PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MAJOR SPONSOR, SAN MIGUEL! For all San Miguel products in Vung Tau: Ms Dao Email: [email protected] Office phone: 08.39976377 (Mondays thru Fridays, 8am - 5pm) Mobile: 0903 886 899 Home, office, party etc deliveries a specialty! 29 January 2017 BIG MOUNTAIN - "Tet Combo": M90/Waterfall trails Hares: Dr Who, Blondie Hash Flash: Mr Tu Anh (Anthony) Ringmaster: Basil Report: Basil Happy New Year, 2017 year of the Rooster as we entered the Second Day of Tet 29/1. We welcome and wish for all Hashers both present at the run and away a “Happy Running New Year”. We welcomed 33 Hashers who join this Tet run, compare to last year which only 16. We all gathered at Hon Ru Ri at 14:00 P.M. as the coffee shop open to welcome many customers who bring in luck and good fortune to the complex. We start follow the Hare Dr Who, who will lead Hashers to Vi Ba street to start his Chalk-Talk. There, he said everyone will start at M90 trail and when you reach the plateau crossroads (aka "Blondie's corner"), co-Hare Blondie will lead anyone to take the shorter trail while the rest can continue to the Waterfall trail and do two trails combined. Then, it is “On On” to M90 trail; at this time, Basil will help out at the back group since we have 2 new Hashers from Australia who learned about the Hash online, Owen and Eve Evans. As we reached the plateau crossroads, Blondie now led Hashers who want to take the shorter trail and Basil will lead the others to continue to the Waterfall trail. We realize someone has cleaned out all the tall grass as we enter spring, there is no hot weather or rain today, it is a perfect day for the Hash to embrace Tet! The last group has finally come to the road, and we all walk down to the Sugar Cane juice stall for more relax time, then on back to Vi Ba. At this time, Basil will lead the back group to take the short cut through White Villa to save more time and reach Hon Ru Ri at 16:30 P.M. After some refreshment from our major sponsor San Miguel, Basil call the team photo, then the Circle. After the welcome message and congrats to Hash Virgins for completing today’s trail, we welcomed the Hares Dr Who and Blondie, and Uncle who can’t be here today. Mister Kim will rate the trail: a solid “10/10” for New Year Trail, because the trail is challenging enough. Well done Hares! We then welcomed the Hash Virgins, Mr Hai introduced by Ms Dien, and Quynh Anh introduced by her brother, our today’s Hash Flash Mr Tu Anh aka Anthony. Unfortunately, 2 new Hashers Owen and Eve said their goodbyes to the Hash before the Circle since they have other business to attend; hopefully we will see them again. We welcome back Returnees: Black Hawk with his excuse “Leg injury but still go for Hash” and our former Hash Flash Fot tret's excuse “Follow her husband” and her husband Illia's excuse is “Lazy”. Another Returnee, Kojak, disappeared back to work before he was called into the Circle (Down Down next time for absenteeism)! Today is Tet, so instead of Sinners we nominated “Saints” who contribute or doing good deed to the Hash into the Circle and they get the free beer. Mother Teresa with food and Ice Water for always helpful with the drink preparation. Thank you to both of them! And also announcement to the other Hashers who didn’t join last week’s run: because of changed circumstances, VTH3 will not now be joining SH3 and PH3 on the 19th March as earlier proposed; but if anyone is interested, they can check out SH3’s website for more details about that run. With next week we still at Tet; we're hoping all the stores will be reopened before that, but Mismanagement can't take responsibility for things like no plastic cups! And no Hares volunteered to set a new trail so we will re-use some of today’s combo trail; please check the website NEXT RUN box for updates. We’ll meet again next Sunday as usual at Hon Ru Ri, 2 pm for 2.30 pm start. On On! VTH3 #770 PHOTO GALLERY GPS trace of run #770 combo-trails courtesy co-Hare Uncle
(junction between M90 and Waterfall trails shown by black dot)
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