PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 16 October 2016 NUI DINH - "The Hash runs in any weather!" Hares: Basil, SamSon Hash Flash: Fot tret Ringmaster: SamSon Foodies: Mother Teresa, Ms Lucy, Hope Solo Chief Drinks Wrangler: Rose Report: Basil We all met again at 14:00 at Hon Ru Ri. Luckily the trail is the other side of Dinh Mountain and the time frame is perfect for Hash Virgin Chris from Britain to meet his first Hash in his first time in Vietnam (and first time in Vung Tau). As we travel to pick up Ms Lucy and Terminator, “long time no see” Hasher Bus Stop also joined us this week. Half way to our destination, Hi-Fi’s friend Ms Lina isn’t feeling well so we stopped the bus and called Hoa Mai to take her home, accompanied by Hi-Fi. When we passed the toll station, we realised the sky was becoming darker and then it started to rain. As we reached our destination, Hashers were surprised to see the huge temple and luckily, most Hashers had prepared raincoats for the occasion. Basil started the chalk-talk under the rain and reminded everyone to follow the red arrows and tape - and hopefully they are still there even if heavy rain might break some tree branches. We follow the stone road and lots and lots of stairs; then we were greeted by devotees who finished their own trail and came back to say "Hi" to VTH3! When we reached a good spot for photos, the rain had lightened up a bit so Hashers had some time to take lots of pictures before moving on. Hare SamSon was waiting at the turning point, then the first group told him that some FRBs had turned in the wrong direction, but SamSon managed to call them back before any more went the wrong way. The rain is now getting heavy again and we carefully headed down to the bus. It was very slippery, with water flowing down the stairs like a river. We are lucky that the monks allowed us to avoid the rain in the guests' shelter (see photos) and also allowed us to have our Circle and Down Down in the shelter with our ice cold San Miguel beer, despite the temple being a non-alcohol place! After Hashers had regained their strength and the rain showed no sign of stopping, we started our group photo and held the Circle inside the shelter while other guests paid much attention to the group of Hashers! A welcome message from Ringmaster SamSon and a reminder that the Hash runs in any weather, then Hares Basil and SamSon are called to the Circle and Returnee Radio Wave was nominated by Lady D to rate the trail. “The trail is very good but it is short” so he gave 8/10 “BUT” with weather like this plus this is a new trail, Hares were awarded 2 more points to make it 10/10! For Hash Virgins, we had Ms Bich, sponsored by Ms Dung, Chris Hall from Britain who saw a Hash hand-out in a bar, and Mr Tuan who read our story in the local newspaper. After that, Returnee Radio Wave's excuse is: “Holiday” and Kojak is “Working”, both were given the Sinner's cup and Tube of Shame respectively! Then Sinners with Ms Bich for inappropriate footwear, and many Hashers for going the wrong way, and Hare Basil was charged for not marking the trail well: so Down Down for them all! Then we thanked Foodies Mother Teresa, Ms Lucy and Hope Solo for their delicious snacks before we closed the Circle since it is now dark. We are fortunate that our Driver called for another bus to pick us up since his bus had broken down when we had our Group Photo; so when the Circle ended, the new bus is there to pick us up, but sadly the new bus won’t allow drinking inside since it will leave a beer smell! We didn’t announce next week's trail in the Circle, but we announced on the bus that it will be in Minh Dam and probably a "2 trail in 1" run, with Hares SamSon and Basil and also possibly Terminator - watch the NEXT RUN box before Sunday for confirmation, or any changes. Another announcement on the bus was an invitation for everyone to wear Halloween costumes on Sunday, 30 October (run #757). The mismanagement committee will look at awarding prizes for best costume, etc! We'll meet at Hon Ru Ri next Sunday, as usual: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #755 PHOTO GALLERY GPS TRACE AND RUN STATS COURTESY RADIO WAVE:
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 09 October 2016 NUI DINH - "The rainy season hasn't finished yet!" Hares: Basil, Mr Hoang, Shaky, SamSon Hash Flash: Fot tret Ringmaster: SamSon Report: Basil Before everyone met at Hon Ru Ri at 2 pm the sky was clear and promised that today’s trail is a no rain day, which is better than when the Hares tried to set the trail and got caught up in heavy rain! But as soon as we picked up Terminator’s family near the Seaview apartments, our ride to Dinh Mountain (“Nui Dinh”) was hit by heavy rain and dark sky. While it was still raining when we reached our destination, the lady living near there had a stroke of luck since many Hashers didn’t prepare a raincoat and she got a chance to sell some to Hashers! Basil told Hashers to get comfortable and listen to his Chalk Talk: the trail is leading up to the mountain, and then come down the mountain where Hares will be waiting to direct Hashers to the lake, where the bus with cold eskies is waiting. Also since it was raining when the trail was set, there was no red tape to mark - but the trail was easy navigated. Hasher FRBs Terminator and UFO dash up ahead without raincoats while followed by other Hashers also avoiding oncoming motorbikes. This mountain has beautiful scenery, but since there is the rain, Hashers only choice is to head to the top and come down, also need to be careful since the stairs will be slippery. When Terminator and UFO headed down first, feeling not long enough, they did a second round before heading to Hare Basil waiting to direct them to the lake with red tape marked on the way by Hare SamSon. When we all reached the bus, it has finally stopped raining, so the bus took the eskies near the lake for the Down Down. After sometime to explore the lake, taking pictures with sheep herd, Hashers start the Hash team picture with a perfect spot by the lake - see photo gallery below. We started the Circle with Hare SamSon donning the chain of office. After Welcome speech, the 4 "young men" Hashers who set the trail were invited into the Circle and Returnee Camel Bone volunteered to rate the trail. The trail is “perfect” and with rainy weather stopping at the Down Down, he awarded 8/10; however SamSon honestly told the circle that they set the trail but no red tape, so a point is then deducted because of SamSon’s honesty: 7/10 We then welcomed Hash Virgins Ms Dung and son nicknamed “Carrot”, sponsored by Hope Solo. After that, Returnees Camel Bone, Bob, Ms Phuong Anh, Anatoly, Ms Thao, Robert and Gina all gave excuses: “In Australia”, “Resting”, “Working”, and “No Excuse”. Sinner’s cup was given to Ms Thao! Then Sinners were called and started with Bob for his new shoes, Ms Dung and son for inappropriate footwear, and everyone who didn’t wear a Hash T-shirt! Then Hash names were given to new Hare Mr Hoang as “Geronimo”, and Erik as “Felix”. Before we announced next week’s run, some words from Blondie who will leave the Hash for 1 month to go back to Russia. She expressed her gratitude that being with the Hash, she knows a lot of friends in Vietnam. And everyone agrees with Basil that: “We will see you again”! Then announcement for next week that SamSon will set a trail in Phu My with help by Basil and volunteer from Perro Caliente, but he needs to figure out who he shall bring since both of them can’t drive. Basil also announced that the drive to Phu My might take too long if it’s outside our usual 45 minutes limit (for not having to change departure or return times), so everyone must check the website NEXT RUN box since if Plan A to Phu My doesn’t work out, Plan B shall be posted on the website instead. We'll meet at Hon Ru Ri next Sunday, as usual: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #754 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 02 October 2016 METRO TO THE BEACH - or, "I can jump puddles!" Hare: Uncle Hash Flash: Uncle. Additional photos: SID-knee, Tiny Tim Ringmaster: Basil. Junior ringmaster: Ben Drinks Wranglers: Ice Water, Anti Foodie: Terminator Report: Uncle Our uncanny relationship with the weather gods continued as we gathered at Hon Ru Ri for the short ride to Metro, picking up three more Hashers on the way to make it a total of 38. Any "big rain" in the three days prior to Sunday would have meant taking a "Plan B" trail around the low-lying flood-prone areas, but it fortunately wasn't required. The chalk talk emphasised the need to help each other in places - especially when crossing the main Highway 51C to Ba Ria - and then it was "On On" to Metro (strictly "No shopping" this trip!). All "water jumps" were safely negotiated as we wound our way through the upper Ward 10 area behind Metro and across to the highway. Safely across to the other side, we headed directly towards the beach then turned right to move parallel with the sand dunes through some rather picturesque vegetation. Several small'ish puddles here and there left a few with muddy shoes, but we managed to reach the beach near the fishing village without any major wardrobe malfunctions. The familiar red eskies awaited - along with some Russian delicacies and other snacks, and a nip or two of Uncle's home-made chilli vodka fermented to instructions from Super Teen (but a bit stronger than expected because he "accidentally" doubled the number of chilli's and the days for marination)! Many headed straight to the ocean, but eventually returned as we unfolded our sponsor's banner for the team photo - taken this week by a helpful stranger who happened to be passing on his way to the beach! Ringmaster Basil called Hare Uncle into the Circle and Perro Caliente rated the trail a 9/10, which then received an extra point because Uncle broke the cardinal rule for Hares and set the trail by himself: 10/10! Some confusion identifying the Hash Virgins, but we eventually welcomed Edward, introduced by Indecision, and subsequently Perro Caliente's brother-in-law Anton. Then we welcomed returnees Indecision, UFO, junior Hashers Malika and Marianna, and Tiny Tim. UFO and Indecision were awarded the Tubes of Shame and both gave textbook examples of "how to swallow a waterfall without losing a drop"! Danish Visitor Jasper from SH3 was invited to introduce himself, and then Tiny Tim and UFO charged about a dozen Hashers for not wearing regulation Hash t-shirts - which made drinks wranglers Anti and Ice Water very busy for a while! Plenty of "animated Circle discussion" followed before it was agreed that Vadik will henceforth be known in Hash parlance as "Dynamo" ("Deanamo" in Russian English)! Then Lady D wished Uncle and Anti "bon voyage" for their forthcoming sojourn downunder; and Basil announced that he and Mr Hoang would set next week's trail on Nui Dinh - with the usual reminder to keep an eye on our home page NEXT RUN box in case of any changes later in the week. We'll meet at Hon Ru Ri next Sunday, as usual: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #753 PHOTO GALLERY BEEP BEEP - that's all folks!
Oops - just one more > > > PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 25 September 2016 SMALL MOUNTAIN - Jesus Statue and a long walk home! Hare: Basil Hash Flash: Viking Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil 24 Hashers arrived by 14:00 at Hon Ru Ri, and then junior Hasher Ben and his mom arrived at 14:30 just as we were boarding the fleet of Hashmobiles. We disembarked at Jesus statue, and Basil gave the chalk-talk. He reminded everyone that once they were on the dirt road and reach the security house with barking dog, everyone must follow the red tape that leads up to Jesus statue from the house, and then go down back to the house again and head down onto Phan Chu Trinh street and back to Hon Ru Ri for the Circle. Kids and fast Hashers dashed up the stairs and reached the dirt road, while Viking helped the last group and Basil stayed behind until the last Hashers arrived at the dirt road, then we all headed to the house. When we reached the house, the last group wondered if everyone made it to the statue or if they headed down without seeing the red tape that led up to the statue. At this time, Basil also remembered to give Viking the Hash camera or there wouldn’t be any Hash photos this week! We managed to reach Jesus statue but found no-one, so the last group headed down to the house to reach Phan Chu Trinh street. We come to meet little Hasher group who went back up since they thought they were faster or they went the wrong way. With some time to spare, Junior Hashers joined Basil’s group and headed down to the open area rock hill overlooking Back Beach, with many locals and tourists taking photos. We had some time to take lots of pictures and explore the area and after that, we all headed down to the street. We walked a long way to the Down Down, but with our drinks in the eskies with ice, we soon felt refreshed! After a break for eating, drinking and chatting, we all took the team photo with our sponsor's banner, then Basil donned the chain of honour and called the Circle. After the Welcome Message, Messi volunteered to rate the trail 7/10 since it was "misunderstood". But with the reason explained by Lady D and Shaky that Basil has set the trail alone, 3 more points were added to make it 10/10! Then we welcomed Junior Hash Virgin Lan Anh, who was introduced by her friend Pauly to the Hash. Then Returnees: Stubble’s excuse was “resting in Russia and Ukraine”, Vadik “Vacation” and Ms Hien “Family and Work”. The Sinner’s cup was awarded to Stubble, who Down Downed it in fine style! And then Sinners were the group of mainly junior Hashers who didn’t see and follow the red tape to Jesus statue while everyone else did! Then announcements for next week that Uncle will set a new away trail near Metro Supermarket (if we get 2-3 days without heavy rain, otherwise it will be a live hare trail because some of it is near the beach and difficult to mark if too soggy!); and next week will be Erik's 6th run, so he will think about a suitable Hash name or the Circle will decide for him. We'll meet at Hon Ru Ri next Sunday, as usual: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #752 PHOTO GALLERY
January 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025