23 APRIL 2023
Hares: Live trail
Hash Flashers: Chippy, Have-A-Chat Report: Uncle
Weather: Very hot!
Hash Cash: FREE RUN TODAY: shared costs for beer drinkers. Total Hashers: 20+ Chalk Talk: Mr T (edited): “Unmarked live trail A-A. Go up the stairs and left onto Vi Ba, then right after 300m and up rocky dirt track to 4-way junction plateau. Take left track (of four options) onto waterfall trail and follow around southern side of Big Mtn. Turn left onto Vi Ba at end of waterfall trail then down past army camp gates and nước mía (sugar cane juice) rest areas to finish at Nắng VT.” Trail: Low numbers predicted because of VT Marathon in the morning so nothing pre-set or pre-booked hence no cost, but pleasantly surprising turnout slightly higher than expected. Most followed waterfall trail per chalk talk, with Hash Lighters crossing Front Beach to join the main pack at Nắng Vũng Tàu for Down Down. Down Down: Informal ‘Rectangular seated Circle’ at Nắng VT kennel. Many chilled beers and softies washed down pizzas that “just kept coming” courtesy SH3 regular visitors Cement trader and Non-stop clock and Mr C’s Speakeasy next door. ‘Casual socializing’ reigned supreme for an extremely pleasant end to the afternoon! Refreshments: Bia Saigon, Kronenburg, softies, water, pizza, various nuts. Visitors: Cement trader, Non-stop clock (SH3). Sinners: Everyone who used Hem 89 instead of Hem 105 to Vi Ba! Farewells: Pineapple Bill to check his grunters and goats in Ireland; Bob Byrne to check the nightlife in Thailand. Other business: 1. Calling all potential trail-setters and others who would like to help give the incumbent Hares Secs, Mr T and Chippy a rest every now and then! Feel free to volunteer at the next Circle! 2. Bob Byrne scheduled to be Hash-named ‘Mr Bean’ on his next appearance by nominator Black Kim Saigon(!). ALSO, PLEASE REMEMBER: 1(EN). Tick Vietnamese/English language option in top RH corner of the screen when registering to run. 1(VN). Nhớ tích vào lựa chọn ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt/Anh ở góc trên cùng màn hình khi đăng ký cho lần chạy tiếp theo. 2(EN). Always wait for traffic control from Hares before leaving the Hashmobile – especially on busy highways. 2(VN). Luôn chờ kiểm soát giao thông từ Hares trước khi rời Hashmobile – đặc biệt là trên các đường cao tốc đông đúc. 3(EN). Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1 is the only pick-up/drop-off point in Vung Tau city area. Pick up/drop off outside Vung Tau city must be arranged with Hares or Mismanagement. 3(VN). Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1 là điểm đón/trả khách duy nhất tại TP.Vũng Tàu. Việc đón/trả khách bên ngoài thành phố Vũng Tàu phải được sắp xếp với Hares hoặc Ban quản lý. 4(EN). Junior Hashers must be accompanied by parent/guardian/other responsible person at all times. 4(VN). Junior Hashers phải luôn đi cùng với phụ huynh/người giám hộ/người có trách nhiệm khác. Next week: Watch this space and facebook page: @VungTauHHH for more details of next week’s run. “On On”
15-16 APRIL 2023
Hares: Chippy, Mr. T, Secs
Hash Flashers: Chom Chom, Chippy Ring Master: Chom Chom Report: Secs
After weeks of anticipation, it was finally here - the 3rd VTH3 Weekender to Tà Cú Mountain and Coco Beach Camp in La Gi. Our trusty Hashmobile is laden with Saigon Chill, soft drinks and food to sustain us for the two day excursion.
It was an early start at 7am but everybody was on time meeting at Nắng Vũng Tàu - well except one. Despite sending out reminders to everyone about the early start Secs managed to miss the alarm and had to be picked up on the way. After a sheepish and apologetic Secs boarded the bus we were on our way a tad later than anticipated. Just one more pick up at Ba Ria and then we are making great time as our driver hurtled along QL55 towards La Gi. After a brief comfort stop at a quaint coffee shop in a picturesque rural setting, complete with wallowing water buffalos, we arrive on schedule, at Tà Cú Mountain. Hashers are given two choices:
In true VTH3 fashion, the majority of Hashers opt to climb up the mountain. We part ways with the Cable Car people and follow Mr. T as he leads us through the park to a small opening in the jungle which marks the start of the trail. The weather is cloudy but very hot and humid as we approach the trail we get a sense that this is not going to be easy. Certainly not for the faint hearted, trail takes us over dilapidated stairs and rocky steps. However, we are surrounded by beautiful bamboo and serenaded by Cicadas as we slowly but surely make our way up the mountain. Thankfully, there are plenty of resting places where we stop to take a breath, only to have it taken away by the breathtaking views of Ham Thuan Nam. Every 100m some kind person has marked the distance to the top on some boulders (a new addition since last we were there). Hmm, only 800m to go, then 700m… and finally the last 100m. We can hear the whirr of the Cable Car motor and we know we are close. Squeals of delight and relief announce our arrival at the cable car station. Unfortunately the coffee shop that usually welcomed us with cold drinks was closed for renovation. We know there must be a coffee shop nearby - the Hashers who took the Cable Car up have posted pics. We go in search of the others until we come across 3 marble basins that are being filled with ice cold fresh mountain water. Using the provided coconut ladles we pour the ice cold water over ourselves relishing the startling refreshment. Fully refreshed we can tackle the many steps that will take us through the ornate temples and up to the legendary Buddha at the top. We espy our fellow Hashers who had come up on the Cable Car most of whom are making their way back down. As we continue on, the glistening white of the largest reclining Buddha in Vietnam emerges from the trees. Enjoying the tranquil spot we feel a sensation of enlightenment as we witness the Lord Buddha completing His journey to Parinirvana. After many selfies it’s time to head back down. We embark on the acrophobia inducing cable car ride down the mountain, looking back in disbelief at the sheer scale of the mountain we have just conquered. Back on terra firma it’s a gentle stroll through picturesque gardens to reassemble with our peers. After a thirst quenching Revive, the first Saigon Chills of the weekend are cracked open, guzzled down and soaked up with delicious sticky rice. Then it’s on-on to the Hashmobile as we begin the short trip to our final destination of the day - Coco Beach Camp Resort. Arriving at Coco Beach en masse and in good spirits, we are pleasantly surprised with the efficiency at which we are checked in. We have plenty of time to explore the idyllic, hippy-chic resort that will become our living quarters for the night. Walks on the beach, dips in the pool, frolics in the sea and selfies galore are the order of the afternoon. As the sun sets we briefly retire to our billets for ablutions. Freshly showered and resplendent in our evening beachwear we congregate at our allotted tables for the legendary Coco Beach Seafood BBQ. A veritable feast confronts us and our ravenous Hashers make light work of the innumerable dishes on offer. Several trips to the buffet were made, all washed down with delicious ice-cold Saigon Chill as the band of DJs (yes, there were at least four of them - including a real live drummer) entertained us. Sated and replete - time to get the party started! Apparently the activities of the day haven’t worn out many of our Hashers as they jump, pump, gyrate, shake a leg and generally boogie on down to the thumping techno beats vibrating through our bones. Eventually the evening winds to a close and one by one our weary Hashers hit the sack - most of us asleep before our heads hit the pillow. Sunday morning greets us with a full on tropical thunderstorm dashing any plans for an early morning dip in the sea. As the rain subsides, Hashers slowly emerge for breakfast. A lazy morning is spent enjoying the Coco Beach facilities. Then time to wave goodbye to Coco Beach as we board the Hashmobile for the trip back to Vung Tau. However, the adventure is far from over! We made our final stop at Binh Chau Nature Reserve. A 2km amble through a lush green arboretum proved popular with Hashers for photos and selfies. Returning to the Hashmobile the eskies are at the ready, brimming with Saigon Chill and soft drinks. Just time now for the team photo and Chom Chom calls for a quick circle. He thanks everyone for joining us and then Chippy, Mr. T. and Secs are brought in to the circle and thanked for organising everything, and the consensus is everyone enjoyed the weekend. There were three virgins; Theo from Netherlands and his wife and son, and we also welcome Mr. Ha from Nắng Vũng Tàu who joined us for his first trail. Sparkles and Teddy were returnees. Teddy hasn’t been with us since he injured his leg and Sparkles simply said she will try harder to come along. We finish up our Saigon Chills, pack up the bus and head back to Vung Tau. We arrive back in Vung Tau safe, sound and happily content. A successful action packed weekend. Thanks to everyone! ON-ON!!
9 APRIL 2023
Hares: Chippy, Mr. T, Secs
Hash Flashers: Chom Chom, Have-A-Chat, Bogworm Report: Uncle
Weather: Sunny, 31C
Hash Cash: 1 pm registration with Mr T and Johnny @ VTH3 Kennel: Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1. Total Hashers: 24 Chalk Talk: Secs (edited): “Up to Jesus statue, around side and follow ribbons to left of army base then more red ribbons to Hai Van temple and back to Happy Valley.” Trail: Own or shared transport from Nắng Vũng Tàu to Happy Valley (corner Ha Long opposite Jesus statue). Across Ha Long to Jesus statue entrance. Up 811 steps to base of statue then around side and left of big Walls ice cream signs and follow dirt track past LH side of army base. Brief sidetrack to view two ancient artillery pieces (see “Special interest 1.” following), then continue on dirt track around southern face of mountain to meet sealed road near hairpin bend and follow until shrine with three small horses behind barbed wire fencing on LH side (see “Special interest 2.” following). Go around shrine and down ~260 concrete steps, ending with several rock steps into upper level of Hai Van temple. Follow red ribbons down through temple grounds to Ha Long. Cross the road to left, and continue along then up the hill to parking area opposite Jesus statue, then down entrance side-road to Happy Valley. Special interest: 1. BR-VT Museum signs in VN and English at the site of two old artillery guns (see “Trail” above) call it an “Ancient artillery battlefield… built by the French end 19th/early 20th century to master and control ships coming to and from seagate of Saigon-Vung Tau”. (Recognized by Ministry of Information & Culture, January 18, 1993.) 2. Shrine with three small horses (also see “Trail” above) is inscribed “Chúa tể sơn lâm Linh vì”: Lord of the forest Linh… Down Down: Happy Valley Refreshments: Saigon Bia, softies, water, banh mi. Trail rating: “Good, very hot” (Pineapple Bill) Visitors: Johnny Walker (Phnom Penh Hash), Bogworm (NZ, SH3). Returnees: Bob Byrne (Aus), Rowdy Water (relocated from UK). Farewells: Ben to Australia. Other business/Công việc kinh doanh khác: 1(EN). Away weekender at Coco Beach 15/16 April. Watch out for emails, facebook/zalo posts and book early! 1(VN). Đi nghỉ cuối tuần tại Coco Beach 15/16 tháng Tư. Để ý email, bài đăng facebook/zalo và đặt sớm nhé! 2(EN). Sponsor Office Bar’s weekly agenda: Monday Quiz Night, Wednesday Killer Pool, Friday free cheese and biscuits. 2(VN). Chương trình làm việc hàng tuần của Nhà tài trợ Office Bar: Đêm đố vui thứ Hai, Bi-a sát thủ thứ Tư, bánh quy và phô mai miễn phí thứ Sáu. ALSO, PLEASE REMEMBER: 1(EN). Tick Vietnamese/English language option in top RH corner of the screen when registering to run. 1(VN). Nhớ tích vào lựa chọn ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt/Anh ở góc trên cùng màn hình khi đăng ký cho lần chạy tiếp theo. 2(EN). Always wait for traffic control from Hares before leaving the Hashmobile – especially on busy highways. 2(VN). Luôn chờ kiểm soát giao thông từ Hares trước khi rời Hashmobile – đặc biệt là trên các đường cao tốc đông đúc. 3(EN). Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1 is the only pick-up/drop-off point in Vung Tau city area. Pick up/drop off outside Vung Tau city must be arranged with Hares or Mismanagement. 3(VN). Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1 là điểm đón/trả khách duy nhất tại TP.Vũng Tàu. Việc đón/trả khách bên ngoài thành phố Vũng Tàu phải được sắp xếp với Hares hoặc Ban quản lý. 4(EN). Junior Hashers must be accompanied by parent/guardian/other responsible person at all times. 4(VN). Junior Hashers phải luôn đi cùng với phụ huynh/người giám hộ/người có trách nhiệm khác. Next week: Watch this space and facebook page: @VungTauHHH for more details of next week’s All Weekender to Ta Cu mountain and Coco Beach resort. “On On”
2 APRIL 2023
Hares: Chippy, Mr. T, Secs
Hash Flashers: Chippy, Chom Chom, Have-A-Chat Ringmaster: Have-A-Chat Report: Uncle
Weather: Sunshine, very high UV, 30C
Hash Cash: 1 pm registration with Mr T and Johnny @ VTH3 Kennel: Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1. Total Hashers: 23 Chalk Talk: Mr T (edited): “Up to Vi Ba, then the golden buddha. Up the power lines and across the mountain via Ho May Park then circle back to Nang Vung Tau for down-down. Follow red ribbons all the way.” Trail: Hem 105 to Vi Ba, turn right for ~200 metres, then onto dirt track LH side opposite 45 Vi Ba to golden buddha. Around right of statue, then steps to fenced track and up powerlines to Ho May Park wall. Left around HMP and down to four-way junction ‘plateau’, then LH track to former M71 shop-house opposite #45 Vi Ba. Turn right up Vi Ba to steps on LH side down to Hem 105 and back to Nang Vung Tau. Highlights: Golden Buddha ‘Flower seal vi Tieu’ (“Holding flowers and smiling”); view of Vung Tau city from top of powerlines. Lowlights: Wild bees just above Vi Ba on descent; Bogworm’s shoes(!) Special interest: For a tourist hiker’s viewpoint: Hiking Nui Lon (Big Mountain) - A Short & Thrilling Hike in Vung Tau, Vietnam (lifeofdoing.com) Down Down: Nắng Vũng Tàu Refreshments: Saigon Chill, softies, water, banh mi, water melon, birthday cake. Trail rating: “Steep”, “Challenging” 46/10(!) Hash Virgins: Nung (Vung Tau) “Never give up!” Visitors: Non-stop clock, Cement trader (SH3), Bogworm (NZ, SH3) Sinners: Pineapple Bill, Bogworm, several SCBs who used Hem 89 instead of 105 to Vi Ba. Farewell: Adonis to Australia Birthday: Uncle 80yo Other business/Công việc kinh doanh khác: 1(EN). Away weekender at Coco Beach 15 April. Watch out for emails and book early! 1(VN). Đi nghỉ cuối tuần tại Coco Beach ngày 15 tháng 4. Coi chừng email và đặt sớm! 2(EN). Sponsor Office Bar’s weekly agenda: Monday Quiz Night, Wednesday Killer Pool, Friday free cheese and biscuits. 2(VN). Chương trình làm việc hàng tuần của Nhà tài trợ Office Bar: Đêm đố vui thứ Hai, Bi-a sát thủ thứ Tư, bánh quy và phô mai miễn phí thứ Sáu. PLEASE REMEMBER: 1(EN). Tick Vietnamese/English language option in top RH corner of the screen when registering for the next run. 1(VN). Nhớ tích vào lựa chọn ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt/Anh ở góc trên cùng màn hình khi đăng ký cho lần chạy tiếp theo. 2(EN). Always wait for traffic control from Hares before leaving the Hashmobile – especially on busy highways. 2(VN). Luôn chờ kiểm soát giao thông từ Hares trước khi rời Hashmobile – đặc biệt là trên các đường cao tốc đông đúc. 3(EN). Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1 is the only pick-up/drop-off point in Vung Tau city area. Pick up/drop off outside Vung Tau city must be arranged with Hares or Mismanagement. 3(VN). Nắng Vũng Tàu, 5 Lê Ngọc Hân, Ward 1 là điểm đón/trả khách duy nhất tại TP.Vũng Tàu. Việc đón/trả khách bên ngoài thành phố Vũng Tàu phải được sắp xếp với Hares hoặc Ban quản lý. Circle closed: Garbage bags filled, eskies de-iced and stored at Nắng Vũng Tàu. Next week: Watch this space and facebook page: @VungTauHHH for more details of next week’s run. “On On”
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025