JULY 26 2020
Hares: Mr.T, Anagram, Bull Ant, Secs, Chippy
Hash Flashers: Secs, Mr. T, Chom Chom Ringmaster: Uncle Report: Uncle
Bright sunshine greeted the more than 60 Hashers who gathered at Lily’s (formerly Tommy’s) for Sunday’s away run at Minh Dam mountain. Many juniors and their parents are making family visits around the countryside during school holidays, so this week’s attendance was higher than expected but very welcome–the more the merrier!
MMC and volunteers iced the drinks and fruit and loaded the Hashmobile, then off we went to Minh Dam. We dismounted about 45 minutes later and hiked towards the mountain and co-Hare Sec’s Chalk Talk at a turn-off into the somewhat muddy undergrowth, which provided welcome shade from the blazing sun. Then it was “On on” to the top, via several muddy tracks, two sets of steps (total approx 1,200), and a hermit’s hut, before finally reaching one of the best lookouts in the province, with complete 360° views of the surrounding areas and East Sea. After lots of fun scrambling around the rocks and many selfies later, we took the downhill trek to the Minh Dam Secret Zone car park, unloaded the banh mi, fruit and drinks and enjoyed a well-earned rest before gathering for the group photo by Hash Flash Chom Chom and then the Circle called by duty Ringmaster Uncle. The ‘medium difficulty’ trail was awarded 15 points (out of a maximum 10), because it was challenging in parts but shady and very scenic, so congratulations and “Down Down” to this week’s Hares: Mr T, Secs, Chippy, Anagram and Bull Ant, who not only set the trail but did a tremendous job shepherding the pack to ensure no one got lost or left behind! A long line of Hash Virgins and returnees were welcomed, then a special ‘bon voyage’ Down Down for regular Hasher Pekka2, heading back to Finland on Wednesday. He’ll be back again soon, travel restrictions permitting. The Circle was closed with the usual request for everyone to remind their friends to wear sensible shoes when joining us on the Hash–especially juniors–because a twisted ankle is not very comfortable when halfway up a mountainside! As usual, next week’s run details will be advised via the website and mailing list when confirmed; please don’t forget to register, so the hardworking MMC can ensure sufficient food and drinks for everyone! On On! Explainer – Hashing in Vung Tau: Earlier this year, a Hasher who had been banned for anti-social behaviour convened an invalid AGM (he had no authority to convene anything!), and elected a ‘new’ committee by falsely claiming the incumbent MMC had been voted out–which was as untrue then as it is today. That breakaway group still haven’t developed their own identity–preferring instead to ‘copy and paste’ our VTH3 branding and history, when all they would need to start a valid alternate Hash is to think of a (different) name and launch it! *Hint: there’s no legal requirement to register names, logos, trademarks, etc for clubs or hobby groups–you need only perform due diligence to ensure the branding you’d like to use is not already in use by someone else (as ours has been since 1992!). Meanwhile, the real VTH3’s storied history continues on this site and social media, and we also communicate via our official mailing list–to which all friends of VTH3 are welcome: CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Footnote: We continue to reassess our activities every week to ensure compliance with the VN government’s latest Covid-19 edicts and advice; we wish all friends and fellow residents of Vung Tau an infection-free journey through these still uncertain times–please be aware, avoid complacency and, above all: stay safe!
JULY 19 2020
Hares: Anagram,Bull Ant, Secs
Hash Flashers: Secs, Uncle Ringmaster: Uncle Report: Uncle
We gathered in bright sunshine at Lily’s (formerly Tommy’s) for this week’s local run on Big Mountain, with numbers predictably depleted by end of school excursions.
Co-Hare Secs explained the route and “On On” we went: down to Tran Phu, along to the cable car station then a right turn to take us on a new and novel route up the mountainside to Vi Ba. We stopped for photos at the Chùa Bồ Đề (Bo De pagoda) just below Vi Ba, then up the sealed road past the nuoc mia stalls to the turn-off for our popular Waterfall trail. Most elected to keep going to the Ho May Park gates and then return to the Waterfall turn-off, with many photos along the way. The smaller than usual pack were bunched together along the Waterfall trail and back via Hem 89 steps and Le Ngoc Han to Lily’s (Tommy’s), which was a welcome ‘first’ that made it easier to check no one had gone missing along the way! Then it was into the eskies as the banh mi and fruit were shared around– with bonus ‘thank you’ plates of sausage rolls courtesy of mine host Rob! Lots of animated chat later, we gathered outside for the group photo by Mr T and then the Circle was called by duty Ringmaster Uncle. ‘Bidding’ for the trail score started at 7.5/10 but quickly rose to full marks: 10/10; so congratulations and “Down Down” to Hares Secs, Anagram and Bull Ant! Hash Virgins and returnees were introduced and welcomed, including Knob Doctor(!) ex-Nha Trang Hash, who was giving an old back injury another tryout. Then a special ‘family Hash’ event as Anagram and Snowball were presented with a painting of themselves hashing by Junior Hasher Sunny, as a “Thank you” for their kindness to her in recent weeks. The Circle was closed with another request for everyone to remind their friends to wear sturdy shoes when joining the Hash–especially juniors–because our trails are mostly mountain tracks with plenty of rocks to cause problems for the unwary and/or inexperienced. As usual, next week’s run details will be advised via the website and mailing list when confirmed (just before week’s end); please make sure you register, so the hardworking MMC can ensure sufficient food and drinks for everyone! On On! Explainer – Hashing in Vung Tau: Earlier this year, a Hasher who had been banned for anti-social behaviour convened an invalid AGM (he had no authority to convene anything!), and elected a ‘new’ committee by falsely claiming the incumbent MMC had been voted out–which was as untrue then as it is today. Predictably, that breakaway group still haven’t developed their own identity–preferring instead to ‘copy and paste’ our VTH3 branding and history, when all they would need to start a valid alternate Hash is to think of a (different) name and launch it! *Hint: there’s no legal requirement to register names, logos, trademarks, etc for clubs or hobby groups–you need only perform due diligence to ensure the branding you’d like to use is not already in use by someone else (as ours has been since 1992!). Meanwhile, the real VTH3’s storied history continues on this site and social media, and we also communicate via our official mailing list–to which all friends of VTH3 are welcome: CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Footnote: We continue to reassess our activities every week to ensure compliance with the VN government’s latest Covid-19 edicts and advice; we wish all friends and fellow residents of Vung Tau an infection-free journey through these still uncertain times–please stay aware, avoid complacency and, above all: be safe!
JULY 12 2020
Hares: Mr. T, Secs, Chippy, Zidane
Hash Flashers: Chom Chom, Mr. T, Secs Ringmaster: Uncle Report: Uncle
It was a longer than usual trip on the Hashmobile this week, as 50+ Hashers headed out to Nui Thi Vai, near Phu My.
We walked up the road from the drop-off point and turned into the bush after Secs’ Chalk Talk, noting that today’s trail would be quite long. It was also very interesting, with temples, shrines, caves and tiny shacks dotted along the route! The first hour or so was spent going mostly upwards, including several open lookout points for the selfie aficionados. Then ‘ascent’ morphed into ‘descent’, but the interesting sites and scenes continued unabated! Finally, after following 1,200+ steps down through the Thi Vai temple complex including statues of fierce dragons and historic warriors, we emerged at almost the same spot we’d started, thus completing a classic A-A trail! The pack was well strung out by this time, so the sheltered Down Down area gradually filled over the next half hour or so with more and more Hashers arriving from the afternoon’s exertions and heading for the eskies. Then the banh mi’s and fruit were unpacked by the foodies including lead ‘slicer and dicer’ Ms Canh–many thanks once again to all involved, because the energy hits were very welcome! We’d been lucky with no rain all day, but now the sky began to darken so Hash Flash Chom Chom arranged the group photo, and then duty Ringmaster Uncle called the Circle. Hares Mr T, Secs, Chippy and Zidane were duly recognised with a points score of 27 out of 10 (several higher and lower scores being discarded along the way…); then today’s Hash Virgins were welcomed, along with returnees. Secs and Bull Ant ‘volunteered’ as Sinners for another free beer(!), before Mr Dong took the floor to spruik his Banana Leaf restaurant at 203 Nguyen Van Troi–just south of the corner with Le Hong Phong–also open for breakfast, with pancakes! The Circle was closed with a reminder to make sure the friends you invite on Sundays are told about the need to wear suitable exercise clothing, especially sturdy footwear–very important because most of our trails involve bush tracks and rocks! As usual, next week’s run details will be advised via the website and mailing list when confirmed (just before week’s end); please make sure you register, so the hardworking MMC can ensure sufficient food and drinks for everyone! On On! Explainer – Hashing in Vung Tau: VTH3 relocated to a new Hash kennel at Lily’s Baradise (formerly Tommy’s), in February 2020. At the same time, a Hasher who had been banned for anti-social behaviour convened an invalid AGM (with no authority to convene anything!); that meeting elected a ‘new’ committee by falsely claiming the incumbent MMC had been voted out–which was pure fantasy on their part. Predictably, they still haven’t developed their own identity–preferring instead to ‘copy and paste’ our VTH3 branding and history, when all they would need to start a valid alternate Hash is to think of a (different) name and launch it! *Hint: there’s no legal requirement to register names, logos, trademarks, etc for clubs or hobby groups–you need only perform due diligence to ensure the branding you’d like to use is not already in use by someone else (as ours has been since 1992!). Meanwhile, the real VTH3’s storied history continues on this site and social media, and we also communicate via our official mailing list–to which all friends of VTH3 are welcome: CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Footnote: We continue to reassess our activities every week to ensure compliance with the VN government’s latest Covid-19 edicts and advice; we wish all friends and fellow residents of Vung Tau an infection-free journey through these still uncertain times–please stay aware, avoid complacency and, above all: be safe!
JULY 5 2020
Hares: Mr. T, Secs, Chippy, Bull Ant
Hash Flashers: Chom Chom, Mr. T, Secs Ringmaster: Uncle Report: Uncle
The end of school exams and a promising break in the rain saw a very full(!) Hashmobile wend its way to Long Hai on Sunday for a trail on Snake Mountain.
Co-hare Chippy got us to the drop-off point for today’s A-B run, then co-hare Secs explained the route and emphasized the need to follow the red tape for both lookout/selfie points on the route. After a long hike up a very steep, sealed road, we turned off into the forest and eventually found the first lookout point–which was transformed within minutes into a photo studio! A short hike back to the main trail and across to the other side revealed the second photo opportunity, conveniently ‘signposted’ by the commune’s handyman. Lots of whistles and “On On” cries later, everyone reluctantly stowed their cameras and headed down a long and rocky descent to ground level, shepherded by co-Hares Mr T and Secs. Some FRBs made it to the Down Down spot before the rain finally arrived, but most of the pack were caught by mother nature and many colourful raincoats suddenly appeared! It was a dripping wet procession of Hashers that eventually straggled into the sheltered area for dry clothes and the welcome food and cold drinks that awaited – courtesy of MMC, Aqua’s helpers and assorted volunteers, for whom we’re always very grateful! The sky was turning darker by the minute so we quickly posed for the group photo marshalled by Hash Flash Chom Chom, and then duty Ringmaster Uncle called what quickly became a very rowdy Circle with background effects of ‘rain on a hot tin roof’, junior Hashers out-screaming each other (‘de rigeur’ for family Hashes worldwide), and Uncle’s whistle trying in vain to restore order! The trail was rated 56 out of 10, helped along by some innovative point-scoring–many thanks to the hardworking Hares Secs, Mr T, Chippy and Dennis! More than a dozen Hash Virgins were welcomed with the VTH3 song (too many to name here – but welcome everyone, we hope you enjoyed the day and hope to see you again!). Returnees were welcomed back, and visiting Hasher Polka Dotski spruiked Hanoi H3’s forthcoming weekender at Ninh Binh with an open invitation to everyone (registration details on our fb page). Then we had namings for Rio: Ninja Boy > Spiderman (or was it Spiderboy?); Anna: Julia > Unicorn; Anna’s mum Tina: Golden Mermaid (a nod to her sister, Golden Fish); Dennis: Bull Ant (immortalizing his first Hare-set!); and LiLi: Lily (the flower). And somewhere in all the chaos were the dulcet sounds (NOT!) of 60+ Hashers singing “Happy Birthday” to Claire–her 21st, of course! The Circle finally closed with a reminder for everyone to emphasise sturdy footwear when inviting friends–particularly juniors–as most of our trails involve clambering over at least a few very hard rocks! Next week’s run details will be announced when known–and please don’t forget to register online to help MMC manage the logistics. On On... Explainer – Hashing in Vung Tau: VTH3 relocated to a new Hash kennel at Lily’s Baradise (formerly Tommy’s), in February 2020. At the same time, a Hasher who had been banned for anti-social behaviour convened an invalid AGM (with no authority to convene anything!); that meeting elected a ‘new’ committee by falsely claiming the incumbent MMC had been voted out–which was purely wishful thinking on their part. Predictably, they still haven’t developed their own identity–preferring instead to ‘copy and paste’ our VTH3 branding and history, when all they would need to start a valid alternate Hash is to think of a (different) name and launch it! *Hint: there’s no legal requirement to register names, logos, trademarks, etc for clubs or hobby groups–you need only perform due diligence to ensure the branding you’d like to use is not already in use by someone else (as ours has been since 1992!). Meanwhile, the real VTH3’s storied history continues on this site and social media, and we also communicate via our official mailing list–to which all friends of VTH3 are welcome: CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Footnote: We continue to reassess our activities every week to ensure compliance with the VN government’s latest Covid-19 edicts and advice; we wish all friends and fellow residents of Vung Tau an infection-free journey through these still uncertain times–please stay aware, avoid complacency and, above all: be safe!
January 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025