22nd July 2018
Small Mountain - "Hon Ru Ri to Cafe Uno"
Hares: Mr. T, Secs,
Hash Flashers: Secs Ringmaster: Boozer Report: Secs
This Sunday, after a morning of fickle weather, a massive 54 Hashers met at Hon Ru Ri for a trail on Núi Nhỏ or Small Mountain. Our lead Hare, Mr. T, announced that there would two prongs of attack. The group with motorbikes would follow him to our Down-Down place at Cafe Uno and then walk from there along Ha Long Road to Mr. Ket Coffee Shop at the foot of Hai Dang Road. The second prong would follow Co-Hare, Secs, directly to Mr. Ket. From there we are to follow the road towards the Lighthouse looking out for the red ribbons on the right that would take us off the road, into the jungle and up to the mountain road that connects two army bases. Follow the road until we reach a temple and take the steps down until we see red ribbons diverting us to the left bringing us through the undergrowth and out on to Ha Long Road right next to our Down-Down spot at Cafe Uno.
On-On! Under a blue sky with fluffy white clouds we march along Ha Long Road waving at our fellow motorbiking Hashers as they whizz passed us. As we arrive a Mr. Ket the weather proves its fickleness and we are treated to a light shower of rain. Donning rainwear we wait a few minutes under the shelter of a tree until the rain subsides and the sun reemerges from behind the clouds and we begin yomping up a now steamy Hai Dang Road. We see the red ribbons indicating that we are to turn right and as we peer in to the dense jungle we see some dilapidated steps disappearing up the mountain. It is a tough but short climb as we desperately try to avoid the bloodthirsty, razor sharp, thorny vines that have taken over the ancient path. Emerging from the top we find ourselves on the very pleasant road that will take us across the mountain. The road takes us passed some quirky coffee shop, various caves that have been made in to shrines, some old military bunkers and magnificent views of Vung Tau. Another shower as we reach the temple and make our way down the many steps until the red ribbons tell us to hop over the short wall and in the forest where the next obstacle course awaits. After ducking under trees, clambering down slopes and crawling under nets we soon arrive at the narrow Hem that take us back to Ha Long Road and we are relieved to see Cafe Uno right next door. Cafe Uno provides an excellent environment to kick back, relax and socialise. Fantastic views of the sea, icy San Miguel and Banh Mi’s replete us as we await the remaining Hashers to return. However, we soon realise that something is not as it should be. Many of the motorbiking Hashers who started from Cafe Uno have yet to return and we are starting to get a little concerned. We needn’t have worried, one by one they saunter back and discover that upon arriving at Mr. Ket they took a wrong turn - instead of following the road the Lighthouse the went to the right looking for red ribbons, since there weren’t actually any ribbons on Hai Dang Road. All is not lost, stalwart Hasher, Aqua, put on her Hare Hat and guided her flock a different way across the mountain but ultimately joining the correct trail and bringing everyone back to Cafe Uno safely. With everyone now assembled, we squeeze all 54 Hashers together for the team photo and then it’s time for Boozer to call the Circle to order. Hares Secs and Mr. T are front and center and the young master Robin volunteers to give the trail a rating of 10/10 - Boozer calls for any advance on 10 - and our Hashers eventually settle on a score of 15/10. This week we have more virgins than we can count and they all introduce themselves - mostly hailing for Vung Tau. Sinners galore as we charge all the people who took the wrong the way across the mountain - Down! Down! Down! Down! We thank our Foodies, Terminator and family, Golden Fish and Boozer for generously providing delicious sandwiches and fruit. And we wrap up the Circle by reminding everybody the importance of registering before each run. Next week will be an away trail on Nui Dinh.
15th July 2018
Long Hai - "Monkey Pagoda Minh Dam"
Hares: Mr. T, Secs, Zidane
Hash Flashers: Secs Ringmaster: Aqua Report: Secs
A rainy Sunday afternoon didn’t deter our plucky Hashers from meeting at Hon Ru Ri and boarding the Hashmobile that will take us to Long Hai. This week we are revisiting the revered Monkey Pagoda trail which we haven’t been to for several months
Cagoules and ponchos at the ready we disembark at Trúc Lâm Monenstary and walk to the starting point where Hare, Zidane, delivers the chalk talk - we are to follow the steps into the jungle which will take us to a pagoda with plenty of selfie opportunities. After that continue along the path until we come to a formation of rocks with a natural tunnel, go through the tunnel and then follow the red ribbons until we will arrive at our down-down spot at Minh Dam Base car park. And then its on-on we go! The going is pretty easy under the overcast sky and step by step we plod on up the mountain surrounded by lush greenery. Arriving at the quaint pagoda nestled in the side of the mountain we are not disappointed with the promised views looking out over the mountains. For here its a short walk to the rock formation and we apprehensively spelunk our way through the dark and dank crevice. Emerging safely from the otherside it’s a short walk to the car park at Minh Dam Base. A veritable feast await us. Banh Mi, Ice Water’s doughnuts, Mother Teresa and Superteen’s hearty sandwichs, and fruit are served up and washed down with our favourite San Miguel. Thanks to all our foodies! After a some hobnobbing it’s time for the obligatory team photo. Mother Teresa spots a magic flying broomstick and treats us to a demonstration of her Quidditch skills. And now it's time for the Circle. Stepping up to the plate this week we welcome Aqua as our Virgin Ring Mistress! First up are the Hares, Zidane, Mr. T and Secs - a rating of 10/10 was given for the trail. Next the Returnees, this week we have Miss Noo from Vietnam who has been living in HCMC and so couldn’t come to the Hash and then Miss Lan, who has been busy working on Sundays. Aqua now calls for the Sinners and initially only Mother Teresa and Superteen are charged with taking a shortcut. But that’s not all, next we see Faulty Brakes and Buddha, followed by Mick, and then Twenty Three, and then Hope Solo and finally Athol for a total of eight egregious Sinners for a variety of nefarious acts. Down-downs for all! Finally we are informed that it will be local trail next week and a reminder to Register for the Run by clicking the button in the weekly email. We close the circle by applauding Aqua for doing an excellent job on her inaugural role as Ring Mistress and then board the Hashmobile back to Vung Tau and the party continues with disco lights and some block rockin’ beats courtesy of DJ Zidane.
8th July 2018
Big Mountain - "When the going gets tough - the tough get going!"
Hares: Mr. T, Secs, Boozer, Zidane
Hash Flashers: Secs, Radiowave Ringmaster: Boozer Report: Faulty Brakes
Hem 400B Tran Phu was the start of this week’s trail where 50 hashers assembled after registering earlier in Hon Ru Ri and being transferred in a flotilla of taxis to this starting point.A quick saunter through the labyrinth of hems much to the amusement of local Vietnamese saw us reach our starting point where Mr T and Secs pointed the way to the top of the mountain, a climb of over 300 meters and a gradient of back breaking proportions.
Scurrying up the steep cliff were the usual Rogues Gallery of hashers from as far apart as Russia to Australian and encompassing Europeans and Vietnamese the cries of “on on “could be heard across this tough ascent. Onwards and upwards transversing the mountain with hashers assisting fellow hashers and culminating at the Lazareto Fort (a reminder of when the French were in Vietnam previously.) The next part of the trail was a leisurely trek across the ridge of Nui Lon with the views of the Shipyards and Long Son Island to the left and the South China Sea to our right with Vung Tau City ahead.The next part of the trails was to descend the 690 steps back to Tran phu and back to a familiar Down Down location 102 Tran Phu or the “Little old Ladies place “as we affectionately refer to it. Previously the Nectar of Silver and Gold and soft drinks had been delivered by Buddha the Beer Doctor in ‘The Booze Bus‘ along with soft drinks and sambos and including in this week’s menu were the world famous Simon’s sambos with cheese and ham accompanied with English style mustard. (Is there no end to this man’s talent?). Hashers returned at different intervals to our refuge, skulling cans and soft drinks to compensate for today’s earlier exertions, relaxing and enjoying the surroundings of 102. Circle time had arrived when “Lord of The Rings” invited us to this week’s show, here another example of his ring craft where hashers accompanied his frolics by singing the hash song to various hares sinners and returnees. Alas all good things come to an end and sitting there watching the sun coming down it was time for the return to VTH3 Binh An H.Q with the remaining drinks eskeys and table. The Booze Bus duly arrived and was loaded and the Phan Chu Trinh mafia clambered on board to be driven Vietnamese style back to H.Q. Next week will be an away trip, it’s important to look for the new booking procedures and on today’s Going Gets Tough Trail, The Tough got Going.(apologies to Billy Ocean) Today’s trail was rated 10 out of 10.
1st July 2018
Long Hai - "Minh Dam To Long Hai Through the Jungle"
Hares: Mr. T, Secs
Hash Flashers: Secs, Radiowave Ringmaster: Boozer Report: Faulty Brakes
This weeks odyssey began at Binh An 4 where the supplies of grog where iced and soft drinks were loaded by Buddha the Beer Doctor and Zidane on board our VTH3 Chuck Wagon, a new mode of transport to deliver our essential cargo to Hon Ru Ri. This week 55 hashers turned up for Run 844 to Minh Dam in Long Hai, people from Australia, Russia, England, Scotland, Vietnam and not least Ireland, this pan global outfit all ready to board the good ship VTH3 and head north to Long Hai for this week’s hike across the mountains and picking up extra passengers along the way, laden with bullion of Silver and Gold (SanMiguel) more sambos and Ban Mi that you could “shake a stick at” and whilst tacking starboard with fair wind in her sails, we reached the car park at Minh Dam, dropping anchor, the hashers disembarked to wait the instructions for today’s trek.
Secs and Mr. T who had previously marked this trail the previous Friday instructed us to what lay head, up the path at side of Minh Dam (called after 2 Vietnamese war hero’s) to the first temple where from a giant boulder people could marvel at the panoramic views of the the shoreline of Long Hai and even Vung Tau in the distance on this beautiful sunny afternoon. The trail continuing across the ridge of the mountain through thick and various paths until we reached the second temple, again with mouth watering views and despite many hashers taking the obligatory Anti selfie tablets, many of hashers succumbed to the temptation of this beautiful countryside and selfies were the order of the day. We were nearing our journeys end and finishing line was in sight, down the steps and down more steps (which sent the sale of anti inflammatories soaring in Vung Tau pharmacies) we finished in the Eco Centre to complete this week’s trek of 5km of ascending and descending paths and a special commendation this week to Graham (Swanny) for his unselfish and helpful attention to his fellow hashers on this trail (Take a bow) Ornate gardens with lakes and rural rural Vietnamese countryside we chose a grassy verge in the Eco Centre where everyone could rest, polish off all the goodies, chat, and the ubiquitous selfies could be taken. The menu of Russian sandwiches; Vietnamese Ban Mi; Australian sausage rolls; fruit; Ice San Miguel and soft drinks (we thank everyone for their contribution) everyone enjoyed this veritable feast. In April this year VTH3 held their first overnight hash to Ta Cu Mountain and Coco Beach Camp and those lucky enough to have enjoyed this trip received a commemorative Polo Shirt today. This a limited edition and we thank Miss T and Mr T for this wonderful gesture. SHOWTIME! For anyone who is not familiar our Ringmaster is Boozer (Simon). When it comes to the running of the circle there is nobody better in the Western Hemisphere. Well that’s what he told me write, Ringmaster Simon (Boozer) gave us a wonderful demonstration of his craft, conducting the Hash Choir with his chopstick and keeping his audience enthralled, whilst welcoming virgins punishing; sinners for various misdemeanors; and sometimes for no reason and for the overall entertainment of his devotees Boozer orchestrated today’s Down.The rating for today’s trail was a deserved 10 out of 10 Approaching 6 o'clock it was time for our return to Hon Ru Ri with an eskey of cold Cans on board it was time to haul up the anchor and set sail once again on board the funny yellow colored bus.The atmosphere on returning bus was again electric, music chat everyone enjoying the beers, we arrived in Vung Tau saying goodbye to our Russian friends on Le Huong Phong proceeding to Hon Ru Ri where we disembarked. The now famous Baz chuck Wagon was waiting to usher back the eskeys to Binh An 4 where it all began 6 hours previously, but not before some no homers continued sipping cans sitting on the low wall, others continued into the late night after dinner. Run 844 was completed,chronicled and put to bed. Next Week will be a home run, can everyone check our new booking procedures which will be out shortly.
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025