26 APRIL 2020
Hares: Mr. T, Zidane
Hash Flashers: Chom Chom Ringmaster: Zidane Report: Faulty Brakes
Sunday 26 April 2020, was the day the Vung Tau Hash recommenced after weeks in lockdown. Run 930 was a gentle introduction back to hashing with a stroll along the back beach past the Paradise Golf club in the sweltering sun and in an invigorating sea breeze.
The day began with registration at Lilly’s Bar with birthday boy Cleaver taking control of the shekels and at 1.30 we headed for our Down Down location near the beach.The morning was busy for Mr T and Zidane who had paid a visit to Lottemart and proceeded to secure the vital supplies for afternoon Bar-B-Q and complimented with our supply of cool beer and soft drinks the afternoon was up for the perfect Down Down. We are indebted to Aqua for making the villa available for the party and the swimming pool was a big hit with young and old alike. The stroll along the beach was enjoyable and a great way to ease back into our weekly hash. The old adage of “a picture painting a thousand words” was never more relevant than today when a stress free afternoon was complimented with excellent food and drinks and the cooling invitation of the swimming pool (just see the pictures). Spiderman was another Birthday Boy today and he received a gift of a skateboard and with the excellent Zidane conducting the circle. To top off the frivolities young Mick received a beer shampoo - Chuc Mong Sinh Nhat.(Happy Birthday). Next Sunday we will have a home Run on Big mountain and we have some interesting projects planned for future away trails, On On VTH3 and here’s to another successful post lockdown year in Vung Tau Hash Harriers long history. Epictetus “only the educated are free“
January 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025