PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 30 August 2015 LONG SON ISLAND - "an enjoyable day in the countryside" Hares: Uncle, Faulty Brakes Ringmaster: Basil Hash Flash: Uncle. Circle photos: UXO Foodies: UXO, Tiny Tim, Chippy Report: Uncle, Basil Another bright, sunny day saw our band of happy Hashers board the bus at Sao Bien 4 for Long Son island. We dismounted at the new secondary school and after a false start(!) we hiked through the local residential area, greeted along the way by smiling locals and schoolchildren who all seem to know some English and are keen to practise. The pack somehow managed to lose its way and emerged onto the correct sealed road but several hundred metres west of the marked exit point! Fortunately, Ronald Reagan had been running ahead and was able to point them out to co-Hare Uncle, who was waiting patiently at the correct - but now wrong - point for the pack to appear! Now guided towards the correct entry point, we headed into the dykes separating the oyster farms, being careful not to damage any of the small, rather flimsy bridges along the way. It turned out to be an extremely pleasant way to experience the local countryside and fishing community "up close and personal". Finally, back out onto the sealed road, we turned right and headed down to the Son Thuy Ngu restaurant and our bus. Then another change of plan as the caretaker of a local pagoda invited us into the courtyard, instead of staying on the side of the road or negotiating a fee to use the restaurant car park. We quickly offloaded the eskies and proceeded to devour the "international cuisine" provided by Tiny Tim (Russian version of kim chi), UXO (potato crisps to replace the sushi that Oopso spilled a few weeks ago!), and sticky rice courtesy of Chippy. Our thirsts were slaked with ice-cold San Migs and softies, thanks to our generous sponsors. Ringmaster Basil called the Circle and Greg rated the trail 8/10 then deducted a point for getting lost to make it 7 - at which point Uncle illegally(?) added 2 points to compensate for being sick since eating some roadside food after setting the trail three days ago! Returnee Mr Smiley was welcomed back; then two separate groups were charged for sins ranging from getting lost (as a Hare!) to wearing fluoro pink shoelaces! Foodies UXO, Tiny Tim and Chippy were thanked; then a vote was taken to hold the 700th run on Sunday, 20 September (the real date, despite what it says on the t-shirts, is 27 September - but who's counting...). It will be the popular "waterfall" trail on Big Mountain, followed by a Down Down and after-party back at Sao Bien 4. Uncle and Faulty Brakes set several trails on Long Son island on the same day, so next Sunday will be back to the island for a hike across the mountain - please wear sturdy shoes because there are many big rocks on the way up! We'll meet, as usual, at Sao Bien 4 restaurant: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #696 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 23 August 2015 LONG SON ISLAND - "Mystery trail" Hares: Uncle, Faulty Brakes, Basil, UXO/Oopso Ringmaster: Basil Hash Flash: Uncle. Circle photos: Fot tret, Stubble Foodies: Fot tret, Tiny Tim Report: Uncle, Basil We headed off to Long Son island in brilliant sunshine for what was described on the bus as a “mystery trail”, so hopes were high for an interesting day. Some 5 km onto the island we reached the start point, only to find that the narrow dirt track to begin our mystery trail was now part of a major new highway construction project! Undeterred, we continued on to the lake and dismounted to search for one of the many old trails in the area. Basil led the way, with UXO and Oopso taking over once we’d climbed a wall and plunged into thick undergrowth. “On On” we went through the dense foliage, occasionally stopping to re-assess the situation. But UXO was convinced he knew the way to the top of the mountain, so we decided to continue. It wasn’t quite the top of the mountain that we reached, but it was a very scenic resort that had been built since our last trail in this part of the island – very interesting indeed! Spirits were high and a show of hands sent us down the mountain to our bus and eskies at the pre-determined Down Down location next to the lake (in preference to someone racing down the hill to bring the bus back up!). It had been a great impromptu trail with lots of fun, an entire spectrum of terrain, and only medium difficulty – all of which earned it an 11/10 rating at the Circle convened by Ringmaster Basil after the delicious snacks had been washed down with ice-cold San Migs and softies. Hash virgin Nam and returnee Quyet were welcomed by the Circle, and then things started to get out of hand as Fot tret (shoe fault) was joined by half a dozen other sinners who weren’t wearing Hash shirts – maybe they didn’t want to get their shiny, new 700th run shirts dirty! Ms Loan didn’t escape, either – with her conical hat deemed unsuitable when brand new VTH3 embroidered caps were on sale for just 30k VND! Chippy formed a one-person water bomb team behind the sinners, until out-bombed (drenched!) by UXO and his 2-litre “spray-gun”. Finally, it was Fot tret’s turn again – and she was joined by Tiny Tim to receive thanks from the Circle for their culinary efforts which were, as always, very much appreciated. Uncle and Faulty Brakes volunteered to set another Long Son island trail for next Sunday – this time with a bit more certainty about start and finish locations (maybe!). And then it was onto the bus for an international song competition dominated by Russia (led by UXO), with “support acts” from Ireland, England, Australia, Vietnam, Korea and possibly more - but this scribe was far too busy enjoying the trip to make notes, so apologies to anyone not mentioned! It was a really great, fun day; very much enjoyed by all – and we certainly plan to repeat it next week. We’ll meet on Sunday, as usual, at Sao Bien 4 restaurant: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start – in any weather! (Please come a little earlier if you plan to purchase t-shirt/s and/or cap/s.) On On! VTH3 #695 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 16 August 2015 SMALL MOUNTAIN - "Jesus with outstretched arms" hill Live Hare: Basil Hash Flash: Fot Tret. Assistance Hash Flash: Philip, Map Draw Report: Basil Before the trail: - Hashers all meet at Sao Bien 4, with no rain. Hashers finally gather in contrast of last week raining non-stop for a Live Hare. - Uncle is helping Basil as part of Hash Mismanagement team, got the 700th run T-shirts and start selling them, and it was a popular hit with Hashers. - With no chalk-talk for Live Hare, Hashers all follow Basil and head to Small Mountain During the Hash: - A fair walk to Phan Chu Trinh street, the weather was hot which drain much of Hasher’s Stamina and also, the market on Phan Chu Trinh has not much customer due to the hot weather are trying to sell seafood to OXO. - As we walk on Phan Chu Trinh, Hasher Paul is showing us where he lives and his friendly, elderly neighbour is sitting in the shade wave his hand at us. - At this time, Hare Basil is losing pace because of the weather, experience Hashers who know the way start pick up the pace while also cheering Basil to keep up. - We all stop at Hotel Duc Anh for a rest and waiting for every Hasher to show up. - We start going up the hill, through the Village where the Adults are hiding from the Sun and Children playing inside the House. UXO found the water pipe and turn it on for a good face washing. - Finally reaching the Jesus statue, some Hashers decide to take their children for a tour inside Jesus statue and picture taken. The rest follow the stairs down to the Park where Uncle is waiting with the Eskies fill with food and Ice Cold Beer. - While everyone are refreshing themselves with all the Hash Goodies; UXO, OXO, and Oopso haven’t yet coming to the Down Down. But with no more waiting time, we start the Circle. During the Circle - A welcome message by GM Basil, and explain that once a while we had a circumstance to hold a Live Hare and nominated Viking for trail report, for he loves extra exercise. - “Good trail, but it is too easy”, Viking has express himself that the trail is easy but due to weather, he enjoys this week trail so 8/10. - We move on to Virgin, Ms Lien who has a same name as one of our Hasher, has Not decided to join the Hash Last Week due to rain, but she coming to today trail because of her friend. - As for Sinner, we got Uncle and Ronald Reagan. Philip who is busy on the Phone during the Circle will had his Sin next week and that’s include UXO’s Family for wandering somewhere but not at the Down Down. - We thank foodies, Fot Tret and Medicoast’s Staff for providing us the food this week. Next week - No details for Sunday’s trail but will be shown in NEXT RUN box when confirmed. - We’ll meet next Sunday, as usual, at Sao Bien 4 restaurant: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start (a little earlier if you'll be buying a T-shirt!). In any weather! On On! VTH3 #694 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 09 August 2015 BIG MOUNTAIN - "Waterfall" trail - Hashers all meet at the Sao Bien 4. There was a lot of Rain: 1st batch at 11:30, 2nd batch at Noon, and 3rd Batch at 1 P.M. Weather promises chance of witnessing Waterfall on the trail. - However, Other Hashers know rain so many decided to stay home, and only 6 Hashers decided to witness the Waterfall and show up at this time. - We all start walking to Hem 89 to go up the stairs to Vi Ba street, at this time, the rain has subsided. - After arrive at Vi Ba street, Basil had a chalk-talk and gives 6 Hashers choices but they all decided to follow the Waterfall trail. During the Hash - A familiar walk up the hill until we see the red-tape lead to the trees. - After arrive at the cross roads, we immediately turn left and follow the red-tape to the promised waterfall. - When we arrive at the promised Waterfall, we are disappointed that with the weather help by raining, the Waterfall is nowhere Big enough to see, just a small stream. (Hare's comment: It was more than a week earlier that the trail was set, so maybe some locals have diverted the waterfall upstream to get some free drinking water!) - We stop at Vi Ba for a picture and proceed down to the Coffee Shop, and the rain is catching up so we use the White Villa trail for safety and quick back to the Down Down. - Security Guard is surprised to see group of foreigners coming down to the Gate when there is no tourist in the vicinity. - Once reach at SB4, we all reach the Ice Cold Beer and chow down Medicoast Hotel’s Roast Pork and Bread for today Foodie. - After a while we all start a small Circle for today trail and Basil Volunteered for the Ring Master. During the Circle - A welcome message by the GM, and Hares Faulty Brakes and Basil will take the Down Down for Uncle who is unavailable this week, Big Mac was nominated to rate the Trail. - “It was a very good trail”, and it been a while since he had an exercise like this. However we all here because of the promised Waterfall but it turn out only a Super small stream so 7.5/10. - Unfortunately, with no Virgin and Returnee, we all find the Sinner and UXO said that “we are all Sinner, show up at the Hash when the weather is rain, what is wrong with us”. So we all take Down Down. - With no volunteers, we end the Circle and will update the next run box so always check the website. But few recommend to revisit this trail for newcomers or if no one set a new trail, we can revisit it. - We'll meet on Sunday as usual at Sao Bien 4 restaurant, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! ![]() Report: Basil Hares: Uncle, Faulty Brakes, Basil Hash Flash: Basil. Circle photos: UXO VTH3 #693 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
"Here's to the 'HARDY SIX HASHERS', they're true blue... "They're hard-core Hashers, through and through!" |
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