PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 26 April 2015 MINH DAM SECRET ZONE - "Celebrating Liberation Day - and welcome back OXO & Oopso!" Everyone gathered at the SB4 to hear today’s trail was at Minh Dam to celebrate 40 years Anniversary Liberation and Reunification (and a welcome back to popular former Hash Cash OXO and bub Oopso - ed). The “Truck” load of Hash “Recruits” headed for Minh Dam Secret Zone. “Private” Basil reported to “Veteran” Gardener the layout of today’s trail to ensure “Veteran” Gardener will finish first and secure the “Rations” (Grilled Chicken from the Restaurant). The bus then drops Basil at the Restaurant and he makes sure they receive his “Order” because we have nearly 40 Hash “Recruits” today. After that, the bus dropped everyone at the start point. “Private” Basil begins his Chalk-Talk and warns the newcomers about the Red and Yellow Tape. We start our “Marching” toward the Trail with a big shout: “On, On” With blessing from the cloud, the weather isn’t hot and with shade cover by big trees and leaves, Hashers were glad there was more cover than last week. “Veteran” Gardener led the first “Troop”, while “Recruit” Tiny Tim led the second “Troop” with big marching song: “On On”. We arrive at the first pagoda “look-out” with views to Long Hai; Hashers have discovered the trail that led from Minh Dam to Long Hai set by Hares Samson and Basil. Down the stairs we go, arriving at a better view of Long Hai; unfortunately, it was marked with yellow tape! Sad that we can’t get a picture of it, we continue our march up to the second “look-out”. Some of the ladies had quickly befriended each other and asked Kojak to help them take photos. We walked up to the second “look-out” and, by this time, some newcomers felt like giving up - but quickly changed their minds when told it was only a few more steps to go! Arriving at the final “look-out”, the ladies were captivated by its beautiful scenery and decided to take lots of photos for this trip. Hash Flash Hard Drive asked a couple to pose for the camera but then realised they weren’t with the Hash! Finally, everyone made it back down the Mountain where Mother Teresa, Tiny Tim, Mountain Goat and Ice Water’s “rations” were being distributed among the “Recruits”. We were lucky to find a TV crew having their meal at Minh Dam; everyone knew the name of the Movie Star who was there, but none of us knew which TV series they were filming today. Hash veterans UXO and his wife OXO then arrived back with their baby son Oopso. They had been appreciating the trail and scenery, because the last time they visited Minh Dam was before Oopso was born! Everyone was back at the Circle location, but the “Ration” that Basil promised "the troops" hasn’t turned up, because it would be delivered as soon as Basil phones the restaurant. When it finally arrives, everyone is overjoyed at the delicious taste - we quickly finish four grilled chickens and call the Circle before it gets dark. Ronald Reagan was nominated Ringmaster. He thanked everyone then called Hare Basil to take the Down Down for himself and Co-Hare Samson who unfortunately couldn’t be with us because of work commitments. Anatoly was nominated to rate the trail on his fifth Hash. With translation by “Snowden”, he said, “The Trail had excellent views, it was a new trail discovered by the Hares with shade and natural wind”. He also said the trail was “a great improvement in quality” and deserved 10/10! VTH3 Virgin today, Ms Thanh, came down from Nha Trang Hash, but moved to Vung Tau because of work a week ago, so she looked for our Vung Tau Hash. Hash Virgin #2, Ms Duyen, is from Vung Tau and was introduced by Ms Nga. No Sinners today, but RR became a sinner just for fun, and was joined by Monsieur’ Arry, Terminator, Snowden and Basil to make sure he wasn’t lonely! As darkness approached, we thanked everyone and explained that the website should be checked for NEXT RUN update because internet is unreliable with the AAG cable ruptured and the usual “reminder” emails may not be possible. STOP PRESS (Friday): We want to take the best opportunity to celebrate Mountain Goat's birthday on Sunday, but it's also the last day of the week-long public holiday for the Hung Kings and Liberation Day, so some Hashers will still be away and the roads are expected to be very busy. An away trail has been set at Nui Dinh, but will probably be used the following Sunday (10 May) and we'll use a local trail this week, on Mountain Goat's favourite mountain: Nui Lon ("Big Mountain"). Watch the NEXT RUN box on our home page for confirmation. We will meet on Sunday at 2 pm for 2.30 pm start, as usual, at Sao Bien 4 Restaurant – please see map on our home page if unsure of the way in. And please keep an eye on the weather so you don’t get caught without sun protection and water - the rain must be getting closer, but it's still very hot out there! On On! KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T? Run reports are compiled from information available at time of publication; so mistakes, omissions, etc can happen. If you think you can help improve any report, your contribution via the 'Contact VTH3' page will be very welcome! VTH3 #678 PHOTO GALLERY Report: Basil. Sub: Uncle Hares: SamSon, Basil Hash Flash: Hard Drive, Tiny Tim, Anatoly. Additional photos: Kojak HASH FLASH PHOTOS > > > PLENTY MORE PHOTOS BELOW, BUT SOME FROM KOJAK FIRST > > > AND HERE'S WHERE THEY WENT - GPS TRACK COURTESY CO-HARE SAMSON > > >
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 19 April 2015 BIG MOUNTAIN - "When the going gets tough, the tough get going"! As forecast, the weather was hot - not a good sign as we'd all seen the email saying one of today's trail choices would be "extremely difficult". But that hadn't deterred anyone, with 31 Hashers prepared to face the day's challenges. Taxis to Ganh Hao, then co-Hare Basil began the first chalk-talk as Mother Teresa headed uphill to get a headstart on the pack! Second chalk-talk would be at the coffee shop - a good place for everyone to catch their breath! Little Yu Bok lost a shoe inside the thick layer of fallen leaves, but it was luckily spotted by one of today's Hash Virgins as everyone struggled uphill. We eventually made it to the coffee shop and second chalk-talk, with Basil showing the "easy" route, before those who decided to follow the medium or difficult trails headed further up the broken track towards the mountain top - with co-Hare SamSon doing his best to remind everyone not to over-estimate their ability to conquer the almost vertical climb ahead! Some Hashers found the going on the "difficult" trail very tough, with a combination of slippery dirt and leaves, thorny vines, steep climb and hot weather all sapping the stamina. Finally, the trail levelled out around the mountainside, signalling the end of the steep, tortuous climb - much to everyone's relief! In fact, some were so happy they forgot to follow the red marker tape and instead wandered down Vi Ba road and on to Lam Son Park where the sparkling red eskies awaited: "A hard-earned thirst needs an ice cold San Miguel"! Duty Ringmaster SamSon announced a special "Liberation Day" run next week at the Minh Dam Secret Zone, then the three trails were rated 9/10, 8/10 and 10/10 respectively for easy, medium and difficult by Super Teen, Titanic and Nic - giving a total of 27/30 for proud Hares Samson and Basil! We welcomed Hash Virgins Alex and Nic from Germany, Mr Duy from Vung Tau, introduced by Viking, and Australian Sam who had discovered the Hash on Trip Advisor (don't forget to give us a review, Sam!). Ever-present Ms Ngoc is a pretty young lady who is quietly enthusiastic - attributes which earned her the endearing Hashtag "Moon Face"; Mountain Goat's son Nic has been a willing translator every week, which earned him "Snowden" (yes, the American spy - Hashtags are always irreverent...); and his daughter Liuba, who has shown that she possesses Grandma Mountain Goat's genes, was appropriately named "Little Goat". And then came the "Lion" - a Hashtag chosen by Mr Khoa to try and stop being confused with "Tiger". SamSon said there could be no sinners this week because everyone who finished any of the three trails could not possibly be accused of committing any sins! But that didn't stop The Gardener charging Monsieur 'Arry for wearing new shoes. Nor Super Teen charging Ms Banana and Ms Nga for wearing sexy Hash outfits (or "nearly not wearing them"?). Also a Down Down for "returnee" Live Wire, and a unanimous "Thank you" to "Foodies" Mountain Goat, Tiny Tim, Chippy, D&G, Ice Water, Mother Teresa and Ms Uyen for sharing their delicious snacks with everyone. STOP PRESS (Thursday): SamSon and Basil are setting Sunday's trail in Minh Dam Base (aka Minh Dam Secret Zone) to celebrate forthcoming Liberation Day. As many "old hands" know, the area is rich with interesting, low-medium difficulty trails and superb views over the Ba Ria-Vung Tau countryside and the East Sea. See NEXT RUN box for more details. Also some "whispers" about a party after the run - you'll have to be there on Sunday to find out more! We’ll meet 2 pm for 2.30 pm start, as usual, at Sao Bien 4 Restaurant – please see map on our home page if unsure of the way in. And don’t forget to bring a hat, sunscreen, covering clothes and water - it's still very hot out there! On On! Report: Basil. Sub: Uncle Hares: SamSon, Basil Hash Flash: The Gardener, Mr Smiley, Tiny Tim, Anatoly KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T? Run reports are compiled from information available at time of publication; so mistakes, omissions, etc can happen. If you think you can help improve any report, your contribution via the 'Contact VTH3' page will be very welcome! VTH3 #677 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 12 April 2015 BIG MOUNTAIN - "Up, up - and up again!" As forecast, the end of dry season weather was very hot as everyone gathered for registration at SB4. Illustrious Hare Mountain Goat, with translations by son Nic, explained that the Down Down will be at 83 Tran Phu – our preferred waterfront spot for apres run fun! The taxi fleet took us to Petro HQ on Le Loi Street, then we walked through the village to the base of the mountain, where Mountain Goat gave the chalk-talk with translations again by son, Nic. Some of the Hashers recognized this area from run #666 “Top of the World”, so the 80 degree climbing angle in front of us was no big surprise. Fortunately, though, the trail went sideways this time, instead of up! (for a little while, anyway…). We were followed up the mountain by a local, but he was probably just keeping an eye on the discarded old armchair that had found its way onto the middle of the trail (it was noticed by some that, had he been a Hasher, he’d be charged with “littering”!). We finally reached a big, open space where everyone paused to catch their breath because we knew from MG’s chalk-talk that the main climb was just about to start! And off we went, with even co-Hare Hashputin having a spot of trouble. He couldn’t climb a particularly large, smooth boulder, so he let Basil go first and then found a different way to catch up with Mountain Goat! We reached the first rest stop, a very interesting Cambodian pagoda. Once everyone was ready for the next phase, we headed down the stairs then turned left to continue on up the mountain – to a chorus of barking from the village dogs to herald our arrival! The last group of Hashers took a quick break and Hash Flash Kojak recorded Basil in a pose that’s familiar to many Hashers the world over: “Dead tired”! Off we went again, up phase two – quickly followed by phase three (also “up”, of course!), with some assistance from veteran Hashers Rowdy Water, Kojak and Mountain Goat. Finally over the top of the mountain, we arrived at the big, white Cross above Tran Phu’s Ave Maria – where the ladies all posed for photos before heading down to Tran Phu, across the road and down to the beach at #83 where the eskies were waiting! It had been a long and fairly arduous trail, so it was almost 5 pm when most Hashers finally enjoyed their rewards and started chugging down San Miguels between dips in the ocean. Basil donned the regalia, called Mountain Goat, Hashputin and translator Nic into the Circle, then nominated Rowdy Water to score the trail. RW said he personally liked it, although his leg/s didn’t, so he was going to give it 9 points – but then remembered all the laughter along the trail as Hashers enjoyed the open-air challenge, so added another point for a perfect score: 10/10. Well done MG and HP – still undisputed champions of Big Mountain! Hash Virgin Danh, a grade 6 elementary student who enjoyed the day was welcomed with a Down Down; then Nic was charged for not wearing approved Hash footwear in the Circle! Thanks also to this week’s “foodies”: Mountain Goat and UXO – delicious snacks, thank you! STOP PRESS: SamSon and Basil have set three trails on Big Mountain for this Sunday (19 April): one extremely difficult, one medium, and one for those who prefer to take it easy! Details have been emailed to our distribution list. If you'd like to join the list, just let us know by email to [email protected] or via the "Contact VTH3" page on this website. We’ll meet 2 pm for 2.30 pm start, as usual, at Sao Bien 4 Restaurant – please see map on our home page if unsure of the way in. And as the dry season continues drawing to a close, the weather is getting hotter all the time so don’t forget a hat, sunscreen, covering clothes and water! On On! Report: Basil. Sub: Uncle Hares: Mountain Goat & Hashputin Hash Flash: Kojak KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T? Run reports are compiled from information available at time of publication; so mistakes, omissions, etc can happen. If you think you can help improve any report, your contribution via the 'Contact VTH3' page will be very welcome! VTH3 #676 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 05 April 2015 SMALL MOUNTAIN - a new way to the Lighthouse! Everyone gathered at the SB4 on what was turning out to be a very hot day. Not so many Hashers this week – maybe everyone still basking in the glow of last week’s “perfect” trail! Hare SamSon had to work again, but co-Hare Rowdy Water was on hand to lead the way from SB4 towards Mr Ket’s distinctive landmark signage at the foot of Small Mountain. It was a long walk past the Front Beach park, where many locals were picnicking under the shady trees and surprised to see Hashers passing by – although some were still alert enough to quickly practise their English! Rowdy Water gave a Chalk Talk, despite frequent interruptions from teenagers coming down the mountain on motorbikes. And Mountain Goat suggested through translator son Nic a change of location for the Circle and Down Downs from the planned twin goldfish statues in the harsh glare of the sun, to the shady park we’d just passed. Approved unanimously! Today’s Hash Flash, Taffy, then skillfully managed to avoid being run over by a motorbike while taking a group photo! We followed the narrow road and red eco-tape through the hamlet where over-zealous guard dogs were barking on both sides of the road, to the start of the off-road ascent to the Lighthouse. This was a new way up that Rowdy Water had discovered previously and promised himself to come back and make a full trail. Up the hill we went, following stairs to an abandoned villa – then up through the scrub on a trail that RW confided he’d found when being chased away from an intended trail by snarling dogs that he jokingly(!) explained were looking to “eat some hare for breakfast”! We finally reached the lighthouse to discover some local teenagers taking advantage of the solitude (until we arrived!). A quick break to enjoy the 360-degree views, then down the “easy way” to Mr Ket while avoiding all the traffic. There was also some added interest with lots of fairy floss-like silk-cotton (“cay bong gon”) falling off trees and flying around in the breeze until harvested by locals who apparently use it to stuff pillows. And so we eventually made it back to the park, with Basil and Titanic collecting the new eskies (courtesy our generous sponsor San Miguel), while Rowdy Water fetched Mountain Goat’s knife that she left behind last week. We were happily chugging down cold San Miguels when we saw what looked like Hash stalwart Terminator walking by (same hairstyle), but it was a false alarm. Nic’s wife and young son arrived just in time for a group photo, then Mountain Goat’s niece Liuba decided to try on the Grand Master regalia. Ringmaster Basil called co-hare Rowdy Water into the Circle and asked Mountain Goat to rate the trail. With son Nic translating, she gave it 7 for the way up the mountain, but 0 for the descent because it was “too easy” (warning for next week – Mountain Goat is setting a trail on Big Mountain!). No Hash Virgins today, so Ms Uyen was charged with wearing new shoes. Her excuse that the old pair were 10 years old fell on deaf ears, and Down Down she went! The Circle thanked Ice Water, Mountain Goat and D&G for continuing to provide their delicious snacks: so, “Here’s to the Foodies ....” As mentioned above, Mountain Goat & faithful K9 Hashputin volunteered to set a trail on Big Mountain next week, so we can expect a “classic” from their combined wealth of experience. We'll meet next Sunday, as usual, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start at Sao Bien 4 Restaurant in the cable car complex at the foot of Big Mountain (1A Tran Phu). If unsure, see the home page map: On On! Report: Basil. Sub: Uncle Hares: SamSon, Rowdy Water Hash Flash: Taffy. Additional photos: Mr Smiley KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T? Run reports are compiled from information available at time of publication; so mistakes, omissions, etc can happen. If you think you can help improve any report, your contribution via the 'Contact VTH3' page will be very welcome! VTH3 #675 PHOTO GALLERY > > > ADDITIONAL PHOTOS BY MR SMILEY > > > AND THIS WEEK'S TEAM PHOTO > > >
January 2025
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