PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 24 December 2017 Small Mountain and Christmas Party! Hares: Flying Finn Hash Flashers: Flying Finn, Stubble Ringmasters: Samson, Basil Report: Boozer We welcomed 27 Hashers to the run this week starting at Hon Ru Ri. Flying Finn who set the trail gave a wonderful iconic chalk talk to the excited Hashers, he explained we walk to Mr Ket, up Hai Dang road to the old war museum, turn right at the steps ascend to the little temple, then up to the Cable Battery (an old French bunker) then down the road back to Mr Ket. The trail was an easy walk compared to the killer trail he set on his first Hare run this year. The steps up to the temple sorted out the men from the boys with some Hashers turning back when attempting the stairs. We arrived at the Cable Battery where to the surprise of the French contingent of Hashers, who found out it was built by the French Military 100 years ago. With gusto they climbed the bunker and took many selfies with glee. We finally reached the road, then descended nonchalantly back to Mr Kept where we disbanded and raced home to shower in preparation for the nights big event the “Hash Christmas Party” at the Vung Tau Marina Restaurant. The event of the year for all Hashers, 60 Hashers arrived at the restaurant on the bay eager to enjoy each other’s company and drink our sponsors beer San Miguel. With fervent passion we sat down at the tables ripped the tops off the beer cans and guzzled away, accompanied by a magnificent feast of well prepared food which was washed down buy the icy cod cans of beer. Santa Clause made a brief visit (Basil) but fat Santa was hot in his red suit and after two cans of San Miguel the suit came off to reveal Basil. The many children who attend the party enjoyed the games organised by Samson, whilst the Hashers woofed down a cold one whilst watching each other. Boozer (Australia) won the beer sculling competition but was hotly pursued by the team of other international beers scullers from Vietnam, Canada and England. After the frivolity of the games was over many Hashers got up to sing songs, we had wonderful Russian music from Mother Teresa and Blondie, Irish music from Faulty Brakes, French music from (Pierre and his friend) and finally Australian rock music from John. The party ended around 10pm at the Marina but continued on in the bus with copious cold cans be consumed by all. We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 1 pm for 1.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #817 PHOTO GALLERY
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 17 December 2017 Long Son Island - "Flying Finn's three way up and down trail" Hares: Flying Finn, Slipper Hash Flashers: Dr. Who, Flying Finn Ringmaster: Boozer Report: Boozer We welcomed 41 Hashers to the run this week starting at the market situated near the main street of Long Son Island. Flying Fin who set the trail gave a power full motivating chalk talk where he explained there were three trails’. The 1st trail was a straight walk back to the down down site situated 1.5km away. The 2nd trail was a brisk steep rocky climb up to the crest of the mountain, then return to the start point and walk steadily back to the down down site 1.5km away. The 3rd trail was the same brisk steep rocky climb up to the crest of the mountain, enjoy a run around the mountain top in the hot baking sun followed by rocky decent down to the start point. Those with any battery power left could enjoy a hot sweaty walk back to the down down site 1.5km away. After a brief stroll through the laneways of Long Son we reached mountain trail that led to the summit, with in trepidation and excitement we commenced the ascent. After a speedy start we reached the half way mark of the climb, it was getting hot, but the motivated Hashers carried on to the summit but at a much steadier pace. With relief after a 30-minute climb we reached the summit to be greeted by the smiling face of the Flying Fin. With a moan and a grunt (funny hash names) we set off to walk the second leg around the top of the mountain where we stopped at scenic picturesque locations to view the beauty of Long Son and each other. The decent to the start point was greeted enthusiastically with gaiety by the now exhausted Hashers, at this point they could see the down down site in the distance. Without fear we raced down the steep rocky path, turned onto the home leg to embrace the icy cold liquid refreshments not too far away. Ringmaster, Boozer opened the circle with a rousing welcome to the 816th VTH 3 international hash, welcoming all participants from all countries who have a common passion, Hashing. Hares, Flying Finn and Slipper of which Slipper was absent without a leave pass set the trail. Flying Fin joined the circle and was thanked by the refreshed merry Hashers for setting a magnificent trail which received a rousing 9 out of 10 score from Peter (a new virgin). This week we had twelve new virgins attending the Hash they were :- Peter, Huyen, Van # 1, Hoang, Van # 2, Huong # 1, Phuong # 1, Duyen, Bon, Hannu, Huong # 2, Thuy. We had so many excited new Virgins this week we leave it to you to work out what nationality or country does each of the new intrepid Hashers come from :o)). As the rule is a Hasher must be absent six consecutive weeks or more we had no Returnees. This week we have so many Sinners to many to mention, but their sins ranged from walking in Industrial Safety boots (thongs/sandals), getting lost when following the red tape (how ?), new running shoes (old one), lazy Hasher not putting their trash in the bin but leaving it on the trail (naughty one !) buying beer from a shop prior to reaching the Down Down (hic hic) and finally Sandy the (chihuahua) being renamed by Brice to “BINGO THE BOXING DOG”, after having a two paw dust up with a Mexican Hairless dog (Terminator’s dog) over food. Mother Teresa & Boozer, who both provided an eclectic array of fresh sandwiches with an international style and flavour which were eagerly woofed down with vigour by the merry band of Hashers. We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 1 pm for 1.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #816 PHOTO GALLERY ADDITIONAL PHOTOS FROM FLYING FINN
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 10 December 2017 Small Mountain - "Stairway to Heaven Hares: Flying Finn, Boozer Hash Flashers: Shomit Ringmaster: Boozer Report: Faulty Brakes, Boozer We welcomed 21 Hashers to the run starting at the serene Happy Valley Beach Resort, where the sea water was lapping on the beach full of bikini clad swimmers, who were enjoying the warm afternoon sunlight, cool sea breeze and stunning sea views. Buddha the beer and foodie monitor did a brilliant job cooling the vast array of San Miguel cans of beer and soft drinks, ensuring the eclectic array of cold refreshments and sandwiches were chilled to perfection for the return the intrepid 21 hashers. After brief but steep walk from the beach to the road all the hashers assembled at Ha Long Bay road for the Chalk talk led by Boozer. The trail was announced as the “Stairway to Heaven Trail”. After the chalk talk we crossed the road to entrance of the steps to the Jesus statue, where we were to ascend 723 steps to first rally point, the turn off at the ridge line of the mountain. To the relief of the Hashers it turned out to be a brisk but steep 603 steps as Boozer had forgotten the true number of steps at the chalk talk. After a brief but pleasant rest the excited, hot and sweaty Hasher’s setoff round on the ridge line on the Ha Long Bay side of the mountain. To their delight the walk was covered by trees providing plenty of shade as we proceeded down the ridge line to the saddle of the mountain. On the way we passed the guns of the “Mortar Battery, A & B” where a contingent of eager Russian Hashers climbed over, around and under the guns taking many pictures. After a brief few minutes and a camera full of selfie pictures we set off again on the Phan Chu Trinh ridge line side of the mountain. With renewed vigour we ascended the ridge line passing the old French Officers quarters climbing higher and higher to the gun emplacement “C”. Upon arrival we explored the tunnels of gun “C”. After am interesting exploration of the tunnels the intrepid Hashers ascended the original steps that led from gun “C” to guns “A & B” and the Jesus statue. With a huff and puff we arrived at pinnacle of the mountain where with great gusto and relief the intrepid Hashers we descended the 803 steps to Ha Long Bay road; raced to Happy Valley Beach resort to the down down point, to lap up the plentiful supply of cool refreshments and delicious sandwiches with enthusiasm. After a feast of refreshments, the down down commenced led by Boozer, where we celebrated the Hares thanking them with a rousing 9 out of 10 score for the trail. Hash virgins were welcomed, Ken from America, Jeff from Canada and Archell from the Philippines; who shared it was her first Hash in Vung Tau, she thoroughly enjoyed the trail, the wonderful cool refreshments and tasty array of sandwiches. To our glee there were no sinners amongst the refreshed Hashers, so we closed the circle and enjoy the beach, the Seaview, and the camaraderie for a few hours. We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 1 pm for 1.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #815 PHOTO GALLERY Additional Photos from Flying Finn
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 3 December 2017 NUI DINH Hares: Flying Finn, Slipper Hash Flashers: Basil, Aqua Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil With what happen last week to our “Hash Mobile”, we decided to order another New “Hash Mobile” and the experienced Driver capture our expectation.We welcome 26 Hashers to the Run with many Russian Virgin that Hasher Shomik introduced, we all board the “Hash Mobile” to go for the run in Dinh mountain. On the way, we thought the new Driver don’t know the way but surprising he knew all along the mountain well, but he nice enough to listen to our direction until the end, said he knew the way. Hare Flying Finn, stop the bus midway up the mountain and show us the starting point of the trail. When the bus drop us off and went up top to wait for us, Flying Finn started his chalk-talk. Follow the red arrow and the red tape, the trail isn’t too hard and it’s only 4.7 Km so it is fair, and we started early today, On-On we go As for the Virgin, this is their first time in Vietnam and in the Hash, they find it surprise that we find this trail for their run today, it start up-hill to the forest and it is all the way to the river, then up-hill to reach the concrete road, we then walk a few miles to reach where our bus is waiting with our ice cold San Miguel beer. When the time come, Basil once again don the chain of honor and start not with usual welcome message but a reminder. Some of Hash Virgin and some Hasher who been with the Hash that didn’t know. We received sponsor from our San Miguel 4 case of beer per week, so Hasher welcome to drink as many as they want in the Hash, but if you can’t finish any unopened beer, don’t bring home any beer can, because we will use them next week. With help from Blondie and Shomik in Translating in Russian, everyone now know the message and GM can start the Circle. First, we welcome the Hares: Slipper and Flying Finn whom they help set the trail this week, we like the Russian Virgin to rate the trail and they give 10/10, We then welcome the Hash Virgin, Robert from France, Sergie, Alex, Stas and Corlen from Russia and Junior Hasher - Rostom We then bring in Returnee Shomik, Misty and Iris for have been absent for a long time, with their excuses is, “working offshore”, “busy” and “Studying” down down for them Sinner, with the 3 slipper wearer Faulty Brakes, Slipper and, one of virgins from Russia, and Buddha for last week he was with the old bus but unable to stop the Driver, he was charge wearing the Tube of shame. Then, with announce that next week, it is Finnish Holiday, We have a local run. We go all back home with the Sun still up and song provided by Blondie and Shomik with their favorite “Cachusha” , Basil with “Vietnam Ho Chi Minh”, Robertfrom France with surprising Vietnamese song, and everyone season song “Christmas” We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 1 pm for 1.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #814 PHOTO GALLERY
February 2025
All Content © Vung Tau City Hash House Harriers 2013 - 2025