After browsing through the run report and photos below, don't forget to support our major sponsor, San Miguel, for all your festive season supplies. SPECIAL OFFER: From 1 December 2013 to 30 January 2014, anyone purchasing San Miguel bottled or canned beverages will be entitled to raffle coupons for chances to win from a whole range of attractive prizes! Sunday, 24 November 2013 NUI DINH LAKE Duty Beermeister Faulty Brakes, ably assisted by Mr Gopi, organised our after-run refreshments courtesy of generous sponsor San Miguel and, before you could say ‘Llanfair PG’ (google it), or anything else for that matter... we were under way. Arriving at Nui Dinh, the usual run briefing was held and then everyone dashed headlong down a rough dirt road not knowing what was ahead - but nonetheless determined to enjoy it. Once past the lake, the fun and hard work began. UXO led the way as we turned off the dirt road and into another world. With streams criss-crossing the trail, and unyielding bamboo often barring the way through a rich canopy of greenery - not to mention hills and boulders to climb - this was a "nature trail" by any assessment! Through it all, our enthusiastic Hashers were kept on track by the familiar red eco-tape that marked the path to the summit. It was difficult to think that it could get any better - but it did! After struggling up the last hill and emerging into the open, the views were simply stunning: we found ourselves surrounded by mountain peaks glistening in the afternoon sunshine! Returning along the ridge road, which in places resembled a rocky ski slalom, one of our over-eager runners executed a spectacular and extremely acrobatic ‘Half Pike with Twist’ - but it was generously passed off as "merely a stumble"! The trail was overwhelmingly rated ‘The Best, The Best, The Best’, with an amazing score of "900 out of 10"! Thanks must go to Hare Son for setting this trail some days earlier with RW. Joining in the after-run fun - and it was fun - we welcomed back Miss Vanessa and the accompanying glow of Malaysian sunshine. And who could forget the sheer delight shown by Hash Virgin Co Mia upon finishing her very first run with VTH3! We also welcomed two 'new names': Sparky and the infamous Dracula (seriously!). Closing a wonderful day, we returned to OSB1 with the usual vocal accompaniment, and the knowledge that next week's outing will be on picturesque Long Son island. Don't miss the bus - only the first 45 to register next Sunday will be guaranteed a seat, so BE EARLY! With Christmas just around the corner, we're handing out envelopes for donations to buy some gifts for our annual "Santa Hash" visit to a local orphanage. Please give generously - let's do our best to make sure these disadvantaged children have a wonderful Christmas! Report by Rowdy Water. Additional photos thanks to Demin Vladislav. VTH3 #604 photo gallery>>>
After browsing through the run report and photos, don't forget to support our major sponsor, San Miguel, for all your Festive Season supplies! ![]() ![]() VTH3 #603 Sunday 17 November 2013 PEKKA & IRENE'S CITY/LAKE RUN REPRISED This week’s local run took nearly 30 eager hashers across town from Front Beach to Back Beach (almost!), and back again via the large, picturesque lake behind the GPO – a trail first set by visiting Finnish Hashers Pekka and wife Irene more than a year ago, and not revisited until today. In something unfamiliar to Vung Tau Hashers, the entire trail was flat – nary a hill nor step to negotiate. Former VTH3 and now Ulsan (Korea) Hash stalwart Cap St Jacques returned for a brief visit, as well as Bibby Long Stocking making her first appearance; it was our pleasure to welcome them both. Hot Dog collected the run fees in a very relaxed atmosphere before we all set off to “pound the pavement” around the city, edging closer and closer to Vung Tau’s answer to Hoan Kiem: the Lake of the Slumbering Porcupine! With maps in hand, it would surely be only a matter of time before someone went the wrong way? Sure enough, three regular FRBs were the first to be spotted bypassing Hem 167 leading down to the lake, but today’s run was set as “relaxing”, so such a minor discrepancy as going the wrong way was easily overlooked! A more alert group of 25 MSRs (mid-stream runners) ignored the FRBs and arrived at the lake in unison. The trusty boatman, Mr Phuong (much-loved by SCBs), was nowhere to be seen and the track was overgrown in places and occasionally hidden altogether - but our intrepid Hashers circumvented the lake in grand style, maintaining a compact chain that would have been the envy of kindergarten teachers everywhere! Whether the fish were jumping out of the water to witness the site of a “Hash chain” or not is a matter for debate. However, the tranquillity remained unbroken until, for the first time in recent memory, an entire Hash kennel went through the middle of a bustling market on a Sunday afternoon – and emerged unscathed! And then it was time for plenty of amber fluid to wash down the crisps and quail eggs – as well as delicious salted pork and Russian bread supplied by Terminator and family. Adding further colour to the culinary spread, and so thoughtfully carried all the way from Korea by Cap St Jacques, were green bottles of the highest-selling distilled rice liquor in the world, ‘Soju’. Many Hashers enjoyed their very first taste of this famous vodka-like rice liquor aka ‘giggle juice’, and no-one disapproved! And the porcupine? He slept soundly in the overgrown pathway around the lake, completely undisturbed as we all crept quietly past him on the surrounding wall. Sleep on, 'Prickly' – maybe we’ll see you again next time… This reprise of Pekka and Irene’s city/lake run was a very relaxing affair; but it will be back to hills, mountains and a good chance of steps next week as we revisit one of our favourite “Away” locations: Nui Dinh – make sure you don’t miss the bus: On On! Report by Rowdy Water. Hash Flash Gopi. Additional photos by Hard Drive and Cap St Jacques. VTH3 #603 photo gallery >>>
10 November 2013 Big Mountain: "Theme Park" Easily smashing the Local Run attendance record (except for "special" runs like the 400th and 600th), more than 40 Hashers and Hash Virgins registered at Offshore Bar 1 to cover the full length of Nui Lon ("Big Mountain"). All ages from very young to old and even a touch older(!) participated on this remarkable day. It was a rather boisterous arrival at 750 Tran Phu for the start of our day's fun. And what better greeting than the many steps at Hem 30/1 to get everyone breathing deeply of Vung Tau's fresh sea air! Not surprisingly (this is VTH3, after all!), even more steps followed. Then, veering left up a large hillock with super assistance from a local ‘Monk’, we hit the main trail for the day. Was the hard part already over?... No, of course not! With chants of ‘On On’ echoing across the mountainside, we all moved forward along a beautiful trail meandering into a double terrace of long grass. Originally some 1.5 meters high, the grass was fortunately beaten down by the FRBs for the accidental benefit of all. By the time the 'back markers' arrived, it resembled a virtual bowling green! By now, our Hashers were really enjoying the run which had brought them to a most impressive statue of Buddha on top of the mountain. From there it was to be "downhill all the way", after first extricating ourselves from the theme park and back onto Vi Ba road. What could have been "a small run-in with the authorities" was fortunately circumvented thanks to some well-placed and very familiar red eco-tape! "On On" and Down Down we went! With superb navigation skills, all Hashers arrived at the same Circle location: the two Gold Fish in the park opposite Front Beach, adjacent to Le Loi street. It had been a long trail, recorded at just under 7 km - at least half of which was straight up the side of a very Big Mountain! So after some two hours of "red tape fever", everyone took a well-earned rest until a ‘Circle ‘ was called despite the rapidly gathering darkness. And now we faced another record: never before have there been so many brave and strong ‘Hash Virgins’ on a single local run, namely Yana, Maxim, Nastya, Andrew, Stephey, Loan, Yang, Hoa, Sandy, Trang, Thuy, Johny, Scina and Chad. "Welcome indeed to VTH3 Hash", was the message as they 'down downed’ the special nectar of ‘fun and friendship’ courtesy of our generous sponsor San Miguel! And yet another record on this remarkable day: how could we possibly ignore an award for ‘Best Dressed Hasher’? Hash Virgin Mr Thuy, aka ‘Mark’, stole the show - literally in fine style. A fantastic cameo of ‘Cool’. Unexpected, unintended but definitely not unpunished! It's always lovely when we have a ‘Hash Naming’, and today it was to be em Thao. Having completed the requisite number of runs to qualify for "rebirthing", she will henceforth be known as ‘Chippy’ due to her superb ability to feed the throng of hungry Hashers with super chips. "On On Chippy"! Next week's run will be very different - and everyone will receive a map at registration. But first, our congratulations to VTH3 stalwart UXO who superbly assisted today as ‘Hash Flash’. Next week, another ‘volunteer’ will be chosen at random for this important task - and it could be you! Report by Rowdy Water, photos by UXO. Additional photos by Demin Vladislav. VTH3 #602 photo gallery >>>>>
03 November 2013 Nui Dinh - new trail This Sunday's 601st Run was a challenging new trail in the mountains of Nui Dinh with a midway point of serene beauty and a rather cute big rock - see photos below. We disembarked at the start of the trail and welcomed back ‘Vulgar Bulgar and his better half’, ‘Sam on Hash and Little Rabbit’, and a second appearance from Gareth ‘Crazy German’ who resides in the Philippines. Making up the excellent number of 44 runners were our regulars plus a handful (no pun intended!) of very welcome Hash Virgins. Arriving a little later than expected at the start, it was imperative that all went no further than the defining point of the trail: ‘The Red Ribbon Bush’, to ensure they'd be able to complete the trail in daylight. Yes, there were some steep climbs at times - but it was in a really beautiful mountain setting, successfully traversed by the vast majority of our Hashers. It was past ‘dusk’ when the last of our Hashers arrived at the Circle location and celebrated their efforts with cool refreshments from the magical ‘Eskies’. With the Circle being called in a location very similar to an ongoing Isle of Man TT race (google it - ed), the passing motorbike headlights were rather useful. The run report always comes first, but with four Hares setting this trail and only two present, only they could be assessed - so our thanks go to Hares KFC and Mr Son who also helped ensure we had a super run. With the trail rated a cool 9/10 by ‘Ronald Reagan’ and with shouts of "100%", we moved on to the ‘Returnees’. Welcome back indeed... We had also some very nice words spoken by former Grand Master and returnee ‘Vulgar Bulgar’, and naturally our Virgins were introduced to VTH3. The traditional ceremonial potion of San Miguel or water being used was not easy to determine on this occasion as they look the same colour in the dark - but that did not phase our Biermeister ‘Ronald Reagan’ one bit! With the ‘Down Down’ over and all comfortable in this week's ‘Pink Chariot’, we set off down the mountainside... The usual stories of real or imaginary happenings had already started when a sudden yell of, "We’ve left the banner behind!", brought our chariot to one of the slowest stops in history. "Mr Perpetual Motion" and relentless FRB ‘Terminator’ alighted and, in no time at all he returned through the darkness - triumphantly clenching VTH3's ‘Colours’. The usual "international song festival" accompanied us back to base camp, Offshore Bar 1, where the eskies and "blue bin" were unloaded and laid to rest for another week. Next Sunday's trail will be set midweek on and over Nui Lon, the "Big Mountain" here in Vung Tau. We'll see you then! VTH3 run #601 photo gallery>>>
(see also for additional photos by Radio Wave) |
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025