PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 17 January 2016 BIG MOUNTAIN - "Straight up, then straight down" Hares: Faulty Brakes, Flying Finn Hash Flash: Cousin Ring Master: Basil Report: Basil - We met again at 12 Hung Vuong Street, Café Bi Sắt for a familiar local run from Ganh Hao restaurant then up Big Mountain. Many Hashers know the terrain was changed last year, but the Hares managed to find and set a trail again for this revisit. - Among today’s 28 Hashers we had 2 families with kids and the weather isn’t hot, so we thought today might be the best for a while. - But as we passed the cable car complex, the sun started to shine brighter and the weather changed from cool shade to hot and sunny. Hashers quickly grabbed caps from their bags! - When we almost reached the Ganh Hao, the guy who asked us about the Hash last week passed us on his motorbike and waved a greeting. - We start climbing the mountain, however the 2 families decided to split-up because they afraid the smaller kids won’t handle the trail, so some Hashers follow the trail while the rest use the easy route. - The trail went up the mountain, and then half way up we turned right to follow the side of the mountain, and then we came across the changed terrain, with the trail going down a few steps and then go up, but we eventually reached the Vi Ba Café shop. - We stop at the shop for delicious sugar cane drinks, and then went down Vi Ba street to Café Bi Sắt. Some returnees decided to continue up the mountain for more exercise, while the others headed downhill. - Basil spotted the short-cut stairs and led the Hashers down to Le Loi street, and then everyone remembered the way back. - At Bi Sắt Café, we were met by ice cold San Miguel and soft drinks, and delicious Russian food, so all was perfect! - The group photo was taken, and Basil donned the “chains of honour” to start the Circle. - A welcome message to Hashers, and then he asked the Circle to rate today’s trail by Hares Faulty Brakes and Flying Finn. Titanic was nominated and Robert volunteered. While both liked the trail, Titanic only gave 7/10 because of the sun(!), and Robert gave 9/10, so the score was settled at 8/10. - Hash Virgins Svita and Michael are employed by Vietsovpetro, and their child Masha joined the Hash because she loves outdoor activities. They were all introduced by Blackhawk and Titanic. - Returnees Alex and Ross gave familiar excuses: “Work” and “Holiday”, so Down Downs for them! - Sinner Faulty Brakes was a Hare but forgot the trail and got lost – big Down Down! - Before Basil closed the Circle, he announced that next week’s trail will be an away run set by SamSon (see NEXT RUN box on our home page). And the following week will be a local trail with special guests, John “Falcon” Mill’s widow Trinh and son James, who want to thank the Hash for their much-needed support at the time of their tragic loss a little more than a year ago. We also plan an informal “New Year” party at the Down Down on 31/1; it will be held in a nice place next to the sea, so bring your swimming gear if you fancy a refreshing dip! Basil plans to provide some delicious snacks and everyone is encouraged to bring a plate* to share with others. *"Bring a plate" doesn’t mean a real plate – just a few snacks in a paper bag will do, as long as they can be shared around! - In the meantime, we'll meet again on Sunday at Pétanque Café Bi Sắt, 12 Hung Vuong Street: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #716 PHOTO GALLERY > > >
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