PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 01 January 2017 SMALL MOUNTAIN - "Small steps to begin a big 25th year!" Hares: Suction Cup, Perro Caliente Hash Flash: Mr Kim, Sidknee Team & Circle photos: Flying Finn, Ice Water, Chippy & friends Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 and HAPPY 25th YEAR VTH3 are today’s Hash dates, and the Hon Ru Ri café was crowded with customers but we still managed to gather 23 Hashers, including Ms Loan who arrived just as we were leaving! We all walked to Mr Ket coffee shop and realised that Front Beach is also crowded with holidaymakers! Then we walked up the hill past Mr Ket and followed the cement road until we reached the dirt track. We walked a bit and then stopped at the trail that goes up the lighthouse. Many remember the last time it was difficult going down, but not when going up. When we reach the safe area, we need to navigate through some thorny bamboo to finally reach the lighthouse – which was also crowded with visitors! We went down the path to the bunker while avoiding vehicles. We followed the trail that was hidden by the trees, leading down through an open track until we reach a familiar cement road. Ice Water roughly remembered this area from an old trail, but now many things have changed. We walked along the road and saw the marker that led to the ruins, so we went down the steps and into another thick forest area, then finally reached the steps to the former Worldwide Arms Museum (now on Tran Hung Dao street). Then we walked back to Hon Ru Ri for the Circle and Down Downs, with seasonally decorated cartons of San Miguel to brighten the occasion! When everyone had arrived, we took the team photo and Basil started the Circle. A welcome message plus “Happy New Year”, then Basil reminded everyone that today’s trail is a bit of nostalgia for veteran Hashers and especially Ice Water, who remembers part of it that she set with Rowdy Water three years ago. So Basil invited Ice Water to join today’s Hares in the Circle and asked Visitors Dogass and Tomoko to rate the trail since it is their last time in Viet Nam. There were mixed feelings about the trail, with the junior Hashers awarding 7/10, and others who wanted to give it more than 10/10. Ringmaster Basil decided that today is 2017, so we award the trail 17/10! With no Hash Virgins today, we moved on to Returnees, with Yu Bok and Astro Boy in the Circle. Astro Boy’s excuses are “school exams” and “playing soccer”: Down Down for him! For Sinners, we had lots of nominees with many reasons, but the Ringmaster revealed that he wanted people to have plenty of drinks since it is New Year – so for anyone who isn’t in the Circle, it is their loss! We called for volunteers to set next week’s trail and Basil said he can help but, if it’s an away trail, then someone will need to drive him. He also reminded everyone that Lunar New Year (“Tet”) holiday will be coming soon and it will be difficult to hire buses over that period, so best if we can do some away trails now while we can still get a bus! Ice Water volunteered to set an away trail, and Mr Kim will drive her. The trail will be on Long Son Island and might be an oyster farm – but will be confirmed later this week so make sure to check the NEXT RUN box for updates. We’ll meet at Hon Ru Ri next Sunday, as usual, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #766 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 25 December 2016 SMALL HILL, BIG CROSS (BA RIA) - Christmas Day run 2016 Live Hare: Basil Hash Flash: Ice Water. Circle photos: Chippy, Ms Loan Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil Everyone gathered for the Christmas Day run at Hon Ru Ri café hoping that the area near Nui Dinh will be decorated and there will be a prize for the best Santa costume. We picked up the Hope Solo’s and Terminator families on the way, then it was “On On” to the Mountain Cross (religious site on a small'ish hill west of Ba Ria). We dismounted near the lake and Basil gave his chalk-talk, explaining that we would walk through the village and then after we see the road split, turn left and go up the stairs to the Cross, take a break for some photos, and finally go down to the bus near the lake for the Circle and Down Downs. We walked to the mountain to see if the rumour about the area being decorated is true, and we saw that a big tree was indeed decorated – better than nothing! We climbed the stairs and were followed by some groups of teenagers who wanted to view the scenery from the top. New Hashers also took the chance to take some photos looking over a local township outside Ba Ria city. As we reached the top side, Hope Solo and her group had conquered the peak to bring her offering of flowers to the Ave Maria statue. Many happy Hashers took a lot of photos at the peak. Then we all headed down to the bus where the icy cold San Miguels were waiting. We quenched our thirst and washed down some delicious Russian food, as well as fruit courtesy of Hope Solo. We strolled around the lake but had to be careful of the local landowner who wants to be paid by people taking photos! We eventually took a team photo and started the Circle. A welcome message first, then Basil invited himself into the Circle because he was the Live Hare, and he reminded the Circle that today is Christmas – so the trail was awarded 10/10. Then we welcomed Hash Virgins Tomoko from Japan and George from Denmark (George introduced by Kim) – they had no prior knowledge about “Hash”; we also welcomed Ms Loan, introduced by Chippy. A Hash welcoming song was in order! Also we welcomed Visitor Jim “Dogass” who was told about VTH3 by Big Mac (Jim has visited Hashes in Cambodia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and more). We also welcomed back Returnees Alex and wife Taniya, with their excuse of “working offshore”. Since today is Christmas, there are no Sinners – and we now invited those Hashers wearing Red into the Circle to choose one as the Winner for “Best Santa costume”, and everyone chose Super Teen for her magnificent Russian traditional custom dress which was made by Mother Teresa (and the prize was collected by Terminator, so it was a combined family effort!) – see photo gallery below, including team photo at end! It was then announced that next week’s trail has been set by Perro Caliente and his wife Suction Cup – it’s a new trail on Small Mountain: "A small step for a BIG year to come”! Then we all headed home as Happy Hashers with “We wish you a Merry Christmas…” songs on the bus! We’ll meet again on Sunday, as usual, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start on what will be the never-to-be-repeated 1st run of 2017 and 1st run of VTH3's 25th year of operation! Don't miss it! On On! Christmas greetings from Anatoly Bakhtiyarov (Ak Bars): Hello friends! Merry Christmas! I wish you to spend this time fun! I remember You and I love You! Ak Bars VTH3 #765 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 18 December 2016 BIG MOUNTAIN - "...and On On to the Christmas Party!" Hare: Basil Hash Flash: Fot Tret Ringmaster: Basil Today really marked the end of rainy season since the city was affected by a storm with little raindrops over the last few days, but after Basil set the trail yesterday, today is sunny with cloud as we gathered at Hon Ru Ri café for the Christmas Party trail. Basil started his chalk-talk to let everyone know about today’s trail: we go to Ganh Hao restaurant on Tran Phu street, then climb the hill to the nuoc mia (sugar cane juice) stall at the top of the sealed part of Vi Ba street, then down Vi Ba and take the short cut through White Villa to Hon Ru Ri. Then it was “On-On” to Tran Phu street and as we walked past a newly opened restaurant, the security tried to invite Hashers to go inside. “Maybe next time,” Perro Caliente replied. As we walked to Ganh Hao restaurant, Basil reminded Hashers to help with Hash Virgins since many things have changed from the old trail. Hash Virgins Anna and Emily were impressed that this is the first time they have climbed Big Mountain up the hill! It was more gruelling than before since Basil didn’t clear all the vines and bushes, so itchy plants sometimes touched our skin. Also hungry mosquitoes, but they were prevented by Hashers' repellent. As we reached the sugar cane stall, everyone ordered the delicious juice and we took a short break. After that, we walked down Vi Ba and the Hash Virgins were excited to see the monkeys being fed with fruit by bystanders. Then we took the short-cut through White Villa and on to Hon Ru Ri where the delicious San Miguel beer was waiting in the ice cold eskies. When we finished our refreshments, we took the team photo. Then Basil donned the “chains of office” and started the Circle. A welcome message, and Hare Basil was awarded 9/10 by Stubble for a good trail and for setting it alone! Then we welcomed Hash Virgins Anna and daughter Emily from Singapore, Mountain Shrimp's nephew Long, and “Grandma” Rita's friend Tania. We welcomed them with our traditional Hash song. We also welcomed back Chippy, who has been studying; Illiya has been in Russia; and veteran Hasher “Old White Eagle” Super Teen’s granddad, who needs no excuse! Sinner Basil was charged for setting the trail drunk (which is probably not true, but that's unimportant!), and while waiting for his sinner cup he announced that the proposed joint run in March 2017 with SH3 and Pattaya Hash is still being planned, but it will be important for everyone to gather at Hon Ru Ri by the start time because of time constraints in coordinating to meet the other groups on Nui Dinh. And a last announcement that tonight’s Christmas Party will be held at Hon Ru Ri restaurant. Anyone who didn’t register before the deadline is also welcome to come along as we have room for a few more. Next week’s run was announced at the party. It will be a Live Hare run at the Cross on the small hill at Ba Ria near Dinh Mountain, and it's rumoured that the area will be decorated for Christmas. Since this trail news wasn’t announced in the Circle, everyone should please check the NEXT RUN box for details. We’ll meet again on Sunday, as usual, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start! On On! Seasons greetings to all VTH3 Hashers past and present from Stanley Malvar, San Miguel Vietnam (our major sponsor) and from "No Name Bob", Koh Samui H3 VTH3 #764 PHOTO GALLERY ...AND THEN THE PARTY STARTED!
MC: SamSon Hash Flash: Master Long (with support from HRR staff!) PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 11 December 2016 SMALL MOUNTAIN - "The Finn trail!" Hares: Andy ("Skipper"), Flying Finn Hash Flash: Knight. Circle photos: Ice Water, Hope Solo Ringmaster: Basil Today is raining but not much since it is only after-effect of the incoming storm. And it didn’t stop 21 Hashers gathering at Hon Ru Ri café for today’s “Finn Trail”. When it’s time to go, Hare Flying Finn start his chalk-talk at Hon Ru Ri, that we walk to Phan Chu Trinh street and go to Hem 298, walk up to the look-out rocky area below Jesus Statue, then follow the 3 dots and red tape that go along the rocky area, then you will reach the stairs to Jesus Statue. Then walk up to Jesus until you see the trail turn left, go along and down to the look-out area, then walk down the village and back to Phan Chu Trinh and Hon Ru Ri. We all walked to Phan Chu Trinh and found Hem 298; it was further than last week’s trail and based on that, the junior Hashers wanted to rate today’s trail. As we walked up to a muddy road, we came out to the good view of the abandoned house below the look-out area. At this time, the area is full of young couples, friends and motorbike club members, all coming to this place for a photo; we walked past them and followed the red markers to rocky trail. It is a little bit challenging for the youngsters but they had help from the adults to pass this trail. We told them, “You can boast to your friends that you cleared the challenge”. Other locals and tourists saw us reach the stairs from the side of the mountain, and decided to challenge themselves with the “Finn Trail”. We walked the stairs and then found the trail that led to a familiar trail for Basil. He said that he tried once to set this trail but it was overgrown after a week of rain, but now the trail is clear because of the forest rangers. As we walk down the trail and turn to the side, we found old abandon cannons that should have been overgrown years ago, but now are clear again thanks to those rangers, so we happily snap some photos. As we reached the look-out area, there were now more people. Then we walked down the village to reach Phan Chu Trinh and back to Hon Ru Ri. By this time, Basil’s group was a bit late and some other Hashers had business to attend to, so after the team photo (in the dark) they couldn’t attend the Circle, but we held it anyway. A quick welcome message from Ringmaster Basil and move to rate the trail, with Perro Caliente as the only volunteer. “A great trail that deserves a 15/10, but deduct 3 because the trail is long,” so today’s trail 12/10. Hash Virgin Mr Knight had to leave for his business, so we moved on to the Hash Names for Mr Andy and Ms Lucy. Andy who helped set the trail is a Master of Marine, so his Hash name is "Skipper". Ms Lucy decide her Hash name is “Vagabond” since in the past she lived and travelled and never stayed in one place very long. Then announcement for Lady D first, she said because she couldn’t extend her visa so she leaves now and will return after February to join the “Huge Event” (joint run with Saigon and Pattaya Hashes in March as part of the VTH3 25th year celebrations). Then announcement for the “Huge Event” next year, we want every Hasher to gather at Hon Ru Ri, because if we pick up every Hasher along the way we will be late to reach the destination and we have to coordinate the timing with the other two Hash groups. Finally an announcement for the VTH3 Christmas Party on Sunday, 18 December: the price is 200k per adult and 100k for juniors (includes meal, drinks, prizes, fun, etc). So Sunday’s trail will be a local one to give everyone time to shower and change for the party, which will start at 18:30. There are no dress rules for an informal end of year Christmas Party - just wear whatever clothes you feel comfortable in! We’ll meet on Sunday, as usual, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start! On On! VTH3 #763 PHOTO GALLERY
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025