31 MAY 2020
Hares: Mr. T, Secs, Zidane, Velkro
Hash Flashers: Chom Chom, Mr. T, Ringmaster: Uncle Report: Uncle
​More than 60 smiling faces gathered at Lily's Baradise on a nicely overcast Sunday afternoon for the widely anticipated trip to Long Son island; with no fewer than 16 junior hashers generating a boisterous reminder that the younger set is thriving in VTH3's 'family Hash' environment!
We dismounted near the lake and hiked uphill along the new'ish concrete road to a growing mountainside restaurant/homestay complex, where Secs' chalk talk reminded parents to look after their children on the tricky downhill section of the trail, and "On On" we went.’ It was a pleasant trail through the undergrowth, with many opportunities for selfies - which spread the pack apart. Most navigated the downhill stretch OK, but some with shorter legs needed a bit of help over the bigger rocks to ensure they stayed upright! Everyone eventually began to arrive at restaurant 999, where the much-anticipated, famous 'Long Son Island Chicken' was cooking nicely and ice-cold drinks were standing by for the thirsty! After a delicious chicken buffet (followed by fruit and freshly cooked banana cake - thanks to the hash foodies!), the team photo was taken and Circle called by duty ringmaster Uncle. Hares Mr T, Secs, Zidane and Velcro were awarded a very appreciative trail score of 17.3, before nearly a dozen Hash Virgins were welcomed into the fold (several family groups included). The Circle closed with mass appreciation for the Foodies (thanks ladies - your efforts and donations are really appreciated!) and then the Junior Hashers, in recognition of Sunday being International Children's Day eve! No news yet about next week's trail, but it will be announced on our website and social media when details are known. Please don't forget to register and help MMC manage the logistics! On On... Explainer – Hashing in Vung Tau: VTH3 moved to a new Hash kennel at Lily’s Baradise (formerly Tommy’s), at 3 Le Ngoc Han, Ward 1, in February. At the same time, a breakaway group was formed as ‘VTCH3’ in a shameful attempt to confuse the situation; it’s regrettable but not surprising that they still haven’t created a separate brand to help potential hashers understand they have a choice in Vung Tau. Meanwhile, the real VTH3’s ongoing story continues on this site and social media, and we also communicate via our official mailing list – to which all friends of VTH3 are welcome (scroll down our home page to HOW TO JOIN US > STEP 3). Footnote: We continue to reassess our activities every week to ensure compliance with the VN government’s latest Covid-19 edicts and advice; we wish all friends and fellow residents of Vung Tau a virus-free journey through these uncertain times – please stay safe!
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