17th June 2018
Nui Dinh - "Pools to Pools"
Hares: Mr. T, Secs, Boozer, Zidane
Hash Flashers: Secs, Radiowave Ringmaster: Boozer Report: Alice!
On Sunday 17th June, 2018, 47 enthusiastic and spritely Hashers, and one dog, arrived at Hon Ru RI on bikes, on foot, on motorbikes and taxis, all ready for a new and exciting expedition! The picturesque and most beautiful Trail No. 842. All the selfie experts were primed with go-go gadget arms and dexterous phone tapping fingers at the ready! Radio Wave armed with his very special camera was snapping away already capturing the bubbly fervor. While all Hash members were registered and accounted for, the HASH mobile had being primed with coolers filled with ice and the very refreshing, effervescent, liquid gold San Migel Beer, non-alcoholic drinks and food for the hungry hoards post exertion. “All aboard!”, we were off to the positively scenic Nui Dinh!
The bus weaved its way through highway, hem and hamlet finally coming to stop at the start of our trail. With everyone off, advice given for the trek and water in hand, the 47 Hashers set off on their 2 hour expedition! The rainy season had brought new life to the forest. A myriad of colourful butterflies, trickling streams, lush flora and flooded sparkling rock pools awaited our passage. The trail started off quite sedately just a few hundred steps, a nice little path that weaved through charming rock pools and up up up up, to the quaint little temple framed with its ponds filled with tadpoles, lily pads and luscious gardens. That’s enough civilization for us! Into the jungle we strode, around huge rocks, up the earthy track, through the dense jungle, down the leafy passage, up yet another rocky incline and another enchanting temple. This one had hidden views! You could feel the selfie adrenaline rising, a massive rock with no safety railing at all but an absolutely stunning view of a huge drop off the side of the mountain that boasted panoramic views of the entire province! Did that stop our intrepid selfie takers? No, not in the least! One by one they carefully squeezed onto the large rock platform to take their best shot. Radio Wave managed to scale another higher rock for the perfect vantage. This was more than Miss Selfie could bare…………….. lift me up, push me, throw me, “you must!”. Nothing is to much for the gallant Radio Wave and before you know it (not really, it took a lot of shoving and pushing!), she was in a state of bliss! “look at me” she exclaimed with glee, “I’m on top of the world!”. All was happy in the Kingdom and they all lived happily ever after ? Was there more? Could anything top that exhilarating experience? Of course, there was! “On ON” they shouted! Back down they trudged, through the temple, down the steps, down the leafy passage, around the huge rocks, down the earthy track, weaving down the rocky path, wading through the jungle, up the, down the, up the, down the, all the while a kaleidoscope of energetic butterflies fluttered to and fro, adding to the already captivating, green, lush landscape. Then down, down, down the stone carved steps to the many marvellous natural rock swimming pools and yet another rocky outcrop over a cliff face that afforded an added extra, another panoramic view. Selfie time! Then a thought occurred…………. The taste buds awakened………… the thirst became the will. Push on, its time for San Migel! Through the forest, past the jungle, over the rocks, down the steps, passed the temple they sprang, “hark, what is that sound? Is it people drinking?”. Time to summon the last of the energy store! The Down-Down! Food, glorious food, refreshments and ice cold San Migel. A chance to compare adventure stories, battle scars and to quietly discuss who had sinned, who were the virgins and who had dared to abstain! “Hashers attention!” time for the Hash summit. The Hares were four, Mr. T, Zindane, Boozer and Secs, a likely bunch of dedicated and daring drovers. “All hale the Hares”. The Virgins were so many and too numerous to count! “All hale the Virgins”. The Returnees Samson, Shakey, Lazy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Dopey (I made up the last four!). The fancy new names four dedicated Hashers, Thao – Golden Fish, Kanh – Lucifer (apparently a good angel in Vietnam folk law) and Giang hereon named Twiggy. Ah, and the Sinners (insert evil laugh) Zidane the Hash Hare had his shorts on the wrong way round when he arrived at the pre meet spot! Twiggy had on sparkly spanking new shoes, far to shiny to go unnoticed! The Ice Queens fulfilled their duty as anointers and the Hash Harker rallied the crew for a rousing rendition of True Blue Hashers! Once more, all was good with the world, the sun was setting in the west and it was time to return from Wonderland. And…………… that’s all folks!
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