PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 23 April 2017 NUI DINH - "Not so easy going up, much easier coming down" Hares: Mr Dan, Paddy Hash Flash: Paddy. Circle photos: Aqua Ringmaster: Basil We were greeted by a pleasantly overcast sky as we registered at Hon Ru Ri for the trip to Nui Dinh. We were joined by various people along the way, and were met at the mountain by co-Hare and Hash Flash Paddy, making 30 Hashers in total (31 including Terminator’s new K9 “Davey”). Co-Hare Mr Dan sent everyone up the road to the start point, where he gave a chalk-talk in a mixture of English and Vietnamese that was simultaneously translated into English, Russian and (we think) Japanese by talented interpreters Basil and Superteen! The instructions were very clear: “Over this wall, down to the riverbed, then follow the red markers to the top of the mountain”! So over the wall we went, with FRBs Terminator and Andy closely followed by Junior Hashers Ben and Ronaldo, then “the pack”! It was a typical VN "dry season" jungle trail, with a mix of hard-packed earth, rocks, slippery dry leaves and the occasional pagoda steps – all clambered over to the background “music” of thunder (which threatened, but fortunately didn’t arrive until the following morning!). We explored the temple on top of the mountain, including the superb views from several lookout rocks. Then it was “On down” to the Hashmobile parked outside a café at the bottom of the mountain, while Paddy took photos for the run report (see below) and his co-Hare Mr Dan ran backwards and forwards mustering his “sheep” to ensure no-one got lost! We finally made it down to the eskies and took them inside the café that our Hares had found, where we enjoyed the ice-cold drinks and vast array of food – including returnee Hasher Oil Boom’s v.popular “drinking beans”. The arrival of Kojak escorting a group of ladies signaled 100% successful return rate and the usual “socializing” took place in an extremely convivial atmosphere. The darkening skies meant an early’ish team photo and Circle, convened by duty Ringmaster Basil (and deputy Ben) who congratulated everyone on finishing run #782 and introduced Hares Mr Dan and Paddy. Andy was nominated to rate the trail and he gave it 9.5/10 – but this was considered just a tiny bit “harsh” considering all the additional work done by the Hares on this day (Paddy with the Hash Flash, and Mr Dan chopping fruit for everyone with as much enthusiasm as he showed for rounding up stray Hashers), so that took the score to 10/10, + 1 for the beautifully overcast skies making a grand total of 11/10! No Hash Virgins today so we welcomed returnees Vlad (study absence) with translations by Superteen, Oil Boom (now based in Tokyo where he runs with the Sumo and Samurai Hashes) and Uncle (who said he had to return from Australia earlier than planned, because he heard Oil Boom was coming all the way from Japan with his “drinking beans”). Not true, of course, but still Down Downs for all! Sinners were Faulty Brakes, Uncle and Andy for “foot faults” (new/old shoes); and then it was time to thank our foodies Hope Solo, Mother Teresa, Kojak and Oil Boom – and a simultaneous “changing of the guard” with Junior Hasher Miss Khuyen (8) taking over the GM chains of office from Ben! Some discussion followed about next week’s trail because it will be a holiday weekend with the inevitable influx of tourists and holidaymakers, meaning no certainty that we will be able to hire a bus or even local taxi’s! So Faulty Brakes and Andy volunteered to set a local trail on Small Mountain, and Uncle volunteered to set one on Big Mountain, and then a decision can be made later in the week about which one to use on Sunday – so please watch the NEXT RUN box on our website for updates. We'll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #782 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 16 April 2017 LONG HAI ('A-A' from Ngoc Xuong restaurant) - "Happy Easter!" Hares: SamSon, Mr Dan, Chippy, Yu Bok Hash Flash: Paddy Ringmaster: SamSon Report: Basil Today’s weather is sunny as we gathered at Hon Ru Ri. We welcomed 42 Hashers including Terminator’s Family and Aurora plus today’s co-Hare Mr Dan who were already waiting for us. Also Bus Stop was near Long Hai and our Hash Flash Paddy already at the starting point: Ngoc Xuong restaurant. SamSon started his chalk-talk that we all follow the trail up the mountain, and once you reach the temple, there is an option to continue onward until Mr Dan show you where to stop and turn back; or turn back once you reach the temple and the Down Down is in Ngoc Xuong restaurant. Since the trail is not hard but very long and the weather is hot, SamSon recommended most people should turn back once they reach the temple. Then “On-On” we go! The trail is not much challenge to the Hash Virgins, since most are students and they study English and Japanese so they talked with our Japanese friend Tommy while on the trail. After a 5-minute walk, we starting to ascend the mountain under the hot sun; Hash Virgins and Basil all take their time and were lucky to find some small cover built by locals or monks for mountain climbing folks. Then, we finally see the stairs that lead up to the temple. At this point, the first group who already reach the temple had decided to turn back once they remembered SamSon’s warning, but not before taking a lot of photos at the top! Once the last group led by Basil reached the top, we already saw some Hashers including Geronimo, Shaky, Ms Diep and Terminator had taken the challenge and continued on, and only Terminator return first. We then turn back down to the mountain and Mr Dan already catch up with us after Terminator, and said that the rest are with SamSon so everything OK. Once we reach the Down Down, we are all happy to see our ice cold San Miguels to wash down our thirst on this hot day. And food is delicious cuisine from Foodie Mother Teresa including some Easter Eggs! After SamSon’s group finally reached the Down Down, we all start the group photo and SamSon donned the chain of office to start the Circle - now including an easter egg keychain gift from Superteen and Mum & Dad Mother Teresa and Terminator. A welcome message and "Happy Easter", then we bring in today’s Hares Mr Dan and SamSon with the absent Chippy and Yu Bok. We invited Terminator to rate the trail since he is the one who caught up to Mr Dan, and Superteen translated for us: the trail deserved a 10/10! Then we welcomed Hash Virgins Mr Nhan Anh, Ms Que Nhan and Ms Thuy Anh wo are students of Ba Ria Vung Tau University: Jenz from Denmark introduced by Viking: Ms Thao and Mr Tien Anh heard about the Hash through the website; and Ms Alla from Stubble. They all like the Hash, so a Hash virgin song is performed by the Circle. We have no Returnees today so we move on to Sinners, and of course we start with Slipper, then Mr Dan because he likes our San Miguel, Mister Kim because he had a knee injury and didn’t run but enjoyed the Down Down, Ms Thuy Anh for her slippers, and Bus Stop for being very “poor” and wearing torn jeans: Down Downs for them all. We said ‘thank you’ to enthusiastic Hashers Slipper and Flying Finn for helping out with trail-setting during their stay, and SamSon had managed to get all the best wishes and signatures from today’s Hashers on a card; also we bring in Mister Kim since he too will join both of them and return to Finland; but from the Hash, “We will see you again”! And next week’s trail announcement, Mr Dan and Hash Flash Paddy will set a trail on Dinh Mountain, so we hope to see everyone including today’s new Hashers on next week’s trail! We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #781 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 09 April 2017 MINH DAM BASE - "Just monkeying around..." Hares: Flying Finn, Slipper Hash Flash: Paddy Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil Today’s weather is sunny as we welcome Hashers at Hon Ru Ri to join the run at Minh Dam Base. We boarded the Hashmobile and picked up Hope Solo, and then Terminator’s family and Smokey at Seaview, Bus Stop at the coffee shop and Paddy already at Minh Dam area. When we arrived, Hare Flying Finn showed the driver to stop near the Monkey Pagoda and drop us off then drive to the Minh Dam car park. We walked to the Monkey Pagoda and our Chalk-Talk was observed by curious monkeys: “We all walk up the mountain and reach the houses of the monks, then turn right and the trail is split into two, on the right is the shortcut to the car park, and the left is the mountain trail that leads up to the lookout rock, then follow the red tape down to the water reservoir, and go around the big rock to come back at the split trail, then take the shortcut trail to the Down Down.” Then it was “On-On” to the mountain. As we climbed we were followed and observed by curious monkeys; it seems they look forward to the Hashers giving them food. When we reached the houses of the monks, some Hashers split to go the shortcut and two Hash Virgins took the challenge of going to the lookout rock for some photos. Then we all coming down to the water reservoir and follow the red tape to pass around the big rock and return where the trail split. We then took the shortcut trail to the Down Down, where our ice cold San Miguels were waiting and some delicious snacks provided by Foodie Mother Teresa. As some time passed, we realised we were still missing five Hashers, but two of them are experienced so they are not lost but arrived at the wrong Down Down(!). We called each other and they said they will walk from Monkey Pagoda to the Car Park. We started our Group Photo and the Circle so we can pick them up on the way back, since the driver said the road from Monkey Pagoda to the Car Park is quite long. Basil donned the Chain of Office and after the Group Photo we started a quick Circle with a welcome message, then Hares Flying Finn and Slipper were invited into the Cirlce and Returnee SamOnHash to rate today’s trail: “It’s been some time and when he return to the Hash, the trail today is very good,” so he gave today’s trail 8/10. We then bring in the Hash Virgins, Ms Hoa and Ms Lien first time in the Hash and Ms Hien who was introduced by Smokey. A Hash Virgin song is performed by Basil. We then bring in the Returnees, SamOnHash and Tiny Rabbit, with their excuses of “Travel” and “Schoolwork”, so we welcome them back with a beer, and water for Tiny Rabbit. We skipped the Sinners since they not here yet and we might have to pick them up on the way, so we moved on to announce that next week’s trail is still in Long Hai and the Hares are Mr Dan, Chippy, Yu Bok and SamSon who had set and marked the trail two days ago. We then bring in Foodie Mother Teresa and thanked her for always providing us with Russian delicacies. Last announcement was that the Astro Family will be leaving us for Italy sometime in June, so we wish them good luck and friends should spend their time hanging out before they leave; and if they come back to Vung Tau in the future, we shall “see them again”. When the Circle ended, we phoned the missing Hashers and realised they are halfway up to the Car Park, so instead of going to pick them up, we waited for them with ice cold San Miguels and the group was finally re-united. Then it is all happy singing on the way home to end this week’s run. We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #780 PHOTO GALLERY GPS TRACE COURTESY FLYING FINN > > >
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 02 April 2017 LONG HAI - A very pleasant day in the countryside! Hares: Flying Finn, Skipper Hash Flash: Paddy Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil Weather forecast today is sunny, but it didn’t stop the many Hashers who wanted to come to this week’s new trail set by Hares Flying Finn and Skipper; we also had lots of Returnees and some Hash Virgins as we gathered at Hon Ru Ri. We picked up Terminator’s family plus a returnee “Smokey” at Seaview Apartments, then we picked up another Returnee Bus Stop and finally our Hash Flash Paddy, waiting for us at Long Hai. Our Hashmobile dropped us at Street 36, still a large road, so we carefully walk over the street then through the village to the mountain, and lots of locals wondering where all the 46 foreigners and locals coming from. After we pass the big, empty road which under us is the gas pipe line, Hare Flying Finn started his chalk-talk: Just follow the red tape and arrows up the mountain and follow the trail where the Rangers had burned all the dried grass to prevent forest fires spreading. Then on to the bumpy road that even kids can dream of going(!), then through the forest, through the village and out to the open road where the bus will wait there. “On-On” we go to the hot sunny day which Hope Solo prepare full armor sun block. Up the mountain hill where we see some Vietnamese warning signs, and we saw the reason: old abandoned rock mining area, which we only took some photos but didn’t go through. We found the burned trail left by the forest rangers, and we followed the red tape to reach the bumpy road and that is an easy walk for the Junior Hashers. Then we go through the forest which happily shaded us from the sun and let us take some more photos. Once we reach the village, they happily pointing out where the Hash Down Down is, and it is a magnificent open Down Down area. We finish the trail with no pressure at all and we happily enjoy our Foodies’ Russian cuisine and Vietnamese tropical fruit. All washed down with our cold San Miguel beers and softies. Then Basil start our group photos with lots of Hashers asking our Hash Flash Paddy to take photos with their phones! Ringmaster Basil started the Circle with his greetings and congrats to every Hashers who complete this new trail, and he invited the Hares, Skipper and Flying Finn into the Circle. Then he nominated returnees Perro Caliente and Suction Cup to rate today trail. “A fantastic run” with this new trail, FRBs Perro and Terminator enjoyed it, but the trail is short so he gives a 9.5/10. We welcomed the Hash Virgins today, Ms Oanh was introduced to the Hash by her English teacher who isn’t here today, and Ms Oanh brought her new friend from Japan, Ms Minami and today she isn’t well with her throat, so she can’t speak loud but they all like the Hash very much; Ms Trang was introduced by her sister Ms Diep; and Tommy who arrived in Vung Tau for 5 days, also from Japan, was introduced by Basil. A Hash Virgin song is performed by Basil. We then welcomed a lot of Returnee Hashers with many excuses: Perro Caliente and Suction Cup was with “his children in Singapore getting a school for him”; Big Mac “Return to Aussie”; Shaky is “1 month in Da Lat and 1 month in Australia”; Smokey “Absent for a whole year”; Chippy “Traveling from North to South”; D&G “got sick, working and relaxing”; Ms Diep, Geronimo, Bus Stop, Marat and Nehia are all “working”. We welcome them back, and they each got a beer, Down Down for them! Sinners: as expected, Skipper with his sandals and his beer; and Mr Dan’s son Scott for trying the tube of shame and he liked it, so he got his wish with his water cup on the hand. Also a “thank you” special lens cup for Hash Flash Paddy. Hashtags started with Flying Finn’s idea: Skipper likes his slippers so we shall re-name him “Slipper” which he agreed to change; Mr Kien, an English student which the Circle quickly gave the name UOK; and Ms Hien, mother of Junior Hasher Ben, which everyone give a lot suggestion but today little Ben isn’t with the Hash, he stayed home to watch TV so we name Ms Hien “HBO”. We now bring today's Foodies: Mother Teresa, Stubble and D&G for the delicious Russian food and Hope Solo with her tropical fruits; our Hash Virgins from Japan and everyone else love both of them, so “Here’s to the Foodies…”! And finally, news about the next trail: SamSon just give a call to Basil that he volunteer to help set the trail in Minh Dam. Anyone who wants to set another trail instead are welcome and we shall use that trail next time. So watch the NEXT RUN box in case of updates through the week. We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #779 PHOTO GALLERY
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025