PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 16 October 2016 NUI DINH - "The Hash runs in any weather!" Hares: Basil, SamSon Hash Flash: Fot tret Ringmaster: SamSon Foodies: Mother Teresa, Ms Lucy, Hope Solo Chief Drinks Wrangler: Rose Report: Basil We all met again at 14:00 at Hon Ru Ri. Luckily the trail is the other side of Dinh Mountain and the time frame is perfect for Hash Virgin Chris from Britain to meet his first Hash in his first time in Vietnam (and first time in Vung Tau). As we travel to pick up Ms Lucy and Terminator, “long time no see” Hasher Bus Stop also joined us this week. Half way to our destination, Hi-Fi’s friend Ms Lina isn’t feeling well so we stopped the bus and called Hoa Mai to take her home, accompanied by Hi-Fi. When we passed the toll station, we realised the sky was becoming darker and then it started to rain. As we reached our destination, Hashers were surprised to see the huge temple and luckily, most Hashers had prepared raincoats for the occasion. Basil started the chalk-talk under the rain and reminded everyone to follow the red arrows and tape - and hopefully they are still there even if heavy rain might break some tree branches. We follow the stone road and lots and lots of stairs; then we were greeted by devotees who finished their own trail and came back to say "Hi" to VTH3! When we reached a good spot for photos, the rain had lightened up a bit so Hashers had some time to take lots of pictures before moving on. Hare SamSon was waiting at the turning point, then the first group told him that some FRBs had turned in the wrong direction, but SamSon managed to call them back before any more went the wrong way. The rain is now getting heavy again and we carefully headed down to the bus. It was very slippery, with water flowing down the stairs like a river. We are lucky that the monks allowed us to avoid the rain in the guests' shelter (see photos) and also allowed us to have our Circle and Down Down in the shelter with our ice cold San Miguel beer, despite the temple being a non-alcohol place! After Hashers had regained their strength and the rain showed no sign of stopping, we started our group photo and held the Circle inside the shelter while other guests paid much attention to the group of Hashers! A welcome message from Ringmaster SamSon and a reminder that the Hash runs in any weather, then Hares Basil and SamSon are called to the Circle and Returnee Radio Wave was nominated by Lady D to rate the trail. “The trail is very good but it is short” so he gave 8/10 “BUT” with weather like this plus this is a new trail, Hares were awarded 2 more points to make it 10/10! For Hash Virgins, we had Ms Bich, sponsored by Ms Dung, Chris Hall from Britain who saw a Hash hand-out in a bar, and Mr Tuan who read our story in the local newspaper. After that, Returnee Radio Wave's excuse is: “Holiday” and Kojak is “Working”, both were given the Sinner's cup and Tube of Shame respectively! Then Sinners with Ms Bich for inappropriate footwear, and many Hashers for going the wrong way, and Hare Basil was charged for not marking the trail well: so Down Down for them all! Then we thanked Foodies Mother Teresa, Ms Lucy and Hope Solo for their delicious snacks before we closed the Circle since it is now dark. We are fortunate that our Driver called for another bus to pick us up since his bus had broken down when we had our Group Photo; so when the Circle ended, the new bus is there to pick us up, but sadly the new bus won’t allow drinking inside since it will leave a beer smell! We didn’t announce next week's trail in the Circle, but we announced on the bus that it will be in Minh Dam and probably a "2 trail in 1" run, with Hares SamSon and Basil and also possibly Terminator - watch the NEXT RUN box before Sunday for confirmation, or any changes. Another announcement on the bus was an invitation for everyone to wear Halloween costumes on Sunday, 30 October (run #757). The mismanagement committee will look at awarding prizes for best costume, etc! We'll meet at Hon Ru Ri next Sunday, as usual: 2 pm for 2.30 pm start - in any weather! On On! VTH3 #755 PHOTO GALLERY GPS TRACE AND RUN STATS COURTESY RADIO WAVE:
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