PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 16 April 2017 LONG HAI ('A-A' from Ngoc Xuong restaurant) - "Happy Easter!" Hares: SamSon, Mr Dan, Chippy, Yu Bok Hash Flash: Paddy Ringmaster: SamSon Report: Basil Today’s weather is sunny as we gathered at Hon Ru Ri. We welcomed 42 Hashers including Terminator’s Family and Aurora plus today’s co-Hare Mr Dan who were already waiting for us. Also Bus Stop was near Long Hai and our Hash Flash Paddy already at the starting point: Ngoc Xuong restaurant. SamSon started his chalk-talk that we all follow the trail up the mountain, and once you reach the temple, there is an option to continue onward until Mr Dan show you where to stop and turn back; or turn back once you reach the temple and the Down Down is in Ngoc Xuong restaurant. Since the trail is not hard but very long and the weather is hot, SamSon recommended most people should turn back once they reach the temple. Then “On-On” we go! The trail is not much challenge to the Hash Virgins, since most are students and they study English and Japanese so they talked with our Japanese friend Tommy while on the trail. After a 5-minute walk, we starting to ascend the mountain under the hot sun; Hash Virgins and Basil all take their time and were lucky to find some small cover built by locals or monks for mountain climbing folks. Then, we finally see the stairs that lead up to the temple. At this point, the first group who already reach the temple had decided to turn back once they remembered SamSon’s warning, but not before taking a lot of photos at the top! Once the last group led by Basil reached the top, we already saw some Hashers including Geronimo, Shaky, Ms Diep and Terminator had taken the challenge and continued on, and only Terminator return first. We then turn back down to the mountain and Mr Dan already catch up with us after Terminator, and said that the rest are with SamSon so everything OK. Once we reach the Down Down, we are all happy to see our ice cold San Miguels to wash down our thirst on this hot day. And food is delicious cuisine from Foodie Mother Teresa including some Easter Eggs! After SamSon’s group finally reached the Down Down, we all start the group photo and SamSon donned the chain of office to start the Circle - now including an easter egg keychain gift from Superteen and Mum & Dad Mother Teresa and Terminator. A welcome message and "Happy Easter", then we bring in today’s Hares Mr Dan and SamSon with the absent Chippy and Yu Bok. We invited Terminator to rate the trail since he is the one who caught up to Mr Dan, and Superteen translated for us: the trail deserved a 10/10! Then we welcomed Hash Virgins Mr Nhan Anh, Ms Que Nhan and Ms Thuy Anh wo are students of Ba Ria Vung Tau University: Jenz from Denmark introduced by Viking: Ms Thao and Mr Tien Anh heard about the Hash through the website; and Ms Alla from Stubble. They all like the Hash, so a Hash virgin song is performed by the Circle. We have no Returnees today so we move on to Sinners, and of course we start with Slipper, then Mr Dan because he likes our San Miguel, Mister Kim because he had a knee injury and didn’t run but enjoyed the Down Down, Ms Thuy Anh for her slippers, and Bus Stop for being very “poor” and wearing torn jeans: Down Downs for them all. We said ‘thank you’ to enthusiastic Hashers Slipper and Flying Finn for helping out with trail-setting during their stay, and SamSon had managed to get all the best wishes and signatures from today’s Hashers on a card; also we bring in Mister Kim since he too will join both of them and return to Finland; but from the Hash, “We will see you again”! And next week’s trail announcement, Mr Dan and Hash Flash Paddy will set a trail on Dinh Mountain, so we hope to see everyone including today’s new Hashers on next week’s trail! We’ll meet again on Sunday, as always, at Hon Ru Ri: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #781 PHOTO GALLERY
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