple until they lead in to the jungle and which will take us further up the mountain until we come to a crossroads, then turn right and follow the trail to a second temple and through the back until we reach the first of today's magnificent viewpoints. Then double back to the crossroads and take a right turn to follow the jungle path that will take us down and then up to the second spectacular view atop a large rock. Then down to the third temple of the day, this one with a giant white Buddha. Finally make the way through the temple to some steps that will take us up to the main Nui Dinh road where it will be a short walk up to the down-down by a fast flowing river. And so, On-On we go! The path starts nice and flat and takes us past Chùa Niết Bàn Phật Điện, some remember this as the temple where we took shelter from the torrential rain at the end of Run 1027. But soon we find ourselves on the near 45° incline path. On our tiptoes we tentatively ascend the hill thankful that underfoot it’s not as slippery as our Hare suggested. We reach the top, calves screaming, and are greeted by a barrel of monkeys perched upon the eaves of the temple. Beyond the temple a curtain of red ribbons invites us in to the jungle and we begin the rocky ascent to the crossroads and make the right turn to the first viewpoint. This viewpoint presents a jaw dropping view of the surrounding countryside that spans from Phu My all the way to Vung Tau. A myriad of photos and selfies are taken, as usual. Johnny and Chippy scramble up to the large rock to practice some yoga poses only to find they can’t manage to get back down off the rock… The next leg of the trail takes us through lush jungle until the next vista arrives - a monolithic rock split by deep fissure provides a vertiginous panorama of Nui Dinh’s spectacular green landscape. Below we see the massive white Buddha and can see the road that will take us back to the down-down. After more obligatory selfies we begin the final leg. This takes us down through some more bamboo and a couple of fast flowing streams that require us to hop, skip and jump over some stepping stones. We arrive at the third temple of the day and look in awe at the gleaming white Buddha that sits cross legged surveying the arena sized worship area before it. We meander through the temple grounds in the belief that difficult parts of the trail are over… until we see several hundred steps that from the bottom appear to be never ending. With thoughts of ice cold beer and soft drinks we plod on to the top and then it's an easy walk up the Nui Dinh road and see the Hashmobile parked at the side of the road. Now we just need to get down to the down-down - more steps greet us but this time gravity is working with us and we can see the familiar sight of the blue Saigon Chill eskies waiting for us across the beautiful river. Thanks to the Hash Lighters and FRBs who lugged the laden eskies down the stairs and across the bridge to the tranquil spot next to the cascading river. Time to chill with some Chill! Some choose to take a swim in the cool refreshing rock pools, others side at the side dipping their toes in while others choose to just wallow on the rocks and let the river flow over them. Very chilled, so chilled that we almost forget the time and realise that the light is receding and we haven’t even taken the team photo yet. Rousing our relaxed Hashers to assemble on the bridge to pose for the picture was exercise akin to herding cats but was worth it in the end for Have-A-Chat’s great photo. So circle time, yes, despite it almost being dark the circle was a go! Unfortunately the boombox microphone decided that it didn’t want to work but Have-A-Chat managed to shout over the roar of the river and convened the circle. First up were the Hares who are congratulated for setting an awesome trail with a great down-down spot. Next we had six Virgins from Vietnam who were welcomed with the Vung Tau Hash song. Next we welcomed our visitors from Malaysia after which we are privileged to have Speedy. The President of the Malaysian Hash Council (responsible for 230 Hash Chapters), presented us with a prestigious badge. Finally our friends from Shah Alam Hash sang us a raucous song, Terima Kasih (Thank You in Malay). Back on the bus more Saigon Chill was consumed, Shah Alam Hash continued singing and soon we were back at our Hash Home at Nắng Vũng Tàu and Ốc Xanh Restaurant. With the eskie beers depleted we continued with more Saigon Chill purchased from Ốc Xanh and some delicious dishes were ordered and consumed with gusto. And so another great Sunday afternoon, thanks to our friends from Shah Alam Hash House Harries and the all volunteers who make Vung Tau Hash a success every Sunday. On-On!
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025