PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! Contact Mr Cuong for all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: email: [email protected] phone, text/sms: 093 8833 183 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 08 March 2015 LONG SON ISLAND - International Women's Day Hashers all met at the Sao Bien 4. Even though it was International Women’s Day, the Cable Car parking area fortunately wasn’t full. Basil had plenty of roses ready for today's Hash ladies, and the bus was ready and waiting outside. Eco Slipper was running a bit late, but everyone waited. Then it was "On On" to Long Son Island - until the bus engine gave up and the driver asked for a push to re-start it. Time for the men to show their strength! Arrived at Long Son and Rowdy Water gave a Chalk-Talk; but before we headed off onto the trail, we had to show our strength once again with the bus! It was a long walk through Long Son township until we reached the mountain; Virgin Hashers forgot to bring water, so bought from the local convenience store before heading up the mountain. We followed a familiar route, turned right up the hill, along a rocky mountain path, and then reached what looked like a farm house on top of the mountain, with a neat stone fence and great view beyond Long Son Island to Vung Tau City. Then it was time for the descent, with Hash Virgins worried that they couldn’t see the “red tape”. Luckily, co-Hare Rowdy Water was there to lead the group down the mountain. Once at the bottom, we reached flat land and a house where the farmers were happily drinking wine and the ladies were taking care of the kids. With the sound of dogs barking at the passing Hashers, the farmers invited Rowdy Water for a cup of wine, which he happily accepted! More dogs barking as Hashers began passing through the farming village, then we finally arrived at the Down Down, in the village centre. Our happy bunch of Hashers were getting plenty of attention from the village children and adults - and the dogs were happily barking at (with?) Hashputin. After lots of food washed down by San Miguel and vodka to celebrate Women’s Day, a group photo was taken by Tiny Tim’s camera just as a motorbike passed by, so it was time for a re-take! Then the Circle was called, with Basil nominated as Ring Master. He welcomed everyone to the “International Women’s Day” run, then called for the trail to be rated. Hares Rowdy Water, Ice Water, The Gardener, Harry and Ms Banana came into the Circle as Mountain Goat awarded full points; but translator UXO used his power of veto and deducted half a point for reasons unknown to make it a very credible 9.5/10 - well done, the Hares! Next we met Hash Virgins Ms Mai Nhi and nephew Thien, then Ms Hanh and Mr Thinh were introduced by Mr Loi, a Hasher/Best Man/Boyfriend. So Mr Loi naturally joined the Circle for the introductions. Then we met visitor Doug, a Hasher from Calgary, Canada with a Hashtag deemed too "adult" for a family Hash like VTH3! Now it was time for the Main Event. All the Hash Ladies came into the Circle with their roses for a sincere "Thank you" from the Ring Master. All are valued members of VTH3, but special mention went to Mountain Goat, Mother Teresa, Ice Water and Ms Banana for sharing their delicious snacks every week and helping to set so many trails. Then Eco Slipper, quoting photographic evidence from Flying Finn, charged Mr Loi and Ms Hanh for sleeping on the bus! We had a call for volunteers to set next Sunday's trail, but UXO translated that Mountain Goat and faithful K9 Hashputin have already set a trail on Big Mountain. So we'll meet at Sao Bien 4 Restaurant as usual: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. After the Circle, we packed to go home, but only after the men showed one last skill(?) to start the bus, by pushing it back and forth - much to the amusement of the ladies! On On! ![]() Report: Basil. Sub: Uncle Hares: Rowdy Water, The Gardener, Ms Banana, Harry Hash Flash: Flying Finn. Additional photos: Tiny Tim VTH3 #671 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
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